Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 878: I went to the machining workshop

"This... this... how is this possible?"

It was not Director Zhao and Fang Yong who were talking, but Park, who was following Zhuang Jianye. There was no way, but Peng Chuan's economic benefits completely subverted the imagination of this senior North Korean trade representative.

To a certain extent, the domestic and North Korean industrial systems have great similarities, that is, they were established in accordance with the Soviet industrial model.

As a result, in many respects, North Korea and the domestic industry are just like carved out of a mold, with the rough and atmospheric atmosphere of a thick steampunk legacy.

Although the development path of the two countries will be different afterwards, the two countries are as serious as ever in the modernization and transformation of the industrial system.

Domestically, advanced Western technology and management experience are introduced through reform and opening up; North Korea also relies on the Soviet Union as a tree to absorb technology and experience that is no less than Western advanced industrial capabilities.

Not to mention anything else, just take the computer-aided design that Peng Chuan just introduced. It was only in China in the late 1970s that it was introduced to the aerospace industry in the mid-1980s.

In contrast, North Korea has introduced large-scale computers dedicated to industrial production from the Soviet Union since the late 1970s and applied them to the design calculations of imitation Scud missiles.

In the 1980s, with the help of the Soviet Union, a set of computer-aided design systems suitable for the Soviet-style industrial system was established, which greatly improved North Korea's production efficiency in agricultural machinery, textiles, and military industries, and its penetration rate far exceeded that of the domestic.

Because of this, Park, a senior official who has served in various industrial companies in North Korea for many years, is not only familiar with industrial design software, but also very familiar with it. Even before serving as a senior trade representative, he was ordered to lead a group of North Korean experts to support the Soviet Union in the past. The industrial design software has been upgraded.

The effect is naturally significant. At the very least, North Korea has made rapid progress in the aerospace field, which has a very obvious positive correlation with the upgrade of these software systems.

As for the economic benefits, it is also considerable. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be promoted to a senior trade representative. You must know that this position in North Korea is a properly fattened one.

The problem is that no matter how impressive the economic benefits are, it is impossible to reduce it by 90% or 80%. It should be known that Pu had done calculations when Beihang led the Soviet software system upgrade, and it could only be reduced by about 30% at most, even if it was used. The most advanced industrial aided design software in Europe and the United States can achieve a 45% cost reduction ratio.

How is it possible to reduce the cost by 94% and increase the accuracy by 10 times?

Either Ascendas Group is bragging or dreaming.

If industrial design software has such capabilities, why do so many workers? Let the software be produced.

Therefore, from the beginning, Park did not believe that the so-called JSNB-Ⅱ aerospace and aerospace integrated analysis system of Ascendas Group really had such powerful functions. Most of it was an exaggerated publicity made by Zhuang Jianye in order to sell TRJ-500 regional airliner.

Because of this, Pu’s face is respectful and respectful, but in his heart he bears it and endures it with disdain. There is no way to bear it. The T-NB series of high-end aviation materials are produced by Tengfei Group. Yes, next year Ascendas Group’s T-NB series of high-end aviation materials shipments will be directly reduced by 20%.

Don’t underestimate this 20% volume. In the international high-end aviation material underground market, all the ghosts and monsters can immediately increase the shipping price according to this reduction of 20%. A 60% increase is considered a small amount. , Doubling several times is considered normal.

This is undoubtedly a huge burden for North Korea, whose economy has fallen precipitously. The key is not to buy it. Both missiles and launch vehicles must be used. Other cutting-edge defense projects and civilian livelihood projects are indispensable. The sanctions of a major foreign country are not loosened. For the continuation of the country, I have to grit my teeth.

If it weren't, how could Park, the already very famous internationally famous party, spend a lot of US dollars and foreign exchange to buy TRJ-500 regional airliners, and it would have to lease another ten more.

It’s not that I don’t want to go for nothing, but I can’t do nothing, because Zhuang Jianye said on the plane that in recent years, Ascendas Group has not been profitable and has been losing money year after year. Ascendas Group has to cut off high-end aviation materials to save costs, so it is expected that the production of T-NB series high-end aviation materials will be reduced by at least 20% next year.

Then he spread his hands and looked at Park and Badia. The meaning was obvious. It's just such a thing. You can figure it out. Anyway, I don't care.

At that time, Park almost blurted out a MMP sentence, and said to his heart what is the difference between your roots, ah~~ just ask you what is the difference!

I wanted to return to my heart, but I couldn’t say or dare to say that if the Ascendas Group really did that, North Korea’s losses would be even greater. After all, in the face of the country’s survival, things that can be solved with money are not a problem. child.

So Pu Ya bit his heart, and then he set his slender posture, so he complied with Zhuang Jianye's wish.

I thought I would endure the nausea like this, accompany Zhuang Jianye all the way to show off, settle the matter steadily, and then go back and scold my mother secretly. I thought Zhuang Jianye would play the JSNB-Ⅱ aviation and aerospace integrated analysis system into science fiction as soon as he came up.

Park endured and endured it. After all, he couldn't hold it back. At the moment when Peng Chuan introduced, he jumped out the surprise in his heart. Fortunately, the brain circuit turned so fast at the last moment and he just said "how is it possible" like a panacea. , Instead of the original "Why don't you go to Hollywood to shoot science fiction films".

Surprising more than mocking.

The problem is, one of the people present is an ordinary person, and one of them is an old fox step by step, and his eyes are very poisonous. How can Pu's little flower intestine escape the slight glance of these people.

Immediately Director Zhao and Fang Yong hesitated. Foreign friends obviously had doubts about Ascendas Group's stuff. Could this JSNB-Ⅱ integrated aviation and aerospace analysis system really be not as powerful as Peng Chuan said?

Counselors or representatives such as Badia watched indifferently. Since Zhuang Jianye's shameless buying and selling cannot be done, can we honestly watch the jokes?

The Brazilian Aerospace Agency’s experts such as Edo'o and Creeldo were expressionless~lightnovelpub.net~ and even some people showed serious and cautious expressions, and they obviously wanted to observe further. Draw conclusions.

In the face of this situation, Peng Chuan, who was still talking about it before, was a little flustered. He was an old otaku who was stuffed with machinery and automation technology and had seen this scene, and immediately looked at Zhuang Jianye.

The look for help seemed to say, what about Lao Zhuang? Talk, buddy can't hold it anymore~~

Zhuang Jianye didn’t look at the gaze cast by Peng Chuan. Instead, he glanced at Pu, chuckled, didn’t speak, just turned to a nearby workbench, talked to a few designers, and immediately took a weird peeping. And the gloves, and handed it to Park: "Bring it and see!"

Pu Xin felt very regretful, but what he said was like spilled water. It was hard to collect when covered with water. In that case, what should I do? Of course, how to be obedient, at least he is very knowledgeable in pretending to be grandson, so he took the helmet and gloves, quickly put them on, and restarted after receiving them. Pu's whole person was as if the electric current had been passed through. A shudder, followed by an incredible cry spread throughout the design room: "This...this...this...this is the machining workshop? I went to the machining workshop..."