Talented Genius

Chapter 2434: Wind and rain


An hour before dawn is the darkest time in the sky.

On this night in Cuiguo, it also rained, making the sky a little bit more chilly.

But in this dark moment, Wasabi didn't feel a little sleepy. Taking advantage of the last night, he took Yan Huabai and the guard camp to the outskirts 30 kilometers away.

The spies locked the whereabouts of Ye Tianlong and his group. The photos that came from showed a lot of cars and people, including the shadow of Pu Zhenyun.

Wa Ci could identify that the place where Ye Tianlong and the others hid was the Harvest Orchard near Dacheng Reservoir.

Somchai wanted him to take down the murderer in twenty-four hours, or he would get out of the position of security commander.

Although Wassai knew that this was just a moment of anger, he still wanted to make a strong back, lest the giant beast always said that he was in charge by beauty.

Somchai's wife in the fifth room is the actress Cuiguo Yaoyao of Tongyan Jufeng.

Although his superiority had nothing to do with Xiannv, and the beast was purely joking, Was still hoped that he could do something, let alone avenge Zhuotai.

A guard battalion, plus a guard, a total of 500 people, all loaded with live ammunition, well-trained, and five light machine guns.

At this moment, their eyes all shone like a wolf, holding the weapons in their hands and preparing to fight, to kill Ye Tianlong anyway tonight.

If they can't take Ye Tianlong, they will not only be punished, but they will also become a laughing stock.

The elite teacher who dignified the overthrow of the former president was beaten up by a few outsiders. How can you see people after passing it out?


A hundred jeeps slowly arrived at the harvest orchard under the rain.

Although all the car lights are covered with a layer of paper to weaken the long-range stimulation of the light, they can still give people a fierce killing intent.

At 5:15 in the morning, the convoy stopped at an intersection, all flames were turned off, and 500 armed men got out of the car.

When Wa Chong got out of the car, he subconsciously tightened his clothes to resist the biting chill.

Later, he looked at the harvest orchard, the Dacheng Reservoir above, and a power station from the 1980s, but it is no longer in use.

The dark clouds are drooping and heavy as lead. The rain is not too heavy, but the wind is very strong.

The rain poured down on the reservoir, as if it was about to collapse the dam, and the sound of the wind was bitter, making people feel breathless.

The wind is rushing, Lin Tao is angry, and the gloomy night is actually an indescribable killing, and even Wata feels that the weather tonight is a bit bad.

When Was slapped an unlit cigar, Captain Yan quickly approached him, pointing to the front and whispered:

"Mr. Watts, the brothers of the intelligence team reported that the target group was hiding in the harvest orchard in front of them. There were more than 30 people with one shot."

"They confirmed the figure of the woman, and confirmed that the car matches the number."

She told the situation clearly: "But they didn't come out again after they got in, and they didn't send anyone to guard, leaving only four or five dogs at the door."

"Obviously, we can't find this kind of bad weather again."

"The intelligence team has sprinkled a dozen brothers and stared at the entrances and exits around them. No one entered or withdrawn."

Yan Huabai made his own professional judgment: "90% of the target is hiding inside."

"very good."

Hearing this news, Wa pierced his eyes with a burst of light, and his breathing became thick and heavier, with killing intent flowing:

"We must take them down tonight."

"These guys are really cunning, hiding in this place where the birds do not shit, but unfortunately, he underestimated our ability and determination."

"Killing so many of us, and wanting to get out of the way, just dream."

He waved his cigar and issued an instruction: "Resolve the watchdog, immediately enter the harvest orchard and kill those **** for me."

In the recent eventful autumn, although Somchai has reached the top, troubles continue one after another. Ne Win tragically died in his hometown, Aguda was destroyed, and Zhuo Tai is now dead again.

Val Spur needed a victory to dilute his bad luck.


As Wasabi tilted his head, Yan Huabai took the lead, and the 500 soldiers immediately raised their guns and rushed towards the harvest orchard without a word.

