Talented Genius

Chapter 2: Face slap

Chapter 2 Face Slap

"Come in!"

Three minutes later, Lu Xiaowu and Ye Tianlong knocked on the door at the end of the floor, and soon there was a sweet but majestic voice: "Please come in."

Lu Xiaowu hurriedly pushed open the concealed door, and led Ye Tianlong into it: "Mr. Lin, the first interviewer is here."

Ye Tianlong didn’t look at people at first glance, but habitually looked around at the surrounding environment. This is a river-view office with a bathroom, almost 60 square meters, very luxurious. Standing by the window, you can see the Tianhe River. In Mingjiang City, the price of this place is also over 10 million.

He couldn't help feeling that Huayao Group is indeed China's No. 1 Medicine, and the general manager's office of a branch company is rich.

Ye Tianlong also keenly discovered that there were more than a dozen cameras hidden in the seemingly bright office. This woman had to act carefully.

After that, his eyes fell on the desk more than ten meters away, and he saw Lin Chenxue who had read countless times on the Internet and magazines.

A light black professional suit, but it is difficult to conceal the plump and undulating curves of the body, and the thrilling and towering chest, because the head is slightly shaken, even if she is wearing a black-framed glasses that looks a little rough on her face, it is difficult to suppress her The vigorous vigor and youthful fashion that bursts out.

Ye Tianlong’s eyes widened by those white as snowy, straight and slender legs. His calves are crystal clear as jade, his thighs are round and firm, and his ankles are slender and round. On his jade feet, there are a pair of black thin leather straps with tassels. The high-heeled shoes, the contrast of black and white gives a strong visual impact.

Ye Tianlong guessed that this leg is at least one meter long.

As the general manager of the Mingjiang branch of Huayao Group, Lin Chenxue is indeed younger and more beautiful.

When Ye Tianlong was looking at Lin Chenxue, Lin Chenxue also squinted at him, red shirt, shorts, cloth shoes, this is a workplace, not a bullring.

She was very puzzled that this kind of person appeared in front of her, but her quality made her suppress it unpleasantly, and the subordinates asked him to come over for an interview, which naturally excels.

She believed that Lu Xiaowu didn't dare to play with herself.

Lin Chenxue leaned back and tilted her head slightly to Lu Xiaowu: "Xiao Wu, give me a copy of the applicant's resume."

Lu Xiaowu opened the folder, but found that there was no resume of Ye Tianlong at all, and her heart couldn't stop sinking. He really met a strange flower. This guy was not even an interviewer. He was just the soy sauce of the magpie's nest. There is no other way, I can only walk to the darkness one by one, pulling Ye Tianlong's sleeve:

"Quickly give your resume to President Lin."

Lin Chenxue frowned slightly, capturing the slightest error from the details, but she would not question her subordinates in front of outsiders, instead she looked at Ye Tianlong and asked:

"Don't you have a resume?"

The tone is as cold as an iceberg.

"Yes, there are."

Ye Tianlong slapped his head, then took out something from his pocket, first took out a carrot, then another carrot.

Lu Xiaowu's desire to die is all there: This strange flower, how come there are so many carrots in his pocket.

When Lu Xiaowu wanted to hit her head to death, Ye Tianlong finally took out a piece of paper from his arms, and ran to Lin Chenxue and put it down:

"Mr. Lin, this is my resume."

Lin Chenxue looked down, her pretty face suddenly sank, her eyes sharp: "What is this?"

Name: Ye Tianlong; age: twenty-three; household registration: Huaxia; phone number: 138XXX, the beginning is normal, and then Lin Chenxue is annoyed, education background, professional courses, grade rankings, certificates obtained, English level, Social practice, internship work experience, all of them have written one word-nothing!

"What does nothing mean?"

Lin Chenxue thinks that the quality is not bad, but seeing this resume is still mad, and finally squeezing time to interview the assistant, a strange thing comes:

"Mr. Ye, can you explain, what does ‘none’ mean?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Lin Chenxue with curiosity: "Mr. Lin, no, just no, you don't understand such a simple meaning?"

Lin Chenxue almost vomited blood and pressed her resume to squeeze out: "You have nothing, dare you to come here for an interview?"

She also watched Lu Xiaowu, who evaded his gaze and lowered his head, cried out inwardly, and was killed by this strange flower.

"It's the passion of my life."

Ye Tianlong has a sincere face: "It keeps encouraging me, saying I can, saying I can, and I really feel that I am suitable for this position, so I am here, President Lin, please believe me, no one in the world can compare I’m more suitable to be your assistant. I don’t have much academic experience.”

"But I have an aggressive heart, a passionate heart."

Tiandi Conscience, watching his serious expression and watching the man's firm eyes, Lin Chenxue almost felt convinced by him.

But after all, Lin Chenxue is Lin Chenxue, and Shang Hai is the best one, so how can it be fooled by Ye Tianlong, she said coldly:

"You are wasting everyone's time."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I am sincere."

Having seen a strange flower, but never seen such a strange master, Lin Chenxue couldn't help but uttered a word in Russian:

"Everyone will have defects, just like an apple bitten by God, but some people have more defects."-Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace"!

Ye Tianlong did not hesitate to add a sentence in Russian: "The more you gnaw, the more mature the peach, and the more you take it off, the more charming the woman."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's response, especially the pure Russian, Lin Chenxue was stunned for a moment, and then frowned at his words: "What is it?"

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "A Zhen's bed enlightenment in "Mature Peach"!"


Using **** words to fight back against the famous sayings of the great man, Lin Chenxue almost died of anger when she heard the answer, and then she said in English:

"A self-righteous person always destroys himself in self-righteousness."-Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

Ye Tianlong is still simple and neat: "People who say no before going to bed are also a coward in life!"

He added: "Yanfang Night Talks in "The Meat Futon"."

Lin Chenxue was so angry that she said in French: "If a person wants to be recognized, he must first have an honest attitude and a decent manner."-Hugo, France, "Notre Dame de Paris"

Ye Tianlong did not stand still at all: "Recognition does not lie in attitude, but in how long you can last."

He carefully explained one sentence: "Pan Jinlian's proverb in "Jin Ping Mei"."