Talented Genius

Chapter 1076: Send him on the road

When Liu Ye was going to do everything, Ye Tianlong, who had left from Jianglou, came to a restaurant and invited 36 out-of-the-box dogs to dinner.

He also called the Dalmatian.

The restaurant is owned by Yao Feiyan, so Ye Tianlong directly wrapped it up and asked the waiter to immediately prepare the food according to his instructions.

There were nine tables in the lobby on the second floor, each with eight dishes and one soup.

But the dishes are cold dishes, and the soup is cold soup, there is no trace of heat. At first glance, it looks like a Qingming sacrifice.

The atmosphere was a bit gloomy. The waiter and manager who had finished serving had already hid, but Ye Tianlong looked at the gray-clothed man who kept walking in with a smile on his face.

These gray-clothed men are all bald-headed like Dalmatians. This is not because they deliberately play to be cool, but because they have their hair eradicated since childhood for easy management.

Everyone who came in, even those who had already seen each other, first glanced not at the Dalmatian in the wheelchair, but at Ye Tianlong in the middle.

The appearance of strangers in their group can always attract their attention the first time.

At the first glance at Ye Tianlong, their eyes were confused, then shocked, and finally revealed undisguised hotness in their eyes.

No one didn't know Ye Tianlong. When Ye Tianlong killed the three dog kings, he and his name were carved into everyone's eyes and hearts.

Thirty-six people came together quickly, without any instructions, they took the initiative to have a table of four, and then stood at the four corners of the table, clearly distinguished.

They stood one by one, their bodies upright like a javelin, and they looked at Ye Tianlong with bright eyes.

Ye Tianlong's gaze slowly swept over the thirty-six people, although with a sharp look and scrutiny, the thirty-six people were not afraid.

They straightened their bodies as if they were quietly bearing Ye Tianlong's inspection. It seemed that the bullet had passed by at this moment, and they would not dodge.

There is no doubt that the dog camp spent a lot of effort on them.

Seeing everyone coming, Ye Tianlong stood up and smiled faintly, "Hello everyone!"

"Ye Shao good!"

Thirty-six people knelt together, a violent wind rolled up in an instant, and they responded to Ye Tianlong.

This kind of deep, deep and respectful voice makes everyone who hears it uncontrollably impulsive.

At the same time, thirty-six tiles clicked and fell on their knees to show their sincerity to Ye Tianlong.

No one would doubt that if they were kneeling on their knees, they would **** hands and feet.

Yao Feiyan, who stayed in the corner and saw this scene, couldn't help squinting, her pretty face's exclamation was not concealed.

"Everyone is polite, sit down!"

Ye Tianlong raised his right hand again, motioning them to get up and sit down, and the thirty-six people shouted together: "Xie Ye Shao!"

They stood up with a cry, and the knees left the tile with a crisp "click", which sounded like they were coming out at the same time.

Simple, simple, direct, but powerful.

"Please come over today. There are three things in total."

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to chat with everyone and make jokes, but seeing everyone's unsmiling expressions, he finally dismissed the idea of ​​singing a one-man show.

With a glass of white wine in his hand, he looked around at the crowd and entered the subject directly:

"First, invite everyone to dinner and get to know each other. They are not friends, but they don't want to be enemies anymore."

Ye Tianlong raised the white wine in the glass and drank it clean in one sip. When the Dalmatians saw it, they all picked up the wine glass and drank the white wine upright.

Ye Tianlong smiled very relievedly, then picked up the wine bottle and poured it on himself again, with a clear voice:

"Second, although I did not destroy the dog camp, I can't get rid of the responsibility. I am guilty that so many people have died and made you so hard to urge you."

He put the wine glass on the table, and with a light wave of his finger, Yao Feiyan quickly took out a stack of checks and sent them to the Dalmatians.

"I decided to compensate you!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes were very sincere: "One hundred thousand per person, it is my little heart."


Before the words fell, the Dalmatians held up the check and shred it without hesitation. The others also tore the check into a pile of shreds.

"The dog camp is destroyed, you can't be blamed, let alone it is destroyed, we have the current life."

The Dalmatian struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "Although life is difficult now, it is ten times better than it was when the dog camped."

"Eat enough, dress warmly, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, and don't worry about who is killed or killed every day."

The Dalmatian spoke word by word: "So we can't ask for your compensation, and you don't have to compensate us."

The others also nodded.

"Everyone does not accept it, and I am not reluctant, but if you have any problems to be solved in the future, you can contact me."

Ye Tianlong knew that they had a tendon, saying that they would not accept it, and they would not make mistakes, so he went straight to the third thing:

"The Dalmatians said that everyone panicks about the unfamiliar environment, is not good at communication, and is uncomfortable with social development, especially the group of dragons without a leader, making everyone at a loss.

He walked slowly to the middle: "He wants me to stand up and take in everyone, and let me take everyone to live and fight the world well."

"After thinking hard, I decided to agree to what the Dalmatians said, take in everyone, and let everyone live well."

"It's just a Dalmatian's opinion, which only represents his own, whether you are willing to follow me, I want you to say it yourself."

Ye Tianlong looked around at the thirty-six people, with a low voice: "I will ask now, thirty-six of you, who wants to live and die with me, Ye Tianlong?"

Dalmatians knelt down again: "Long live the dog king!"

The simple four-character words show that they are willing to see only Ye Tianlong, and the dog king has always had the right to live and kill the dogs under his banner.

"Well, everyone believe me so, I won't let you down."

Ye Tianlong patted the Dalmatian shoulder: "Maybe you are still as humble as dogs, but at most three years, I want you to be masters."

The Dalmatians shouted again: "Go through fire and water, and die without hesitation."

"Get up, everyone will be brothers from now on."

Ye Tianlong pulled the Dalmatian up: "When there is difficulty, we should share the same blessing."

Dalmatians and they all got up together: "Xie the dog king."

Yao Feiyan's eyes were fierce, and she knew that Ye Tianlong would be even more powerful if she accepted these vicious dogs.

How far can this man go, how high can he go?

Yao Feiyan had expectations.


At this moment, more than a dozen vans roared around the restaurant, the door opened, and a masked man appeared with a hook in his hand.

They moved quickly to surround the restaurant, gloomy and murderous.

One of the middle-aged men wearing a jet black mask and black robe slammed his hands towards the brightly lit restaurant and shouted:

"The third watch is here, send him on the road!"