Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 974: Electric drive?

Six straight-2 light helicopters, each equipped with four Red Arrow-9 anti-tank missiles, faced an armored column lacking effective air cover. That scene...

It's really like a bottle opener, it's accurate against tanks and chariots.

However, in just a few minutes, 12 Type 88 tanks and 8 Type 86 infantry fighting vehicles of the third battalion of X Regiment responsible for the offensive slowly blew yellow smoke on both sides of the road that stretched for several hundred meters.

The third battalion that was hit suddenly had to stop the attack and shrink the front, because they did not know how many helicopters the attacking side actually came.

After all, their dense air defense net has been torn open. What is even more paradoxical is that the Zhi-2 light helicopter that attacked them was silent and silent throughout the entire attack, and it was impossible to judge its location and number by sound. Coupled with the setting sun and the dark night, the sight is restricted.

Under this situation, the Zhi-2 light helicopter suddenly came out, and the effect was to put a lot of psychological pressure on the third battalion, because they did not know where an anti-tank missile would fly in the next moment. , And then their chariot burst into the soul with yellow smoke.

Seeing that the aggressive third battalion was forced back by six light helicopters, the battalion commander of the second battalion of the "dead" X regiment who saw the battle situation was called a slap.

The six Zhi-2 light helicopters carry a total of 24 Red Arrow-9 anti-tank missiles, which is really one bigger and one less when they are far from the rear.

Under such circumstances, the third battalion, which has 58 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles of all types, should desperately consume the infiltrated squad into the sea.

After all, if this big defensive hole can't be blocked quickly, the attacker will seize the opportunity to swarm it in the next moment, and it will be difficult for the initiative to change hands and want to come back.

As a result, the third battalion was actually frightened by the silent and mysterious Zhi-2 light helicopter, and directly retracted. This made the second battalion commander of the X regiment not beat his chest.


In fact, it was not only the second battalion commander who was beating his chest. It was located in the director’s headquarters. There were many similar people. Among them were the two old leaders of the X group. They were so angry that they were blowing beards and staring. My old men didn't plant it.

The heavily loaded battalion was actually thrown back home by six helicopters, and it was ashamed to be thrown home.

It can be cursed, and the leaders of these troops also know in their hearts that they can see the whole situation from the perspective of God to have such an intuitive feeling. If they are on the front line, facing the silent and silent attack of the armed helicopter, except What better way to retreat and reorganize the troops?

The answer is two words: no.

So the question is, what method did the Z-2 light helicopter used by the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade use to reduce the roaring helicopter noise to almost the same level as the background noise of the battlefield, so as to be negligible?

"Lao Meng, you are the one who knows helicopters best here. Tell me, what is the matter with this straight-2 light helicopter used by the Army Aviation Special Forces Group?"

It is not only the leaders of the troops who are curious, but even the heads of the headquarters. Although the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade was formed by his instigation, he has also inspected several times.

However, as the military leader in charge of the overall situation, the head of the headquarters cannot be indifferent. He just knows that the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade has been compared and finally selected Ascendas Group to develop several special helicopters for the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade to perform high-risk operations. Assault missions.

As for the specific situation, the head of the headquarters didn't know much about it. He just saw the full-size model and the basic performance introduction. He didn't think much at the time. It was just lighter than the average light helicopter.

Until today, when the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade applied the Zhi-2 light helicopter to the exercise, the head of the headquarters discovered that the most outstanding feature of this light helicopter is quietness.

It's even a bit scary to be quiet.

The Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade used this quietness to secretly infiltrate the dead corners of the defense's ultra-low-altitude radar. It also used this quietness to make the powerful heavyweight third battalion retreat in the silent killing.

But also because of this, the head of the headquarters was very confused. He did not take a few helicopters at home and abroad, and he had never seen a kind of Ruzhi-2 that reduced the noise to such a degree, so he turned his head and looked at the old man next to him. Meng.

Lao Meng, called Meng Qingguo, was talking to several other leaders at this time. There seems to be a growing trend. There is no way. As the backbone of the development of Zhi-7 and imitation Zhi-8, Meng Qingguo is considered to be in the military. Rarely, from the technology flow to the leadership flow model.

In this respect, Meng Qingguo's own ability is still very strong.

In fact, it is true. Meng Qingguo, as the deputy director of the Equipment Foreign Procurement Bureau under the headquarters, specializes in the import of military equipment. One of the major items is helicopters. If you rely on technology alone, you will have no two skills. With a brush, this position is simply not possible.

Because of this, when several leaders of the surrounding troops asked him what he thought of the Zhi-2 light helicopter, Meng Qingguo also made a point, and this has attracted more people's attention.

Now named by the head of the headquarters ~lightnovelpub.net~ Meng Qingguo immediately stood up, organized a little bit of language, and replied: "The report chief, I think the Zhi-2 light helicopter can have such excellent noise control, This is mainly due to Ascendas Group's breakthroughs in electric motors and batteries in recent years."

"Oh?" The head of the headquarters replied in surprise, and then asked: "So, do you think the Zhi-2 light helicopter is powered by electric drives instead of traditional turboshaft engines?"

"Yes, I think so. After all, the noise can be controlled under the background noise of the battlefield. It is difficult for the traditional turboshaft engine to do it. In addition, the transmission gear set, the reduction gear set, and the hub bearing set, The combination of friction and agitation coefficients of various mechanical structures cannot reduce noise at all.

That’s all. What’s more important is that in addition to radar and other electronic equipment, the defender also has optical detection equipment such as far-infrared. As a result, no obvious infrared characteristic signal was found after irradiating the Zhi-2 light helicopter. It proves that this model is not driven by a gas engine with a high temperature, but a motor with a lower temperature. "

After hearing this, many army leaders, including the head of the headquarters, nodded in agreement, because when the Zhi-2 light helicopter attacked, the infrared equipment of the third battalion carried out extremely detailed investigations of the surroundings, and the result was still the same. No trace of the Zhi-2 light helicopter was caught, which shows that the infrared signal suppression effect of the Zhi-2 light helicopter is very good, and it has reached the "stealth" standard.

The head of the headquarters nodded and asked again: "Then do you think it is possible for this Z-2 light helicopter to be promoted in the military?"

Meng Qingguo answered even more categorically this time: "No!"


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