Talented Genius

Chapter 2921: Hit like this

Hearing these words, everyone was in a slight uproar, looking at the bumper, and seeing the blood stains, they began to think more about the matter.

Rong Yina also looked embarrassed, and then took out her mobile phone and sent a text message.


Hearing Xing Tianjiao's words, Rong Siyue's face changed drastically, and then her eyes became cold: "Senior Sister, your mind is flooded, what do you see?"

"Obviously Ye Tianlong hit me, how come I am touching porcelain?"

"If you don't hold justice to me, then don't hold it. You must not frame my innocence, or I will sue you to Master."

Rong Siyue lied inwardly: "You shut up now and don't talk, or I will not be your senior sister."

There was a touch of relief on Ye Tianlong's face. He didn't expect Xing Tianjiao to stand up for himself. It seems that he can't live up to this little girl in the future.

"Senior Sister, this is a matter between the Rong family and Ye Tianlong. You shouldn't confuse yourself as a Shanmen."

When Xing Tianjiao had something to say, Rong Weiwei's pretty face sank and stopped Xing Tianjiao from uttering, "It won't hurt everyone's feelings and harmony."

"And you don't understand the ins and outs of things, and it's not worth saying it."

Several elders from the Rong family also looked at Xing Tianjiao coldly, feeling that the seven-star disciple did not know how to promote her.

Xing Tianjiao stubbornly squeezed out a sentence: "We came early, staying in the car to prepare gifts, we saw everything, and naturally we should restore the truth."

"The car recorder also recorded the truth."

She gave Ye Tianlong the greatest support: "If you don't believe me, I can take it out..."

Xing Tianjiao took a few steps forward, took out the mobile phone connected to the car subsystem, and wanted to show Rong Weiwei and the others.


At this moment, Rong Siyue stepped forward suddenly, and slapped Xing Tianjiao's face with a backhand.


A crisp sound exploded.

There were five red fingerprints on Xing Tianjiao's face in an instant, and the whole person retreated two meters with a muffled groan, and then stopped by leaning on Ye Tianlong.

The phone also fell to the ground.

This unwarranted blow surprised everyone, and indirectly proved that Rong Siyue had a ghost in his heart, but it was inconvenient for everyone to say it.


Rong Siyue stomped on the phone a few times, and then shouted at Xing Tianjiao:

"What do you look at? What's so beautiful? Don't you believe what I said? Is the wound on my head coming out of thin air?"

"How could the master teach you such a stupid fork?"

"Get me out of Rong's house, you are not welcome here!"

"I will let the master drive you out of the teacher's door, Cao!"

Rong Siyue pointed at Ye Tianlong again and roared: "My injury was caused by Ye Tianlong..."

Xing Tianjiao held her cheeks, her eyes sparkled.

Although she had seen a lot of wind and waves, it was the first time that she was driven away, and it was inevitable that she felt unspeakable grievances.

Shi Bing was very angry, and her helpless opponent was the Rong family. She couldn't make a move, so she could only shout out, "No matter what, you can't beat Tianjiao."

"She is not only your senior sister, but also a birthday visitor. Is it appropriate for you to beat people like this?"

Shi Bing stared at Rong Siyue fiercely, and then relieved Xing Tianjiao. At the same time, she found that Ye Tianlong's face became cold and very inviting.

"It's really wrong to shoot in April, but he is still a child and his character has not fully grown."

Rong Weiwei stood up at the right time and spoke to Rong April: "When I hear the framing, I will naturally be angry, so I can forgive it for a moment."

"Senior Sister Shi is such a grown-up, doesn't she want to care about children?"

Then, she changed her words again: "Furthermore, Senior Sister Xing was more at fault."

"Senior Sister Xing, you come to celebrate the birthday of Master. We welcome it to the Rong family, but if you collude with outsiders and slander us, then don't blame us for not giving face."

Rong Weiwei directly lowered her face to Xing Tianjiao: "Go home with a gift. The Rong family will not receive you today."

Shi Bing and Xing Tianjiao were very angry, but in the end they gritted their teeth and endured them.

"Ye Tianlong, don't let my senior sister give false testimony, you think I don't know, do you have a leg with her?"

She turned her gaze to Ye Tianlong again, and snorted: "And I tell you, it's useless for you to find more false evidence."

"Anyway, on the day of my grandpa's 60th birthday, you hurt April's head."

Rong Weiwei stared at Ye Tianlong coldly: "This is something you can't argue with."

Rong Siyue relied on his own turf, yin and yang strangely echoed: "Yes, you can't quibble..."


Ye Tianlong sneered, his eyes burst with cold light, and then he sneered:

"I don't quibble, nor can I quibble."

"I just want to tell you that I, Ye Tianlong, want to beat people, definitely not so sissy."

Everyone at the scene was taken aback and didn't understand Ye Tianlong's meaning at all.

In the next second, Rong Weiwei and their faces changed dramatically.


Ye Tianlong's body flashed, standing in front of Rong April, grabbing Rong April's neck, and slamming against a luxury car next to him.

Ye Tianlong is quick and powerful, not to mention Rong April, even an 8-Rank master can hardly resist one or two.


There was a loud noise, and Dahao's head smashed into the car window, the glass was flying, the fragments dripping, and the dazzling scarlet blood.


Rong Siyue's head was covered with blood, and she let out a scream.

Several women screamed, and the men suddenly changed.

"This is just the beginning!"

Ye Tianlong stuck Rong Siyue's left hand and suddenly folded.

With a click.


Then, Ye Tianlong stretched out another hand and placed it on Rong Siyue's instinctively resisting right hand, pressing and clicking, breaking his right arm again.


Rong April made another scream, irritating her eardrums like a pig.

"Stop! Stop!"

Rong Weiwei screamed: "Ye Tianlong, stop it!"

"Bodyguard, take him down, take it down!"

More than a dozen Rong family bodyguards rushed up, but they were all kicked out by Shi Bing and Xing Tianjiao without even touching Ye Tianlong's clothes.

Several bodyguards wanted to shoot, but Shi Bing preemptively kicked them over.

Rong Weiwei called for support: "You are upside down, upside down, come here, come here."

Ye Tianlong ignored him, but stood beside the car with Rong April, knocked on the car cover three more times, and then threw him on the ground.

Rong Siyue broke her hands, the hand that was connected last time was also lacerated, and her head was covered in blood and fell to the ground wailing.

"Fame me assault? Too naive,"

Ye Tianlong took out a tissue and wiped his hands, then leaned over and sneered at Rong Siyue: "Now you know how I hit someone?"

Rong Siyue was full of grief and indignation: "Asshole, I won't let you go, I won't let you go..."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly and stepped on it.


Rong Siyue's right foot was also broken...