Talented Genius

Chapter 2789: One billion sincerity gold

At four o'clock in the afternoon, three tugboats dragged the Expedition slowly over the Boss Strait, and there were two 5,000-ton cargo ships in front of them.

Lu Xiaowu was on the cargo ship No. 3 on the left, and she watched the expedition slowly moving forward, as if watching her baby doting on her.

The smooth winds of the past two days have not only made the Expedition a lot faster, but also let many transportation personnel breathe a sigh of relief.

This means that you can get home earlier, and it also means that the risk of this trip is reduced.

It's just that Lu Xiaowu's nerves are always tense, and it will be difficult for her to completely relieve her mind if the Expedition does not enter the Chinese sea for a day.

"Miss Lu, take a sip of honey water to replenish energy."

Just as Lu Xiaowu was staring at the expedition to enter the Boss Strait, a body-building shadow flashed from a distance, with a big cup in his hand.

The Ryubuwei Cheetah who was temporarily transferred to alert together.

He happily walked through the corridor: "Earth Kuangtian has been boring these few days, so he has brewed a lot of honey water to replenish our energy."

"I have to say that the honey water he brews is really top-notch, not only makes people energetic, but also makes people feel better."

Wei Liebao smiled and handed the honey water over: "The cheeks and body are also a bit less dry. Drink more to make Ye Shao surprised that you are eighteen."

"Thank you Captain of the Guard."

Lu Xiaowu knew Wei Liebao when he was in Baishizhou, so he didn't have too much twitching and replied with a calm smile: "Thanks for your hard work these days."

She took the honey water and poured it in half: "It's alright every year, as long as you don't become an African."

"It's all part of the job, there is no hard work."

Wei Liebao glanced around at the children of Longbu: "Miss Lu can bump on the sea, and we big men will be ashamed of grieving."

"Actually you don't need to follow the boat at all."

"Customs clearance is handled by a professional team. The Expedition has a dragon guard and more than a hundred guns. There will be no changes on the road."

"The pirate dared to emerge, and we also destroyed him."

"At the beginning, the battle axe was also regarded as the pirate king of the Malacca Strait. In the end, it was not that Ye Shao's nest was gone.

Wei Liebao hoped that Lu Xiaowu would not work too hard: "So I am you, go home early to sleep, or find a charter wife to travel the world."

Lu Xiaowu sighed softly: "Captain Wei, for me, the smooth return of the Expedition to China is more important than a good night's sleep and traveling around the world."

Wei Liebao smiled, knowing what Lu Xiaowu meant, he didn't speak any more, and turned around to ask someone to prepare dinner.


At this moment, there was a roar in front of him, and then three helicopters roared towards him, strutting.

Then, a helicopter drove to the front, and the tweeter sounded: "The expeditionary personnel, listen, this is the Oster Guard."

"We are instructed to conduct regular inspections on you, please stop driving immediately, and then pull over and wait for us."

"If you do not obey the order and trespass into the Boss Strait without authorization, we will treat you as an aggressor and open fire at any cost."

When the voice fell, the helicopter's machine gun also swept out a shuttle bullet and hit the expedition's deck as a sound.

Lu Xiaowu made a stop gesture and asked Wei Liebao: "Have we not completed the procedures?"

Wei Liebao frowned: "Our public relations team came last night, and all customs clearance certificates and reports have been approved."

"Oss officially agreed to let us pass, but we need to pay five million US dollars for assistance."

He added the last sentence: "It's still a pass personally issued by the Minister of Coastal Management."

"Allow someone to take out all the documents and contact Minister Ann to inform the situation."

Lu Xiaowu let out a long breath: "You follow me on the Expedition to receive these people."

Wei Liebao nodded, and boarded the speedboat with Lu Xiaowu, then came to the stopped Expedition, and then went up the ladder to the dilapidated deck.


At the same time, the three helicopters also stopped on the expedition deck, the hatch opened, and twelve military police with live ammunition drilled out, murderous.

Then, a Guazi-faced woman with an injured wrist appeared, with a sad and gloomy expression on her face.

It is Balqianqian.

"Sir, hello."

As if feeling the other party's badness, Lu Xiaowu's eyelids jumped twice, and then raised a smile to greet him:

"I am the butler of the Macau City Casino and the person in charge of this expedition business. I don't know what can help you?"

She remained polite.

Baal Qianqian's voice was cold: "Your ship broke into Audi's territorial waters illegally. Give you half an hour to return to the high seas."


Lu Xiaowu was taken aback for a moment: "Sir, is this a misunderstanding? We only got the permit to enter the Boss Strait."

"We have all the formalities in our hands, all of which prove that we have entered legally, and we have also paid five million tolls..."

At this point, she tilted her head slightly.

Wei Liebao immediately passed the prepared information, and his smile was brighter than ever:

"Sir, this is our customs clearance procedure. Take a look. If there is something missing, you can tell us and we will make it up immediately."

"Minister Ann is very supportive of our work..."

There is something in his words.


Bar Qianqian didn't even look at the procedures he handed over. He tore it with a crisp sound, and threw it into the sea: "These are useless."


Upon seeing this, Wei Cheetah was angrily: "How can you tear up our files?"

He was about to step forward, and several Dragon Bu children took a step subconsciously.

The Oss military police immediately raised their submachine guns, pointed at Wei Liebao and they shouted: "Don't move!"

Lu Xiaowu waved his hand to stop Wei Cheetah and the others from impulsive, and then stared at Baer Qianqian and said, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Do you just tear up our papers when you board our ship?"

She is righteous: "You must give us an explanation, otherwise we will file a complaint with the Oss official."


"First, these procedures are invalid. The permission signed by Minister Ann is useless. Without Prince Tais' nod, the Expedition was not allowed to pass."

Bar Qianqian sneered when he heard the words: "Second, you must return to the high seas before six o'clock, otherwise we will strike you with force."

"Third, if you want to pass the Boss Strait, you must first spend a billion dollars in sincerity money, and then talk about legal passage."

"Fourth, let alone tearing up your files, you are all shot, and no one dares to say nothing."

Baal Qianqian arrogantly carried out the instructions of Theis with all his strength.

Having said that, the military police on both sides of her took a step, and the trigger was pulled on the side of the muzzle.

"Boom, boom—"

In a burst of gunfire, six Dragon Bu children were shot through the shoulders and fell to the ground with a grunt.

Blood dripping.