Talented Genius

Chapter 2020: Approach

"Ye Shao, Chu Fengyun has no news yet."

"The Tomahawk Pirate Lair is only guarded by more than 30 people."

"The convention stipulated that representatives of the Seven Kings and the Four Great Gods of Wealth can only bring ten people into the Emperor Island, and the rest can only stay in the port."

"Except for the law enforcement team of the Senate, all personnel entering the Emperor's Island are not allowed to carry firearms, and offenders will be disqualified and driven on the spot."

"The Tianmen Conference will be held at ten o'clock. Starting at ten o'clock, all roads on Emperor Island will be blocked, and all people are prohibited from entering, exiting and moving."

"There is no news from the Tenth Grade Master, but he has sent a message to Elder Wang. He should appear today."

On the eighth, at eight o'clock, on a yacht bound for Emperor Island, Wei Ruqing told the situation while watching Ye Tianlong who was eating breakfast.

Ye Tianlong looked at the small island in his field of vision, and raised a faint smile: "I haven't heard from Chu Fengyun yet? This old tortoise can really hide."

"This is indeed a hidden danger."

Wei Ruqing stood beside Ye Tianlong and nodded: "Compared with the stubborn veteran, Chu Fengyun is the biggest variable."

"Let him go, he must show his face today, and he will know his intentions by then."

Ye Tianlong looked at the small island planted with many trees: "This Emperor Island is doing pretty well. At first glance, the environment is pretty good."

"The veteran will be a bit clever."

He didn't worry too much about Chu Fengyun's danger. After General Wengsha accepted the pyramid, Ye Tianlong had the bargaining chip to control the overall situation.

A smile crossed Wei Wuqing's face: "The veteran will hear you say this, and he will probably be so happy, and then sell you the property at 20% off."

"The veterans will spend more than 100 billion to build real estate here, in order to build a smart ecological city that can accommodate 500,000 people."

"It turned out that it could not be sold at all. On the left is the heavy industry zone in the new country, with petrochemicals, sewage, air pollution, and an extremely poor environment."

"On the right is the port of Malaysia, and there are slums. Oil tankers go in and out every day, and the slums on the way are very poor."

"Don't look at the advertisement saying that the Emperor Island next to the new city is very tall. In fact, the Emperor Island belongs to the country of Malaysia."

Wei Ruqing continued with a gun and said, "You will have to go through customs four times when you go to the new country, every two hours, you will vomit blood and vomit to death."

"So people in the new country disdain to buy it. People in Malaysia think it's expensive and the environment is poor, so they can only fool people in China."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized: "No wonder I see its advertisements every day in the country. It turned out that it was not mixed well, so the ads were bombarded."

Wei ruthlessly smiled: "However, although many Huaxia investors took over, this business is still considered a failure, and the cost is so low that it can recover 80%."

"This is also the main reason why the Senate will come here for meetings. One is to make everyone more safe, and the other is to increase their visibility."

"More than 100 billion, it is almost the coffin of the Senate. If the blood is lost, it is estimated that the six elders will jump into the sea."

Wei Wuqing has a hint of playfulness on her face: "In short, the six veterans learned real estate speculation, and they are confused."

"But there is a good place on the island."

"That means the wall is high enough and the quality of the house is good enough."

"The six veterans are all old and antique, and they have encountered changes in the Tianmen, so they all pursue a sense of security in everything."

"While working on real estate in this city, Elder Ma came around and asked the house not to cut corners. He also drew a circle on the beach."

He laughed and said: "This circle surrounds all the buildings on the island, making it like an ancient palace wall, and only six doors are opened for entry and exit."

Ye Tianlong also laughed: "Listening to what you said, I suddenly felt that the six veterans were quite interesting."

As he spoke, the yacht gradually approached one of the ports where it was docked, and Ye Tianlong, who stood up, could clearly see the long wall.

The wall of Emperor Island is twelve meters high and three meters thick. The walls are strong enough to not penetrate even armored vehicles.

It's a solid gold soup.

"It's so tall!"

A few tens of meters apart, Ye Tianlong could still feel the magnificent momentum of the stone wall, which was completely taller and thicker than the ancient Chinese palace wall.

"Ye Shao, get off the boat."

After the yacht was stabilized, Wei Ruoqing let his staff stay on the boat, and then ordered ten people to go ashore, and asked them to keep all their weapons on the boat.

Ye Tianlong glanced, three monks, three nuns, and four boxers, all of them looked like masters, and it was obvious that Wei Ruqing had a bargaining chip.

Ye Tianlong smiled and brought Tianmo, Earth Kuangtian and Canshou forward. As for the oriole and dalmatian, Ye Tianlong arranged other tasks for them.

Wei Wuqing asked in surprise: "Ye Shao, you can take ten people, why do you only take three people?"

"I'm here to be in charge, not to fight."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward: "Furthermore, when even the three of them can't hold it, there are no more helpers."

"So for me, bringing three is enough. If you think it's a pity to waste the quota, leave seven for you."

Wei Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and nodded: "Ye Shao is a master of art with boldness, admiration and admiration."

He didn't waste his quota, and called seven more cronies to follow...

The weather today is good, white clouds are floating in the blue sky, and the sea breeze leaps over the brick wall and blows in, with a touch of sultry style.

In the middle of Emperor Island, there is a three-story oval building, which looks like a Roman stadium.

But it occupies much smaller area than the stadium, it can accommodate two thousand people, and there is a long and narrow stone table in the middle that can seat twenty people.

This is the future municipal hall of Emperor Island and the place where the Tianmen meeting will be held today. It is sacred and solemn under the sunlight.

At nine o'clock in the morning, from outside the conference hall, eighty-eight men with sunglasses and black trench coats poured in.

They are security guards provided by the six veterans, and the leader is a tall woman. She wears gloves and sunglasses, very cold.

She stood on the high platform and yelled out: "I know that I checked it yesterday and this morning, and my brother had been guarding it last night until just now."

"But, I ask you to check it again."

"Today is the Heavenly Gate Meeting. All the princes of one party are here, and the life of any one is more important than you."

"So today, no changes are allowed, and blind spots with no field of view are absolutely not allowed."

Eighty-eight people agreed in unison: "Yes, Captain Lin!"

Afterwards, they re-checked the conference hall, all irrelevant persons were cleared out, and all kinds of inspection equipment were used.

Even the vehicles passing by the door began to be intercepted and stopped at will.

After confirming that everything was normal, the eighty-eight people were divided into three waves, standing like a telephone pole, protecting the conference hall.

At this time, the cold woman took another group of men and horses and began to fortify the roads around the hall, and a reliable sniper was also arranged at the commanding heights.

After everything hadn’t changed, she checked the time and took up the walkie-talkie to report:

"Elder Wang, Elder Ma, Elder Zhang, Elder Zhao...The conference hall is safe. All people have arrived and can enter the venue."

A low voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Enter!"


The cruel woman responded loudly, then picked up another walkie-talkie:

"The order goes on and the relevant personnel are allowed to enter the arena, and six doors are closed at the same time, no entry or exit is allowed."

With the issuance of this instruction, the six gates of Emperor Island began to close, temporarily isolating the island from the outside world...