Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 514: Layout of Avionics

However, such people are not bad. Although they spread rumors, their starting point is to protect the core assets of the country from exodus, and they did not make any personal attacks. On the contrary, they made Zhuang Jianye like the king of Chu, Xiang Yu, full of romanticism. Sad color, overall not very offensive.

But the other kind is disgusting, it's how evil it comes.

What Zhuang Jianye has colluded with the Americans inside and outside; what Zhuang Jianye has been doing for good these years; what Takeoff Aviation Corporation itself is a scam; what Zhuang Jianye is preparing to immigrate abroad; what Zhuang Jianye has raised how many secrets (lovers) La……

Anyway, there are only things you can't think of, and there are no public scholars who can't criticize them.

What do you use to get your advantage? Zhuang Jianye, who immigrated abroad, really doesn't care. Anyway, he has so many eyes staring up and down all the way. If he really has a crooked mind, he can still sit firmly in this position? I was invited by the relevant department to have tea long ago, okay?

The problem is that Zhuang Jianye really can't bear the maintenance of the little secret. If it is really wrapped, the key is nothing. As a result, people just took the yellow mud and touched your crotch, and then pulled a group of people and shouted: "Look, that man's crotch is all shit."

If Zhuang Jianye is a bachelor, that’s all. The problem is that Zhuang Jianye is married, and the children are about to drink soy sauce. When the news came out, the whole family's eyes changed when they saw him.

At this time, Zhuang Jianye was offended. He didn't talk harshly, so he went black and white together.

During the day, Luan Heping’s old comrade-in-arms helped to contact law enforcement agencies to check the water meters in some of the most popular homes; at night, the younger brother brought out by Ning Xiaodong was able to toss and toss without hurting others.

In less than a week, although the disgustingly disgusting public knowledge weren't disbanded, they also lost their jobs. They entered the classroom and entered the classroom. In the end, they hurriedly reported and apologized, rather than ruined. The well-known reputation also requires letting go.

Zhuang Jianye may follow this thunder, using Luan Heping's words: "Human Lao Zhuang is a moral benchmark, and our buddy's guiding light, how can we do such a dirty thing? It is guaranteed to be framed, slandered, and slandered~~ ~ Rogue!"

You know that in the 1980s, there were crimes of hooligans. It doesn’t matter if Luan Heping said hooligans. Several people who were desperately fighting finally tasted the parade and were booked on the pillar of historical shame.

As a result, Haiyan Heqing, the public opinion is a new one, even in the arrogant big-name public knowledge, will praise in the media, Zhuang Zhuang is the most cultivated entrepreneur I have ever seen.

Zhuang Jianye simply didn’t bother to take care of this. He was too busy with his business all day, so he didn’t have the free time to talk to a few public knowledge who had gone wrong with the country. He basically gave it to Luan Heping and Song Xiaodong. What should he do? Up.

Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong are more concerned than Zhuang Jianye. This is not only because of the troubles of their brothers, they are obliged to do so, but more importantly, Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong have formed an extensive electronic information equipment around the special zone. The supply chain model requires strong support from Zhuang Jianye.

Specifically, Ning Xiaodong’s import and export trading company undertakes international orders and imports parts and components, processed by Luan Heping’s electronics factory into finished products, and then exported by Ning Xiaodong’s trading company.

Yes, you read that right, it is the so-called three-to-one-compensation foundry model.

It’s just that unlike other similar combinations of companies and trading companies, Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong do not make low-end electronic products such as electronic watches and radios, but assemble telephone switches, instrument displays, and equipment spectrum analyzers. Kind of precision assembly and processing products.

According to Luan Heping’s basis for producing paging station equipment, it would be possible to achieve this level at the earliest in the mid-1990s. If nothing else, the production equipment for this type of product cannot be produced in China, and all need to be imported. This amount of money is so large that the wealth of Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong is not necessarily enough to multiply by two together.

If more than ten years later, Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong had no money to seek bank loans, but in the 1980s, wild private companies like Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong were not allowed to make loans, but the approval procedures were cumbersome. The quota is still very small. Compared with the state-owned enterprises that take money without any limit, they are not even raised by stepmothers.

Even if Luan Heping has a retired old man at the military district level behind it, it is not easy.

If this is put on others, it is estimated that it will be done step by step. The problem is that they have a good buddy named Zhuang Jianye, and the Ascendas Group led by Zhuang Jianye is not only a major customer of China Merchants Bank, but also a major shareholder.

So Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong finally realized what Hao Heng is.

rich? You can't get on the table at all; the person holding the bank in his hand is the real master.

With just an application letter and a shareholder meeting, Luan Heping and Ning Xiaodong received two loans totaling 56 million from China Merchants Bank.

Subsequently, two advanced electronic equipment assembly lines were purchased in Japan and Germany, and then they began to recruit workers. After more than two months of intensive training, they formally put into trial production last month, and received Japanese Toshiba and Mitsubishi in less than half a month. , Panasonic and German Siemens and other first-class manufacturers of instrument and meter assembly orders.

If this level continues, the 56 million loan will be paid off in five years, and it will basically be settled in another half a year. As for the profit, just look at the belly of the two people. Know, absolutely indispensable.

Zhuang Jianye is not only happy to see what he can do, but he also supports with his hands. This is not only because the two are his own brothers, so he can help as much as he can. More importantly, he must lay a solid foundation for the future autonomy of avionics.

You must know that almost all the avionics on Ascendas Group's drones and manned aircrafts come from abroad~lightnovelpub.net~ In contrast, drones are relatively good. Due to special needs, the ministries and commissions organize Relevant enterprises concentrated on tackling key problems and initially completed imitation.

However, this kind of higher-level ministries and commissions takes the lead, and it is not cost-effective and inflexible regardless of cost, and more importantly, it does not conform to market laws.

Special departments such as the Air Force Surveying and Mapping Brigade are all in urgent need. National security is not a matter of cost.

The Kotengfei Group will produce regional passenger jets in the future. What about high-end business jets? How can you compete with foreign brands if you still don’t consider the cost? How to grab excess profits?

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye can't wait to turn avionics into cabbage prices.

Of course, it is not easy to make avionics into cabbage price, which involves all aspects, but in any case, one thing is the most important, and that is the manufacturing capacity. If this is not mastered, everything is useless.

Therefore, mastering the production and manufacturing of advanced electronic equipment is the key to making avionics into cabbage. As for how to achieve this, Zhuang Jianye’s answer is to use the three-to-one-compensation foreign trade model to deploy advanced electronic equipment OEM manufacturers and use the market. And trade allows these companies to compete, optimize and upgrade.