Although there are a large number of people, they show tacit understanding one by one, and the seemingly disorderly charge, in fact, always follow their own team on the way.

They seem to be leading by a thread, demonstrating their well-trained.

At the same time, cold machine guns were erected all around, with cross fire at the muzzle, and the entire orchard was blocked tightly.


The three watchdogs groaned and fell to the ground in the throwing knives, the dog's blood was washed by the rain, and the air became more bloody.

Several probes were also locked by the agile soldiers.

"No trap!"

"No explosives!"

"No mines!"

"There is no induction detonator..."

"Secure in the middle!"

"Safe on the left!"

"Safe on the right!"

More than a dozen soldiers in the front moved a distance, investigating suspicious situations all the way to avoid falling into the trap and being hit hard.

Although they didn't think that Ye Tianlong and his gang could do too much, they were still keen to open the way so that large troops could enter safely.

The orchard is safe, there are no ambushes, no kills, and no traps.

Was very satisfied with the attack and killing of the guard camp. He picked an orange and walked into the orchard while peeling it to eat.

The orchard is located below the reservoir, with abundant vegetation and sufficient water sources. All orchards are lush and lush with many fruit trees growing.

He looked at the deep orchard, with a joke at the corner of his mouth, and the momentum went straight to the target building.

He didn't worry about safety at all. Five hundred veterans rolled over, and Ye Tianlong and the others were the fish to be killed.

Wa Ci wanted to see how Ye Tianlong and the others were dying, so he took the guard platoon to the depths in person.

The raindrops tickled, like nice notes, and like a countdown with killing intent.


Five minutes later, a group of five hundred people surrounded the orchard, the processing plant covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and the muzzle blocked the entrance and exit.

Several assault teams clung to the doors and windows of the factory building with knives and guns.

Wearing raincoats, they remained calm and indifferent, and occasionally aimed their eyes at the light from the gap, listening to the whispered conversation inside.

They waited quietly for Walthorn's attack instructions.

The rainwater flowing from their bodies converged on the soles of their feet, and then flowed out again, exuding chill...


Wa Chong spit out the pit, then walked from the back to the front, and after scanning the monitors of the frozen pictures above his head, he sneered and walked to the window.

He didn't rush in immediately, but took a telescopic sight glass, and looked at the situation through the gaps that were not covered by the doors and windows.

Although he is warlike and bloodthirsty, it does not mean that he is a brave and brave man.

In the reflection of the mirror, he saw a dimly yellow lamp shining inside, and in the shadows, he recognized a dozen people sitting among a bunch of machines.

They sat with their backs wrapped in the quilt and talked to each other in low voices.

There were knives and guns on the table and on the ground, and dozens of casino chips, dollar bills, and oranges.

In the gaps that were not blocked by the curtains, there were faintly remembering and presumptuous conversations:

"Unexpectedly, Zhuo Tai was so bad, he was stabbed to death with a single knife. This bonus is really simple."

"It's a pity that we took a long time, otherwise we will all escape from Cui Country now."

"It's okay. This is my friend's orchard. He was arrested and no one came. We can hide for a few days."

"It's windy and rainy, ghosts can't find here..."

Hearing these conversations, Wathorn's eyes instantly condensed into glows, and it seems that this is really the hiding place of the target.

These reckless guys.

Was smashed the spying mirror, his eyes jumped with fierce murderous intent, and then he stepped back more than ten meters.

This is already his greatest caution.

In Wasabi's view, in addition to this hiding spot was discovered unintentionally, Ye Tianlong and the others were shocked.

Ye Tianlong's main energies are all spent on fleeing, so where is there any spare time to calculate the guard camp to calculate themselves?

Moreover, the target of five hundred veterans around him was dozens of guns, and there were no explosives or grenades. The latter was not enough to fill his teeth.

Wa Chong waved his hand decisively.

Yan Huabai shouted: "Kill!"