Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 811: Is this TM done by humans?

Just when Zhuang Jianye flew to Xiangzhou on a TM-9 high-end business jet designated by Ascendas Airlines, it was located on the surrounding island off the coast of eastern Zhejiang. The captain of the 8,000-ton Japanese bulk carrier Kanto Zhuomaru, Jingye Heifu, faced the heavy rain. Looking at the scene in the port can be said to cry without tears.

Kanto Cooking Maru is a bulk carrier of Japan United Shipping Company, which is mainly responsible for the shipping business of cheap industrial products and basic industrial raw materials between Japan, China and Southeast Asia.

In mid-September, a whole ship of natural rubber was loaded from Manila Port in the Philippines, and it was ready to be shipped to Japanese enterprises in Shandong Province, China for primary industrial processing, and then from Shandong Province to carry tires and universals for the Japanese domestic automobile industry. Parts such as festivals, interior decorations, etc. returned to Japan.

All this was planned well. The captain Jing Ye Heifu and other crew members are veterans of this triangle trade route. They are experienced veterans who have performed shipping tasks for many years.

Because of this, when they encountered a typhoon on the way, Jingye Heifu and others were not nervous, but changed their course and prepared to stay anchored in the open sea close to the land to avoid the wind. When the typhoon center passed, they continued to move forward.

However, I don’t know if it’s God's joking or deliberately testing Jingye Heifu, the experienced Japanese sailors, who originally forecasted Typhoon No. 11, which was going northward from the 120 kilometers east of the Yangtze River Delta, suddenly turned at night, and then it was like a **** thrown down. The ball quickly and arrogantly hit the Yangtze River Delta.

In this way, it is obvious that there is no way to stay in the open sea to avoid the typhoon that hits, and you can only find a port to escape. The problem is that Silent Night Hefu was trying to save trouble at the time, and he had a special trust in the typhoon forecast, which made Kanto Chumaru’s berthing location to the nearest port. At least 80 kilometers.

In normal times, it doesn't matter. A full rudder accelerates and it doesn't take much time. But when the typhoon is approaching, the tide has already surged, but the 80 kilometers are like a moat, full of unknowns and risks.

In desperation, Jingye Heifu could only apply to the maritime department urgently, hoping to moor at the nearby Wharf Island Pier for shelter.

After obtaining permission, he acted immediately. However, Jingye Heifu moved faster and the typhoon moved even faster. Before Jingye Heifu manipulated the Kanto Cooking Maru to reach Huansi Island 20 kilometers away, Typhoon No. 11 swept over.

Jingye Heifu tried his best and finally leaned towards the pier around the island, but the force of the typhoon was too great, and he directly pushed the Odono Maru towards the small pier and ran over.

As the so-called sea borrows the wind, the wind pushes the boats, and the 8,000-ton Oden boiled maru has a mass of 8,000 tons. This time, not only the seven or eight fishing boats leaning at the pier to shelter from the wind are squeezed ashore, even the Kanto boiled maru is also being dragged by the wind and waves. Half of the hull was photographed on the pier.

As a result, the oden-boiled pills from Japan, China, and Southeast Asia ran aground. That’s all. What’s more serious is that the huge impact force caused serious damage to the power cabin, the shaft stuck and could not work, and the backflow of the pouring rain. The battery was soaked and scrapped, resulting in the complete scrapping of the entire ship's power system, communication system, and lifesaving system.

To put it bluntly, today's oden **** are just a scrap iron shell.

Let’s not talk about the liquidated damages caused by the delayed payment of the goods, but the loss of the oden-boiled pill itself is a large number. As the captain of the night, it is not a big deal.

That is to say, in the 1990s, Japan did not have the urge to cut abdomen and commit suicide like the Bushido in the first half of the 20th century.

But this is the case, all kinds of suicidal thoughts are also involuntarily flickering in the quiet night black man's subconscious.

Fortunately, Xia Baoan, the village party secretary who was looking around the island, didn't know what Jing Ye Heifu thought, otherwise, the old man would definitely point to the cliff at the east end of the island and let the offspring of this little devil jump down from where.

Yes, Mr. Xia really wished to throw the quiet night black man who was dazed and bewildered in the heavy rain directly into the sea to feed the bastard.

Is this TM done by humans?

The entire island is surrounded by cliffs on one side and reefs on both sides. Only the southeast corner can be used for ships to enter and exit. In the mid-1980s, fishermen on the island raised funds to build a wharf. In addition to facilitating fishing at sea, it can also strengthen ties with the mainland. After all, fishermen The daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil and salt have to be replenished from land.

As a result, a typhoon brought not only wind and rain, but also a super big iron Hanhan, so the only wharf on the small fisherman island around Sidao was destroyed. The 8,000-ton big guy blocked the entire island completely.

There is no shortage of fish around the island, and there is no shortage of the lively seafood that the inland people admire, but there is a shortage of food, fuel, medicine and other necessary living materials.

Normally, it’s okay. The problem is that the surrounding island was rubbed on the ground by a typhoon. It was when supplies were urgently needed. As a result, the wharf was abandoned. This is not a problem of blocking people’s money, but of blocking people’s way to survive. La!

So don't mention Xia Baoan's hatred of Jingye Heifu.

That is to say, now that the reform and opening up policy is good, if it is during the Anti-Japanese War, Xia Baolong will surely rush over with all the old and young people in the village holding kitchen knives.

"Uncle Baoan, Uncle Baoan~~~"

Just as Xia Baoan was standing on the roof of the village committee, staring at the Tiehanhan that blocked the pier, it was both resentful and helpless, and finally had no choice but to sigh and sigh, the village accountant Gaihua hurried over. .

Xia Baoan’s eyes lit up, and he quickly leaned over at Gai Hua below and shouted: "How about? Have you contacted the outside world?"

"No!" Gaihua wiped the rain off his face: "I let the Li family's second child go to see it before, and all the telephone poles in the village fell ~ lightnovelpub.net~ The telephone lines were all broken, and I still I went to Widow Wang’s house to see if her eldest brother was doing well, but the result was nothing but a brick. It’s better to beat up his little bunny than to make a phone call."

Hearing this, Xia Baolong's old face was hard to look at. The phone could not be connected, his eldest brother became a brick, the dock was blocked again, and the supplies on the island would be exhausted within three days, so he stared at Gai without a good voice. Hua glanced: "If you can't get in touch, what are you excited about? It depends on your virtues. If you don't know, you think you have found a way out of the island."

Gai Hua’s madness for Xia Baolong’s lack of anger has long been taken offense. He usually has this temper. Now that something such a big thing has happened on the island, it is more normal in an emergency, so he didn’t take it to heart, but rather honest. He smiled and said: "I can't help it, but the big Yangma who came with Little Japan has it. Just now, the lady let people move a lot of food, drinking water, vegetables, fruits and medicine from the boat. All imported goods..."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the village committee, and Gai Hua followed the prestige, and suddenly smiled: "Speak Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there."

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