Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 571: Favor

However, the indifference of the leaders of Army Aviation did not dispel Yodel’s positive attitude, so that even his assistants were a little unable to do it, and he deliberatedly persuaded him: “Sir, it’s just an alternative helicopter produced by China, so ..."

"So you don't think it's necessary to be so careful about flattering the Chinese, do you?" After hearing this, the assistant named Hans nodded quickly, and Jodel smiled when he saw this: "So, you have been in the company for more than three years, still It is not unreasonable that there is no outstanding performance. First of all, we must make it clear that everything we do is for the company to make profits, because of this..."

Talking about Jodel’s smile instantly diminished, he looked at Hans coldly: "Take away your narrow nationalism, that thing is not for food, and it can never be used for money."

Hans was shocked by Jodell's sudden reprimand, only to realize that besides being the technical director of Leipzig Maintenance Outsourcing Company, Jodell was also a senior partner of the company.

In other words, the interests of the company are directly related to the personal wealth of Yodel.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Yordel wants to obtain the production license of the "small forklift" helicopter, which is the engineering helicopter market among the infrastructure projects with extremely high profit margins.

We must know that there is no one in this market today. Relying on the refurbished S-64, the aerial crane, which has been retired by the US military, it has almost monopolized the engineering lifting and transportation business of complex terrain.

Seize unimaginable excess profits for the United States and its affiliated engineering companies.

In this way, European engineering companies are particularly jealous, especially Germany. As a major producer of engineering equipment in the world, German engineering companies are also world-renowned, and there are countless important projects participating in bidding.

However, with the rise of Japan and South Korea, and the control of the United States at the head, the competitive advantage of German engineering companies is declining. However, as the so-called skinny camel is bigger than the horse, Germany does not have the good old foundation, as long as it is slightly integrated. , Without all shortcomings, the ability can still crush the common people.

The engineering helicopter is one of the tools to narrow the gap with the American head engineering company.

If you switch to other models, Yordel would not be so on the pole. The reason is simple. Europe is not a good area for helicopter production and manufacturing. Even if it is not comparable to the United States and the Soviet Union, it is more than enough to hit China.

The problem is that not only the tonnage of Eurocopter is generally small, but all of them are mainly carried by the cockpit. The external suspension is not bad, but the general lifting capacity is weak.

If this is not the case, European countries do not need to import American heavy-duty transport helicopters such as the Chinook and Sea Stallion from the United States. After all, they are still inferior in helicopter technology.

However, if heavy military transport helicopters such as "Chinook" or "Sea Stallion" are used for engineering hoisting, the cost is obviously not worthwhile. If a special engineering helicopter like S-64 and aerial crane is used, the previous design, The R&D investment is not a small figure. In addition, the number of such special engineering helicopters is not too large, it is difficult to dilute the cost, and there is a great risk of uncertainty. Therefore, even if it is proposed, it will be largely affected by the board of directors or behind Whether investors give it away.

However, by purchasing Ascendas Group’s "small forklift" helicopter, everything will be solved.

First, the huge design and research and development costs in the early stage have been fully borne by the Chinese; secondly, judging from the landing process of the previous five "small forklift" helicopters, the overall performance is not bad.

Finally, and the most important point, that is that the Chinese economy is now in the recovery stage, and it is in urgent need of the injection and export of external funds. At this time, the Leipzig maintenance outsourcing company will intervene, and it is very likely and its cost-effective way to obtain "small forklifts". Production license for helicopters.

Needless to say, it is a good choice to help the Chinese military maintain the S-70 helicopter at a low price in exchange for the production license of the "small forklift" helicopter.

If it can be done, even if only a maintenance fee of one million dollars is charged, the Leipzig maintenance outsourcing company will definitely make a lot of money.

What Hans said was an old man who had been in the company for three or four years. Even though his eyesight was a bit narrow, his professional experience for so many years made him quickly understand what Jodel meant. He immediately looked a little sad, thinking Explain a few words to Yodel, and when he looked up, he didn't know when he was gone.

Turning around, I found that Yordel was just like a diehard fan of the star-chasing transition, beside Zhuang Jianye who had just left the hangar, with rich expressions and agile body language talking to the head of the Ascendas Group. What, but Zhuang Jianye just nodded with a smile, and occasionally dealt with a few sentences, obviously not taking what Yodel said seriously.

But Yordel never gave up. Instead, his enthusiasm grew even higher, like a fire that could really burn the entire desert.

I don’t know if I was really moved by Yodel’s sincerity or simply being entangled. I saw Zhuang Jianye suddenly stopped and said something, and then Yodel’s long face with a long hairy beard immediately bloomed. Chrysanthemum still smiled warmly, nodded excitedly, and beckoned to Hans.

Immediately ran all the way, shouting as he ran, "Quick, Hans, get ready for the car. We are going to a county in the southwest. This is a good opportunity to get close to the application of the ‘small forklift’ helicopter."

Hans was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately looked at his watch: "Sir, then our lunch..."

"Just eat some biscuits, time waits for no one. We still have an hour and a half before hoisting at two o'clock. We have to hurry up." Yordel looked a little impatient. Hans wanted to say something, but you can watch Yordel wait for it. The appearance of wings flying past, I still shut my mouth~lightnovelpub.net~ I don’t mention how Yodel was looking for a car, and how he bumped all the way to the construction site of a high-voltage power transmission and transformation in a county in the southwest, just after lunch. Zhuang Jianye, the head of the landing voyage and several leaders boarded an S-70 helicopter, took off slowly, and then turned a semicircle in the air and flew toward the power transmission and transformation construction site.

When the plane was completely stable, accompanied by the noisy roar of the turboshaft engine, the head of the Army Aviation sitting opposite suddenly asked: "Xiao Zhuang, what does Yodel mean?"

"I just think that our'little forklift' helicopter meets the needs of some of their German departments. I hope to purchase this helicopter. If possible, it would be better to introduce the production line to Germany. To be honest, I was quite surprised. Forklift helicopters can be favored by Germans.

But then again, the development process of Ascendas Group has been the same for so many years, and the products are all blooming in the wall and red outside the wall... There is no way, if it is impossible, we can only sell the production line, oh... to be honest, Chief, our Ascendas Group has been unable to unravel in recent years~~~"

The chief of Army Aviation was fine at first, but at the end of hearing, his old face trembled and he started to twitch.