Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 816: How about using a sledgehammer?

At the same time that Christina received a notification from the lieutenant colonel of the coast guard of a certain extraterritorial power, it was located over the sea 270 kilometers northeast of the surrounding island. An HU-25D "Guardian of the Coast Guard of a certain extraterritorial power" "The command and patrol plane is quickly approaching the Yangtze River Delta.

The coast guard lieutenant colonel Steve Cole, who had just obtained the exact coordinates and orientation of the surrounding island from Christina, quickly found the surrounding island on the fine electronic chart in front of him. position.

Just when I was about to start inputting the coordinates into the mission computer and sending them to the Coast Guard "Hamilton" class patrol ship Rush, which was also advancing toward the Yangtze River Delta a hundred nautical miles away, the international general radio station in the cabin came to China inland. Voice of air traffic controller:

"HU256817, please report your exact location... HU256817, please report your exact location..."

Hearing this, Cole looked at the continuous flickering vertical trajectory on the screen next to him, and a smug smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. He immediately stared at one of them and said in a calm tone: "128 degrees 13 minutes east longitude. , 26 degrees 34 minutes north latitude, 11800 meters high, speed 0.75 Mach."

"Fortunately, the Chinese air traffic controllers are not here. Otherwise, I can guarantee that they will throw you out of the plane window without hesitation."

Just after Cole reported his so-called "direction", a voice that was obviously ridiculous suddenly came from behind him. Cole shrugged his shoulders and said confidently: "No way, who made the Chinese reject our kindness? They can do it for the sake of face, but we cannot give up our principles because of the safety of our citizens."

As he spoke, he turned his chair and looked at the person behind him. A Huffington Post reporter with a short stature and shabby hair, wearing a Coast Guard memorial costume, Bill Dawn, also used a ridiculous tone. Asked back: "What do you mean? Mr. Dawn?"

Dawn smiled slightly and handed Cole a cup of instant coffee that he had just brewed. He then sat on the rest seat behind the podium, took a sip of coffee in his hand, and glanced at the modern airborne cabin in the cabin. The equipment and the busy scene, the smile is brighter, but the words spoken are more cold than incomparable: "Let me say that the commanders in the rear are still too conservative. If it were me, I would definitely send electronic warfare aircraft and When the fighter comes over, since the muscles are brightened, they should be brighter and more thorough, instead of using the Coast Guard ship friendly visit to make such a half-covered play.

So I think we did a good job in the Arabian Sea last year, even if it turned out to be an oolong, but I think that similar incidents will help us set a benchmark for maintaining world order, instead of becoming conservative because of an oolong. I became a victim of appeasement..."

Dawn is worthy of being a senior reporter for the conservative Huffington Post. Although his views are not extreme, he is sufficiently overbearing. However, it is undeniable that Dawn’s ideas represent the views of a considerable number of Westerners. The Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended. History seems to have come to an end at this moment, and mankind has since entered a new world dominated by the West.

Under such a situation, a certain foreign power that is a leader in the West naturally has to take on the responsibility of leading the world and ruthlessly suppress all unstable factors, thus maintaining this pattern for a hundred years or even thousands of years.

Based on this point of view, it is not surprising that Dawn defended the detention of merchant ships heading to Iran in the Arabian Sea by a large foreign country last year.

Even if it is a recognized serious mistake and ridiculous oolong, what about it? Even if the standard-bearer who governs the world makes mistakes, it is excusable. After all, the starting point is good, not to mention causing any loss to the other party, so there is no need to make a fuss.

If you always look forward and backward because of some trivial matters, who would dare to safeguard their national interests in the future?

So this time after receiving a distress message from Christina via a satellite phone, Dawn felt that since Christina’s team had a citizen of his own country, he should go all out to save it first.

As a result, the exercise ended as planned, but the commander of the Rush, who was going to the Yangtze River Delta for a friendly visit, had to coordinate and communicate with a major eastern country before proceeding.

Unsurprisingly, a certain major power in the East resolutely refused. If the entire visiting formation had not been shouldering another confidential task, the conservative Dawn would feel that the commander on the Rush was a downright softie.

Why are there so many concerns?

Life and death are indifferent, so what do you do if you don't accept it, or how to reflect the arrogant posture of the cold war winner!

Although Cole is also a conservative, he is not as fanatical as Dawn, so the look at Dawn is very strange, and he said that the reporter assigned for this interview is a fanatical mental illness.

Be tough at every turn. If you feel unsatisfactory, you have to use your knife and gun. All actions are like playing house. With one stick and carrot, the world can be completely bowed to the court. If it is so easy to do, what else is the United Nations? , Let the president directly serve concurrently.

But these Tucao Cole can only think about it in his heart, saying that he will never say it, at least it is impossible to say it in front of Dawn, because Dawn who is conservative to a certain degree cannot tolerate the slightest compromise, otherwise it will I want to have a long discussion with you.

If Cohen is a politician or a lawyer, maybe he can really fight against Dawn. The problem is that he is an ordinary commander on the HU-25D "Guardian" commanding patrol plane, with sufficient judgment and more than rationality. But his mouth is unsatisfactory, where can he have done a penman like Dawn.

So he grinned and said: "There is no need to use such advanced aircraft and ships. Their cost per hour is sky-high. If it is Russia, that’s all, a certain eastern country... Not as good as our Coast Guard country, what do you think they can do?"

Cole didn’t say much, but it’s actually just one sentence, that is to kill chickens with a sledgehammer. In fact, it is true. Another nickname of the Coast Guard is the Second Navy, which is more powerful than the regular navies of most countries. .

Among them is the naval forces of a major eastern country.

Because the Coast Guard is stronger than the navy of a certain eastern country in all aspects, except for submarines. Take the Rush patrol ship that is going to visit the Yangtze River Delta this time as an example. The displacement is more than 3,000 tons. The main surface ship 051 destroyer belongs to the same class.

But technically, 051 was hit, because this "Hamilton" class patrol ship has already used advanced shipboard equipment such as gas turbines, naval combat command centers, data links, computer processing centers, and shipborne helicopters. Than 051 can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Just because of the existence of such a crushing battleship, where a large country outside the region can only be a three-line patrol ship, this gap is not an exaggeration.

Ships are like this~lightnovelpub.net~, let alone aircrafts, not only hoisting, but also crushing.

Dawn liked these powerful remarks, so after listening to Cole's words, he also felt that it made sense. The half-military and half-civilian Coast Guard can crush it. It is the best display of strength in itself, so the depression in his heart gradually disappeared. A smile finally appeared on his skinny face: "What you said makes sense, so I hope I can teach them a lesson this time. A country that is inferior to the Second Navy should be unconditionally dominated. This is ironclad. Criterion...Well? The other party's air traffic control is..."

Just when Dawn was about to determine the keynote, the indicator light of the International Communication Radio on the screen suddenly flickered, and Cole turned on without paying attention, but the words of the air traffic control in the next moment made the careless Cole whole. People are like five thunderstorms, and the whole person froze there:

"HU256817, please continue to drive along 126 degrees 22 minutes east longitude, 24 degrees 55 minutes north latitude, altitude 10,000 meters, and speed Mach 0.75. Please do not deviate from the course to avoid unnecessary air accidents."

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