Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 955: It's over if you earn

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye is still very positive.

In addition to the feelings of the country and the world, and the responsibility of entrepreneurs, the most important thing is that the tens of billions of investment in the headquarters will be able to leverage the economic scale of it will be very huge.

Although Ascendas Group can't eat all of the tens of billions of investment scale, the five aspects of materials, aviation, aerospace, high-end professional processing equipment, advanced navigation and sensors are enough to make Ascendas Group profitable.

Not to mention other tall supporting projects, just one of the small parts, the gas nozzle in the maneuvering change of the anti-ship ballistic missile reentry warhead.

When the anti-ship ballistic missile finally attacks a large surface ship, the reentry warhead must frequently adjust its course and angle, so that large surface ships such as aircraft carriers can be launched into the soul.

Therefore, the gas nozzle for maneuvering orbiting is one of the keys to whether this type of weapon can achieve combat effectiveness.

Due to the randomness of the adjustment, the high frequency, the large internal and external temperature carried, and the low control accuracy error rate, the traditional satellite orbit change nozzle obviously cannot meet the demand.

To this end, Ascendas Group proposed a way to use 3D printing technology to develop a set of lightweight and efficient integrated gas nozzles to solve this problem.

Once successful, not only can the reentry attack warhead of the anti-ship ballistic missile have super mobility, but it can also be integrated into domestic satellite platforms such as Dongfanghong-2 or Fengyun-2, making domestic satellites more capable. Strong ability to change orbit.

In this way, whether it is a domestic emergency that requires a satellite to re-orbit, or an emergency avoidance in the face of the threat of space junk, or an emergency avoidance when confronted with the anti-satellite deterrence of a foreign country, it can meet the demand.

Of course, the most important thing is that this key small component can greatly increase the success rate of satellite launches. After all, rocket launches are risky. What if the rocket is not powerful and the satellite is out of force without sending the satellite to the intended orbit?

In the past, we could only watch satellites being dragged down by the earth's gravity, burning down the atmosphere and scrapping.

If the gas nozzle developed by Ascendas Group is used, the extra one-third of the fuel on the satellite is enough to send the satellite into the predetermined orbit and complete the delivery of the satellite.

This is of great significance to Ascendas Group. It is necessary to know that Ascendas Group has officially entered the international space launch market. The next step is to open up the entire industrial chain of commercial aerospace, that is, to use its own rockets and its own satellite platform. , Relying on the domestic aerospace launch site and huge measurement and control network, it realizes a complete set of processes for satellite production, rocket assembly, commercial launch, orbital testing, and on-orbit delivery.

In other words, Zhuang Jianye does not want to deliver express delivery directly. He intends to put all the upstream manufacturers and downstream use evaluations of express delivery in a spoonful. Customers only need to pay real money, and Tengfei Group will provide one-stop service.

To achieve this goal, you need to have some dry goods in your hands. Otherwise, if you encounter troubles and stare at it, it will affect your goodwill too much. Therefore, strengthening technology research and development and innovation in related fields is what Zhuang Jianye will continue to strengthen next.

Originally, Zhuang Jianye was going to fool several powerful scientific research institutes in the aerospace department, and let them cooperate with Ascendas Group to conduct research and development of related technologies.

But I didn't expect that they would be allowed to participate in the anti-ship ballistic missile package at the headquarters side before they did any action.

All the blank researches in it are the key technologies urgently needed by Ascendas Group in the future. More importantly, the research and development of these technologies not only does not require Ascendas Group to invest money, but after the results are obtained, Ascendas Group can give priority to technology authorization and apply to On their own products.

Such a good thing, not to mention the repeated orders of the head of the headquarters to handle it, even if there is no request from the head of the headquarters, Zhuang Jianye will have to squeeze in.

Of course, the funding from the headquarters has eased the pressure on the R&D funding of Ascendas Group, but it only eases it and cannot solve it all. After all, the headquarters is only responsible for the research and development itself, personnel treatment, testing equipment, technical routes, etc. The headquarters cannot cover everything.

Especially in terms of personnel treatment, the headquarters is only set according to the average salary of employees in enterprises and institutions today. To the best of God, a technician is only 500 yuan a month.

This little money is nothing but food and housing subsidies for ordinary technicians in Ascendas Group.

If the basic salary and allowance are added, the average salary of the first-line technicians of Ascendas Group has reached RMB 5,000.

A little bit of achievement can exceed 8,000, and there are not a few who reach 10,000 or even 20,000.

There are even a group of big cows who only take annual salary. Their annual income kills those small business bosses every minute. There is no way. The team achievements of these people have been or now have been pushed to the market. The annual sales achievements alone are already terrifying. Numbers, so these people don't care about the monthly salary at all. They are completely using the project at their disposal as a business, and they take the Tengfei Group as their home, and then go crazy 996,715.

There is no way. The technology in their minds can really turn into wealth. The higher-end and the more innovative, the more they can earn. Who is not working hard?

Of course, there are people who are passionate about their careers, and naturally there are people who are not enterprising to fish in troubled waters. Zhuang Jianye's response to this is also very direct, that is, to establish a management system that can go up and down.

Those who are capable, do not ask about background, past, qualifications, and go directly with the team; those who meet the status quo, do not entertain, and are bureaucratic ~ lightnovelpub.net~ no matter what your background, What kind of deep qualifications, you can take it if you should, without any nonsense.

Not only that, in order to adapt to the faster pace of technological innovation and product iteration, Zhuang Jianye has adjusted the original organizational structure of Ascendas Group again to make the management more flat, humane and efficient.

After such adjustments, the Ascendas Group not only did not become sickened by large companies due to the expansion of scale and business expansion, but instead lost unnecessary burdens and went into battle again lightly, radiating more passionate vitality.

However, such adjustments and reforms are not without cost, that is, the cost of high welfare benefits for personnel is increasing. There is no way. If you want technological innovation, the introduction of talents is essential. Zhuang Jianye can say that we can do it for our dreams. Suffocation, but you can't really suffocate those who follow you to death.

Therefore, how to raise these huge talent teams is an urgent problem for Zhuang Jianye to solve.

Therefore, during this period of time, Zhuang Jianye almost got rid of his old face and knocked on the old hair. It was the Brazilian partner who was slaughtered. This is the underlying reason.

What if I don't have money? It's over if you earn it.

For example, at this moment, Zhuang Jianye, who is in Xiangzhou, is running all the way from the west court. Of course, it is to sell its own helicopter to potential customers.

So after reading the fax in his hand, Zhuang Jianye put it on the table, then raised his hand to look at the watch, then got up, pushed open the door, the assistant boy quickly followed, and then boarded the Xiangzhou factory all the way to work. On the roof of the building, where is the famous Ascendas Group’s senior vice president of Helicopter Division, Gu Jingyou, who was already waiting there, and then a few people boarded a Z-12, accompanied by the roar of the propellers, and quickly flew towards a coastal island. .


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