Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 754: Dimensionality reduction

Just when Zhuang Jianye was wondering how he had offended the head of the headquarters again, the eldest brother in his hand pooped again, and he heard the call from the head of the headquarters, but before Zhuang Jianye could explain anything, he heard the head of the headquarters like eating. He said without a good voice like a gun, "Tell you, this time I left my old face to help you find the person. If you can't grasp it, don't blame others."

After speaking, he hung up with a snap again.

Zhuang Jianye, who had put down his eldest brother, waited for five to six minutes to see that his elder brother hadn’t moved, knowing that the head of the headquarters had completely ended the call this time.

Then I picked up the eldest brother, pulled out the special charger, plugged it in, then sat down on the sofa, touched his pocket, found an unopened pack of cigarettes, opened it, took out one, and clicked it on. Looking at the stars in the sky outside the window, he took a silent sip.

If anyone sees Zhuang Jianye here, he will be surprised, because Zhuang Jianye doesn't smoke unless...under pressure, he has to use the nicotine in the cigarette to numb his tight nerves.

At this moment, Zhuang Jianye, who smokes silently, has indeed encountered the intersection of life and death, not now, but in the future.

The reason is simple. The share of gas turbines of Ascendas Group in the past two years has fallen to the bottom in a free-falling attitude. In the face of the passive situation of aviation power competition at home and abroad, it will be even more helpless.

It is very likely to repeat the mistakes of the gas turbine business, causing the huge investment in take-off aviation power to gradually be hanged alive in the internal and external strangulation.

Yes, the cold/heating and power combined system, which was jointly developed with the Yuanli Plant a few years ago, with Ascendas Group's d-20 and d-30 gas turbine power plants as the core has only been on fire for less than two years, and has ushered abroad. Competitors.

American ge, Pratt & Whitney; British Rolls-Royce; German mtu, Siemens, Japan’s Mitsubishi and other gas turbine production giants, like hungry wolves smelling blood, all pounce on China’s economy in the next ten years The market with the greatest growth potential.

In this regard, the backward domestic companies were unable to compete with foreign brands. Soon large and heavy industrial gas turbines in large-scale electric power, ship power, heavy chemical industry, and oil extraction sectors were completely monopolized by foreign companies.

At that time, Ascendas Group did not have the production capacity of large and heavy gas turbines, but it was optimistic about the application of small gas turbines in electric power, chemical industry, offshore oil exploration, petroleum exploration, chemical thermal cycle, and iron and steel industry thermal cycle.

Prepare to rely on the d-20 and d-30 gas turbine power plants to occupy these market segments first, and then slowly develop in the direction of large or heavy gas turbines.

In conjunction with its own research and development of aero engines, a benign development model in which aviation development and industrial gas turbines complement each other and promote each other is formed.

At the beginning, this idea was really good. Ascendas Group successively won orders for gas turbine power plants for major projects such as the large-scale coking project in Northwest Shanxi, the Bohai Bay No. 1 drilling platform, and the second transformation project of Anshan Iron and Steel.

Together with the Yuanli factory and other supporting factories, in the three years from 1985 to 1988, it really has a good reputation in this subdivision field.

Ascendas Aviation Power also relies on the large-scale industrial application of two-type gas turbine power units, and gradually polishes and matures in production, technology, materials and design, so as to apply these mature experiences to aviation such as wd-20 and wd-30. As for the engine, the Ascendas Group has so far the most mature aircraft model, and it also laid the foundation for the subsequent advent of the D-40 and D-50.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After ge and other international gas turbine giants carve up the domestic large and heavy industrial gas turbine market, they immediately sank their products and began to seize the small and medium gas turbine market.

Naturally, Ascendas Group, which already has a market foundation, cannot give in. It has been competing fiercely with foreign brands in this field since the first half of 1989.

After several confrontations, Ascendas Group has retained its market share with its own technology and strong government background, but how can giants such as ge watch the rise of another giant? After all, there are already a lot of international industrial gas turbine giants. One more money they still make ass.

So after repeated battles to no avail, ge and other giants began a joint action, first reducing the price of small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines to the cost line of similar products of Ascendas Group, starting a crazy price war.

Then actively cooperate with similar domestic manufacturers to allow its small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines to be produced in China.

Finally, there are public relations and slanders regardless of cost. Gas turbines are just like car engines. No matter how good they are, there will be such and other small problems. Giants such as ge grab this point. As long as the units that use Ascendas products are slightly out of place If you have a problem, just buckle the pot directly on the head of the d-20 and d-30 gas turbine power plants.

Talk about how these two gas turbines are technically immature, how poor their performance is, how their power is not up to standard, and so on. Then there are countless black technologies listed, how well their own products are, how powerful they are.

In this way, the small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines of Ascendas Group will soon be overwhelmed. There is no way for Ascendas Group to dominate the country, but even the younger brother is not even a big man.

Regardless of other things, just talk about technology accumulation, ge and other giants have been at least more than half a century, how many Ascendas Group? It is less than ten years since the twenty-third branch.

Therefore, technically it can’t be compared with others at all~lightnovelpub.net~ You must know that the gas turbine of other people's industrial gas turbine can work normally for 30 years under normal load; Ascendas Group can only run for less than 10 years. Less than one-third of others, properly technically crushed.

This alone is a dimensionality reduction attack, let alone a comprehensive, three-dimensional encirclement and suppression.

Even though Zhuang Jianye was capable, well-connected, and energetic, in front of the giant's Tathagata palm, he might not even count as an escaped monkey. He slapped him half-dead with a slap.

Since the end of 1989, the industrial gas turbines under Ascendas Group have never successfully bid for important domestic industrial projects.

Other cooperative enterprises have also changed and changed, and lost everything. They all used foreign industrial gas turbines with better performance and cheaper prices. As a result, the industrial gas turbine business of Ascendas Group has fallen to the bottom. More than a dozen related supporting plants in the industrial gas turbine business are also in trouble again.

If the Ascendas Group fails to establish itself, not only will more than a dozen related supporting factories close their doors, even this business may become a swan song and become the most failed business since the establishment of Ascendas Group.