Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 896: big earthquake


The crisp sound of gunshots resounded at a plateau outpost called Shenxianwan in Karakorum Mountain in the early morning of a certain day. In front of it, it was the main point of the Silk Road and the only way to enter and exit Karakorum Mountain. It was called green onion in ancient times. Ridge is now called the Karakoram Pass.

Because of this, although the altitude of Shenxian Bay is more than 5,300 meters and the oxygen content is less than half of the inland plain, it has been a strategic point since ancient times, because the foreign countries from West Asia and South Asia will never want to cross the thunder pond. step.

So after the founding of New China, an outpost was set up here for decades.

"Squad leader, squad leader~~~ Why do I hear the sound of cannons under the mountain? Has our drill started?"

The **** man who finished the live ammunition shooting as required, only felt his chest tightness and tinnitus, and immediately flushed his face to look at Feng Bolin, who led the team to Shenxian Bay yesterday afternoon, and asked in a daze.

Feng Bolin was stunned for a moment, and his head couldn't turn around a bit, but before he could answer, an urgent command came from beside him, "Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhang~~Help Xiao Yao into the oxygen chamber."

When the words fell, the two fighters immediately stepped forward and dragged the **** man into the barracks next to him involuntarily. The thin man who ordered the **** man came to Feng Bolin and explained: "Typical Altitude sickness, you have to hurry up, or you will die."

Only then did Feng Bolin react. There is nothing he can do. He is somewhat uncomfortable now. After all, the oxygen here is less than half of the plain area. In the absence of oxygen, not only the face will be red, but even the thinking ability will be reduced. .

So he nodded and looked with admiration at the soldier who was about his age. This dark and thin soldier named Chen Dongliang was the current squad leader of the garrison at the Shenxian Bay Post.

Seeing Chen Dongliang's face darkened by ultraviolet rays, Feng Bolin wanted to say something, but before he spoke, he was interrupted by Chen Dongliang: "If you feel uncomfortable, just say a few words. Urinating at an altitude of five kilometers. I just came here. It was the same when I was in, I had to hold the oxygen tank to take two breaths at every turn. The old squad leader at that time said that I was like a medicine tank. He also said that the soldiers who came out of Shenxian Bay were not oxygen but immortal air. Whenever you get used to it, you can walk like flying in the Karakoram Mountains, which is better than gods."

"Haha~~~ ahem~~~"

Feng Bolin couldn't help but screamed when he heard the words, but the lack of oxygen immediately made him feel chest tightness, and he couldn't help coughing. Chen Dongliang quickly took the portable oxygen bag and helped Feng Bolin insert it into his nostrils, and Feng Bolin inhaled It took a few more times to feel better, and immediately asked curiously: "Now that old squad leader has retired from the army, right?"


"Is that going to other troops?"


Feng Bolin was a little surprised now. He didn't change jobs and didn't go to other troops. Where did he go?

We must know that he was assigned to lead a team to deliver supplies to the Shenxianwan Post in the name of the exercise. It has been nearly a day since yesterday afternoon. Even if one of the ten people in a class in the post has been seen, he has never seen one. Seeing the eleventh head, is it possible that the old squad leader will be invisible?

"He is there." While Feng Bolin was puzzled, Chen Dongliang tilted his head towards the north of the shooting range. Feng Bolin discovered that there were several tombs raised with stones among the white snow. At the same time, Chen Dongliang said. It sounded again: "The second one on the right is the old squad leader. It was this time three years ago. We encountered an avalanche while patrolling. All three soldiers, including the old squad leader..."

Chen Dongliang didn't finish what he said, but Feng Bolin could understand. In an instant, he became solemn and turned his head to look at Chen Dongliang, his eyes more respectful, but Chen Dongliang laughed when he saw it: "Why look like that? At me? Isn't it scary! I still said that people who can come to us are all better than gods, oh~~~ Don’t believe this, there was one in China in the past two years The mountaineer didn’t believe in evil, so I asked someone to climb here, but when he didn’t get to the place, he was horribly crying. Old man, crying like an angry little daughter-in-law, we were ordered to look for it. It's shameful."

As he said, he gave a thumbs up at Feng Bolin: "Compared to the boastful mountaineers, your paratroopers have to say that this is the case. At this time, they can still send us supplies up. It means extraordinary to us, at least the opposite. I dare to smash with them at the New Delhi outpost. Anyway, you have your airborne comrades behind us at any time. What do they have? No hair!"

Chen Dongliang is a native of Jinmen, and he is born with a sense of humor in language, especially the kind of Erhuayin with the charm of Jinmen, which always gives people a sense of joy that is not very serious.

However, Feng Bolin knew that Chen Dongliang’s seemingly funny words were not funny at all. In fact, he came to the Shenxianwan outpost and found out that it was on the west side of the actual control line, except for a winding China-Pakistan highway. There is also an airport built in New Delhi.

Although the altitude is also above 5,000 meters, due to the terrain, the conditions are much better than the Sanctuary Bay post. At least in critical moments, New Delhi can use transport aircraft for air supply at any time, and even cut off the China-Pakistan highway. But the airport is 150 kilometers away, and it can only rely on the road to Tibet behind to maintain the lifeline of external communication~lightnovelpub.net~ Because of this, the airborne troops are the most important part of the live-fire exercises carried out by the airborne troops in the Karakoram Mountains. Xiang is to support several plateau outposts with Shenxianwan outpost as the core.

This tells some people that the outposts in high-altitude areas are not alone, and they may be supported by troops from the rear at any time.

Of course, while shocking the outside world, it is also an incentive for the officers and soldiers of the Shenxian Bay post. After all, fighting alone seems brave, but the officers and soldiers are bound to bear a great psychological burden. Now that support can come at any time, the officers and soldiers of the post can unload the burden. , Perform tasks with peace of mind, because they rely on enough to make them feel at ease.

The Sanctuary Bay post is reassuring, but on the opposite side, eight kilometers east of CMB, the senior reporter of the New Delhi Press Trust at the SB Airstrip within the line of actual control of New Delhi, Ahra Sumo, is worried. , Looked at the Voice of America reporter, Japanese-Canadian Michael Hashimoto with a pleading look: "Mr. Hashimoto, this manuscript of yours cannot be sent out, so I will be finished."

"The facts are in front of us, and New Delhi is already unable to maintain this place." Hashimoto was unmoved.

"Don't worry, there will be a turnaround. I dare to assure the sacred cow that New Delhi has already started a meeting to discuss this matter. Trust me, there will be a good result." Su Mo continued to be polite.

Hashimoto sneered: "With the inefficiency and bureaucracy of New Delhi, do you have to negotiate within two years?"

After speaking, he ignored Su Mo and walked straight to the door. Su Mo still wanted to stop, but before he opened his mouth, he felt that the ground was shaking and the mountain was shaken. One of them was overturned to the ground without standing, neither did Hashimoto. Where to go, the same staggered, but no matter how embarrassed Su Mo and Hashimoto were, an indisputable fact rushed to their hearts. The Karakoram Mountain had a major earthquake...