Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 555: International capital

   Zhuang Jianye frowned when he heard the words, picked up the coffee that the waiter had just brought, took a sip and asked, "Is that not optimistic about our Ascendas Group?"

   "It's not that you are not optimistic about the Ascendas Group, but you are not optimistic about your entire country?"

Liszt said, raising his chin toward the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Zhuang Jianye looked over, only to see countless people outside the door of a state-owned department store not far away swarming in, the banknotes in his hand desperately as if they didn’t need money. The salesperson stuffed it in his hand, and then emptied the contents of the container regardless of whether the contents were needed or not.

   As for the young people who rushed away carrying color TVs and washing machines on the street, the aunts with their baskets stuffed with cabbage and salt, and even the children with matches and rubber bands in their pockets were hard to count.

   In fact, it is more than these passers-by. Even Zhuang Jianye's home is like a warehouse. It is piled up like a hamster by his wife Ning Xiaohui and Lao Zhangren Ning Zhishan, so that Zhuang Jianye doesn't know where to put it when he comes home.

That’s it, the two of the family were not satisfied. They called the Aunt Li next door to buy toilet paper enough for three years. The second uncle Wang upstairs got two snake skin [零零看书00kxs] bags of edible salt and made a lot of money. There are still too few things in my own house, and I have to buy and buy when I wake up tomorrow morning.

That's it. Lao Tzu Ning Zhishan handed over 5,000 yuan of coffins to Zhuang Jianye to see if he could get large items such as color TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines, no matter how expensive the flowers are. It's best not to have a penny left.

   In addition, the old man also called Ning Xiaodong and Ning Xiaoxue to give the most severe instructions after retirement. The central idea was to spend, run out, and run out of money in his hands.

   Fortunately, these two brothers and sisters have seen the world, and they didn't follow the old man's words, otherwise the family would be crazy.

But this is no alternative. In 1988, the reform has come to the tenth year, and many things have entered a new stage. The reform projects that had been tasted in the past had to be adjusted, and some areas even had to be changed. .

   Among them is the most sensitive price reform.

   Due to the long-term implementation of the planned economy, domestic prices have always been in accordance with the state's guidance prices, but this has also led to excessive administrative intervention and insufficient flexibility.

   So starting in 1984, the state proposed the "dual price system" reform in accordance with the national guidance price within the plan and the market adjustment mechanism outside the plan.

At first, the effect of this gradual reform was not bad, but soon someone with a keen sense of smell discovered the huge loopholes in the dual-track price system and started a business of reselling and buying. Soon this trend intensified in China. The term characteristic of the rich era appeared at that time, and was compiled by the masses of people, "One billion people fall down to 900 million, and there are 100 million people looking for it." Many vicious cases have inevitably spawned behind this.

   So the country proposed price reforms at the end of 1987, and in 1988 it even called for the abolition of the "dual track system", the full liberalization of prices, and the "one-step" type of "price breakthrough".

   The starting point of the reform is good, but this "one-step implementation" has obviously underestimated the economic laws, that is, the long-term planned economy has led to long-term low-price operation of commodities, and inflation has been artificially suppressed.

   It's like a pressure cooker, the fire of economic law keeps burning, the artificial lid is held down to nothing, but once it is suddenly opened, the whole pot has to be exploded into the sky.

   After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia and Eastern European countries were prepared to completely liberalize prices in one step and embrace the market economy. As a result, the Soviet Union’s decades-old foundation was completely blown up.

  Before them, there was an explosion in China in 1988.

   Prices rushed straight up just like riding on a rocket. The banknotes in the hands of the people quickly became worthless. In contrast, various products were more valuable, so large-scale panic buying swept the country.

   The economic chaos caused by this is self-evident. Although Ascendas Group has not suffered the impact of panic buying, the prices of raw materials continue to rise, and the money in its hands has depreciated like mercury, which also caused Ascendas Group to encounter unprecedented financial difficulties.

   This is because Zhuang Jianye has continuously reduced its scale, divested its main business, reduced the scale of debt, and continuously increased corporate liquidity in order to barely maintain the current basic market.

   If it expands like other factories, borrows money, and falls into a triangular debt pit, can Zhuang Jianye still drink coffee here? His mouth was full of fire a long time ago.

However, the cash flow of Ascendas Group is still tight. The higher-level ministries and committees are not in a hurry, but the money that can be used has depreciated before being sent to the company. In addition, the prices of various raw materials have risen and varied. This kind of shortage, even if the company gets the money, it has little effect.

   But what about introducing other hard currencies?

   seems to be one of the feasible ways, but international capital...

"Zhuang, since I left McDonnell Douglas, I have focused on investment in China. Aside from everything, we only talk about economic benefits. At this time, China is not a good investment destination because there is a lot of uncertainty here. , We don’t know how long the inflation here will last. The investors behind me are very rich, but as you Chinese often say, their money is not windy, and we invest to make money. The timing is good, of course we will vote, but now..."

Looking at Zhuang Jianye, who had been looking out the window, put down the coffee in his hand, and said something that seemed to be true. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was really cruel, and shrugged helplessly, saying that it is not a good investment. opportunity.

  Zhuang Jianye turned his head and looked at the opposite. The capital broker who left McDonnell Douglas not long ago and began to focus on representing American capital to invest in China, smiled slightly: "Then when is a good opportunity for you?"

"Let’s observe at least another six months, because the uncertainty caused by severe inflation is too big to be imagined by ordinary people. Of course, Ascendas Group has always been the subject of my introduction, and your ability has also been obtained. The investors behind me recognize that, as long as you agree, we can inject capital into Ascendas Group at a premium of 30% on the basis of the 400 million U.S. dollar quotation."

   "In exchange for 20% of the shares?"

   "No...Zhuang, it's 40%, of which 10% is for you." Liszt shook his head, quite the style of a capital boss.

  Zhuang Jianye didn't expect the other party to be so generous, and instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars in real money, he instead gave himself 10% of the shares. What is it going to do? Train yourself to be an oligarch in the domestic aviation industry?

   For a moment, Zhuang Jianye was full of emotions, that is, at home, if he was in Russia, he might nod his head, and called out Capital Dad Ula~~.

   "How about, Zhuang? Do you want to think about it?" Liszt looked at Zhuang Jianye on the opposite side playfully, and Zhuang Jianye nodded with a smile: "Well, I will consider it seriously."

   "Well, I'll leave for a while later." Liszt greeted him politely, got up and picked up his coat, passed by Zhuang Jianye, and then strode away.

   Zhuang Jianye, who turned his back to Liszt, gradually dissipated the smile on his face, and his eyes were cold...