Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 661: Yo who came with full sincerity

The Air Force invests the money in the Ascendas Group for the research and development of the "Costin" project. Other aspects are naturally more important. After all, it means breaking a penny into several petals. But for large-scale projects, the money is really a carrot. Pit, only the more, the more, the better, and one less point can be used up.

As a domestic aviation manufacturer that has made achievements in two blank aircraft, advanced light transport aircraft and medium and short-range regional passenger aircraft, its importance to the future national security and national economic development is self-evident.

Therefore, to increase support and expand investment intensity has become a sparing choice for the military and even higher national levels.

It’s just that the financial resources of both the country and the army are limited at this time, especially for the army. The arduous endurance period has not passed. After a large amount of special funds is invested in the research and development of the "Costin" project, its own procurement will naturally be delayed. slow.

Because of this, Dangyun 15 and Yun 15plus passed the review and formally finalized, and the Air Force only purchased 6 Yun 15 and 4 Yun 15plus.

As the commander of the airborne troops, Zheng Quanli was naturally aware of the doorways inside, but he still had to complain when he saw Xue Weidong, who was closely related to the headquarters.

As the so-called crying baby has milk to eat, there are some things that can be done sullenly, but some things just need to be said to let the above know your difficulties and your urgent needs.

Of course, Xue Weidong, who has work experience in the headquarters, also understands what Zheng Quanli is thinking. You must know that when he was with the head of the old headquarters, there were more "children" who could cry and knew how to cry than Zheng Quanli. Zheng Quanli's deeds are worse at this point. It's far.

So Xue Weidong moved the topic from the purchase of 15plus to the exercise itself in a few sentences. After all, this exercise is for others to see. Naturally, the effect must be estimated. Otherwise, the headquarters will spend so much effort to protect the airborne troops. The Y-15 series light transport aircraft used were all taken out, and six improved An-26 subordinates of civil aviation were also mobilized.

Isn't it just to make some people look sour.

Therefore, the two discussed in private for a while. When the exercise was over, Xue Weidong secretly called a few interpreters over and asked about the reaction of military observers from various countries. The others were okay. The one who was with Singh and Godopai before. What the interpreter said was an excitement.

Especially when Singer watched the Yun-15plus unload the 86-type infantry fighting vehicle, he was surprised to learn how to pull off a bunch of beards.

It caused Xue Weidong, Zheng Quanli and others to laugh.

"The chief, to be honest, I have been an interpreter for almost three years, but when I was not so relieved, they used to say that we can’t do this, that’s not good. The car, directly scared those guys. Now they can’t understand how we did it. They are praying for what their gods will say."

After everyone laughed, the translator spoke again. Xue Weidong nodded, and then patted the translator who was wearing a thick military coat with a thick plateau red on his cheeks: "Don't worry, when they are scared in the future. Even more, even if their gods or ghosts come together, they will also be scared to death!"

When these words came out, everyone burst into laughter again. Xue Weidong smiled and glanced among the interpreters, and then asked suspiciously: "Where is Xiao Zhao in charge of Pakistan?"

Only after hearing that a few people noticed that Xiao Zhao, who was following the Pakistani military observer, did not come with them. When everyone was puzzled, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the tent where they gathered: "Report!"

"Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there."

Xue Weidong was familiar with this voice. It was Xiao Zhao he was looking for. He joked and said to the outside: "Please come in."

The tent was opened, and a young man in his twenties, not tall, but very energetic, stepped in. It was Xiao Zhao, the translator in charge of Pakistani military observers.

It's just that unlike the other translators who were passionate and motivated by the airlift just now, Xiao Zhao had his head drooped, his face full of frustration.

This surprised everyone present, especially Xue Weidong. Xiao Zhao was recruited from the Foreign Languages ​​Institute of the Army. He knew that this young man was very sunny and had a natural energy that would not be hit. But now it is like frost. What happened to the beaten eggplant? Lost in love?

"Xiao Zhao, you are..."

"Chief, I may have made a very serious mistake!"

Xue Weidong just asked, but before he could say everything completely, Xiao Zhao lowered his head and walked in front of him, saying that he was confessing his mistake. Now Xue Weidong is even more confused by Monk Zhang Er, serious mistake? How serious is it? Could it be that this second criminal has beaten a Pakistani military observer?

When Xue Weidong was thinking about it, he heard Xiao Zhao continue to say: "At that time, the Pakistani military observer, Major General Zarif, asked me how much 15plus was shipped, and I said it was expensive; he asked how expensive it was, and he wanted to buy it; I said The army has a rule that military supplies cannot be bought and sold privately; then...then...then...he left, and then I realized that Pakistan took a fancy to our transport plane, and as a result...the result was... , Woo woo~~~"

Xiao Zhao couldn't control it at the end, crying with the baby in his month. He was a child from a poverty-stricken area in Northwest China. He was admitted to the Army Foreign Languages ​​Academy through hard work. He had nothing to say about his profession, otherwise he would not. Let Xue Weidong take a fancy.

But because there is little contact with the society, there is a lack of flexibility.

This is nothing at first. After all, the troop is a principled place. In addition, the original intention of this strategic projection exercise is to show others. There is no other intention in it, so the response script prepared for these translators in advance is only Something about the exercise itself.

As a result, Zarif said abruptly, do you sell this transport plane? I want to buy!

Completely outside the script, it is a big problem for the super class!

It's like someone went to a small shop. The boss thought he was here to buy something, but he came to do the demolition. How did the boss answer? Is it possible to throw two packs of cigarettes and tell them to come back tomorrow?

So Xiao Zhao was confused at the time, and then treated Zarif as a general public. After the reaction, everyone was gone, and he realized that he might have made a big mistake.

However, Xue Weidong was surprised when he heard this, and quickly looked at Zheng Quanli, who was also nervous, and both of them saw in each other's eyes a joy called unintentionally inserted willows into the willow!


A few days later, Xiping, the family area of ​​Ascendas Group.

Zhuang Jianye had just gone home with Ning Xiaohui after the check-up, and then helped his wife to lie down in the bedroom, and returned to the living room to supervise Dudu and write homework for a while. After checking the time, he picked up his apron and prepared to make dinner in the kitchen. Ready to start with pork belly, the phone in the living room rang.

Dudu picked up the phone like an adult~lightnovelpub.net~ very smoothly telling them that their parents are not there, and they will wait for them to come back.

As a result, I heard Lin Guanghua’s angry and funny voice on the other end of the phone: "Don’t come here with your Uncle Lin. I asked for your dad’s fake. Let him answer the phone quickly. There is something urgent."

Hearing that it was Uncle Lin, Dudu immediately yelled at the kitchen: "Dad, it's Uncle Lin, saying that I'm looking for you in a hurry."

At this time, Zhuang Jianye had come out of the kitchen, rubbing his hand on his apron indiscriminately, and then picked up the phone: "What's the matter? I'm so worried."

"There is inspection!"

"Inspect, just accompany you. There is a process for everything you should see and what should not be overlooked."

"If it's normal, I won't look for you. I know that boss Ning is about to give birth, but this time is different..." Lin Guanghua's tone was rather helpless, but the next words made Zhuang Jianye open his mouth in surprise: "Because This time the Pakistani military came here deliberately. I heard from insiders in the capital that they came with full sincerity this time!"