Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 595: Who thought of this idea

The head of the headquarters can run around the exercise field without any pressure to check the details of the actual combat exercise. As for the red and blue sides fighting together, the pressure does increase sharply over time.

Needless to say, the Red Army commanded by Zheng Quanli is divided and surrounded by the Blue Army. The only formed unit is still retreating. Although relying on the attack from the bottom of the pressure box-2 UAVs attacked the airfield and artillery positions behind the Red Army. The army’s firepower has been delayed, reducing its frontal pressure, but the blue army’s armored assault and electronic warfare capabilities have not been lost, and it can still launch a fierce attack on the red army.

Therefore, Zheng Quanli and his airborne troops can only withdraw while fighting.

The onslaught of the blue army was equally uncomfortable. The combination of air defense firepower and electronic warfare did not stop the weird aircraft, causing the rear airfield and artillery positions to be attacked. The original powerful blue army was like a tiger with broken teeth, although fierce, He is irritable, but his attacking power is always insufficient.

This can be seen from the gradual anxiousness of the two sides in the wide exercise field. If artillery and air strikes can follow up, there is no need to reduce the space of the Red Army and directly cover the fire to solve the battle. But now, there is a lack of firepower delivery cooperation. , The blue army can only choose the tactics of close combat, hoping to use stronger armor than the paratroopers to beat the last line of defense.

For this reason, the Blues did not hesitate to press part of the reserve team, and took a desperate posture to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

No way, because there is really not much time left for the Blues.

I have to say that the blue army commander’s old regimental leader’s judgment is still very accurate. The airborne troops are desperate to attack the airport and artillery positions, not to reduce their own pressure, but to clear obstacles for follow-up support.

Otherwise, the air force and the artillery will fight a few times together, and they will reinforce the army and deliver food.

Because of this, when the airfield and artillery positions were attacked after receiving the attack, the old regiment commander immediately put that weird aircraft aside and mobilized a part of the reserve team to launch a fierce attack on the Zheng Quanli Group.

The aim was to completely wipe out Zheng Quanli's subordinates before the arrival of the Red Army reinforcements.

"Hey~~~ Is it Sanlian? Yes, you must insert it to the right, and you must rush directly."

"Sixth Company, do you know what a storm is called? Don't be afraid of casualties..."

"Okay, guard the 107 high ground, seal the red army's retreat channel, understand that the self-propelled artillery will follow up immediately and will give you strong fire support..."


There is a lot of noise in the blue army command center. Calls and answers from various telephones, telegraphs, and communication equipment are one after another. Combat staff come and go, conveying the command team's orders and determination one by one.

The old head possessed himself and looked at the huge map on the desktop. The red and blue pencil in his hand lit a long and narrow encircling circle similar to the protrusion, and then he spread the blue pencil around on the 107 high ground. He clicked heavily and ordered. : "The point is still on 107 Heights. Where is the self-propelled artillery battalion?"

"Here, near Highland 56." A staff officer quickly pointed to the location on the map.

"There are more than 20 kilometers left..."

The old regimental commander only took a glance to calculate the specific distance. Then he rubbed the scum on his chin and thought about the situation report sent by the director department not long ago. The air force of the supporting paratroopers was judged to be completely lost by the director department. .

In other words, the airborne and airdrops that the paratroopers rely on the most are not cursed, and they have become completely light infantry. This makes the old regimental leader with blood in his heart somewhat better because of the attack on the airport and artillery positions. At the same time, he is more assured of the current combat situation.

You know that putting aside the mess, and relying solely on the strength of the land, the blue army under him is still powerful and trembling.

So about half a minute later, the old regimental commander finally made up his mind: “You don’t need to transfer a company to let all the self-propelled artillery battalion pass. Tell their battalion commander that Zheng Quanli’s department should be sealed anyway.”

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the combat staff hurriedly stood at attention and turned around to convey it, but before stepping out a few steps, a staff officer rushed in hurriedly, letting everyone in the headquarters freeze on the spot with just one sentence: "The 107 highland is lost. Zheng Quanli's office is retreating to the 27th area along Highway 217."


A reinforced company, plus two reconnaissance platoons composed of a defensive force, relying on the terrain advantage to face light infantry like airborne troops, can it last for half an hour?

How long is this? Lost in less than 15 minutes?

"Asshole! What did the commander of 107 Heights do!"

Suddenly the old leader threw the red and blue pencils in his hand to the ground, and he came up with a violent temper. He didn't know how much work he took to catch Zheng Quanli's department, and finally caught it and prepared to eat it. As a result, as soon as the hole was put in, it was broken, and the old leader couldn't even think about it.

"Where to call me, I want to ask how their half of the battalion is made."

The old regimental commander was so angry that he circled in front of the map. The staff members immediately contacted and quickly connected to the call of the commander of 107 Heights. The old regimental commander was not polite after taking the microphone and asked directly: "Five minutes Take it back?"

Not even asking about the situation, it can be seen that the old head is really anxious.

The commander on the other end of the phone swallowed, and was just about to express his determination, but before he could say "bang~~bang~~bang~~~" the explosion sounded all over his body.

Then the old regimental commander heard the crying voice of the member at that location: "The firepower is covered, and their airborne troops are covered by a few rotten mortars? I can bear it when I am covered by fire at 107 Heights, and I am scattered. It’s arranged, tell me, how can they be able to cover it?"

Hearing this~lightnovelpub.net~ the old head was taken aback. Just as he was about to ask, he heard another indisputable voice on the phone: "The fire coverage on the 107 high ground is indeed paratroopers. The army’s artillery did it. Don’t ask how the artillery came from. We don’t know why; but the fire coverage this time is really not done by the artillery of the airborne troops, but by the aircraft in the sky. Alright, stop the ink, you are a dead person. If you have questions, you will have time to ask after the exercise is over."

Before the voice was over, the old regiment leader heard someone pick up the microphone and hello~~ he said casually: "The commander here was blown to death, and the headquarters lost three-quarters."

After speaking, he hung up with a snap.

The old group leader just grabbed the microphone in such a daze, an old face drew straight. aircraft? What is going on?


The head of the headquarters who was observing the area where the two sides were at war was also stunned. Through the telescope, he looked at the fuselage in the sky with the words "Pickup in the air, domestically produced products; take off and open air, the mission must be achieved." It took a long time to ease, and then turned his head to look at the accompanying person beside him and asked, "Who thought about installing a grenade launcher on the plane?"