Talented Genius

Chapter 3101: Postscript (end of the book)

After Ye Tianlong woke up, he reunited with Mrs. Feng and them for a few days, and then went into a new life and battle.

Wall Saints died, but Ye Tianlong did not let the Wall family go. Taking advantage of the victory, he tried his best to suppress the forces of the Wall family.

In order to annihilate the remnants of Wall as soon as possible, and to avoid the retaliation of the two tigers, Ye Tianlong sent a global hunt down.

At the same time, smashed 10 billion to buy the head of the Wall Two Tiger.

In order to win the final victory, Ye Tianlong also reached an agreement with the United States and the royal family to eradicate the Wall family, and the three parties will equally divide the assets of 30 trillion.

Although the United States and the royal family felt it was a shame to join forces with Ye Tianlong, the former enemy, they finally agreed to join forces to suppress the Wall family.

In addition to wanting to get rid of the shadow of the Wall family and the temptation of 30 trillion, there is also the coercion brought by Ye Tianlong's impressive record.

Whether it is the royal family or the United States, they have already seen Ye Tianlong's methods and suffered a lot of losses in his hands. In the end, he had to bow his head to end the battle.

Now, Ye Tianlong killed Val Saints and was promoted to the tenth rank. With the battle of Heizhou, his reputation resonated throughout the world and brought deterrence.

The U.S. and the royal family did not dare to challenge, only in awe, they obeyed Ye Tianlong's call and uprooted the Wall family.

As a result, from the East to the West, from Blackland to Europe, all countries used all kinds of crimes to cleanse the power of the Wall family.

Suddenly, countless Wallace assets were blocked, countless Wallace companies were investigated, and bank funds were frozen.

Wall’s nephews and officials of good friends were also arrested on various charges. The dark forces involved in Wall broke down in the black and white siege.

The Wall family, which had been hurting their muscles and bones, began to collapse and collapse at an even faster rate, until it was no longer affected.

During the period, the Wall Two Tigers took a large number of diehards to hide in Heizhou, trying to use the chaos of Heizhou to save themselves in order to make a comeback in the future.

Then, the Wall Two Tigers contacted many Heizhou tycoons, and sent people to find the Presidents of the Seven Nations, preparing to join forces to retake Kimpton.

Not only did they win over the various forces and promise countless benefits, they also conspired to assassinate Yan Fei and Han Di.

After receiving the news, Ye Tianlong was not too shocked, but let Tu Jiaojiao, one of the black triangle generals, led thirty thousand elite soldiers into Heizhou overnight.

After the 300,000 troops of the eight Heizhou countries were ruthlessly annihilated by Ye Tianlong, looking at the entire Heizhou sixty countries, there was no more armed forces with more than 10,000 people.

Even if there is, it is a mob with inadequate weapons and equipment.

Therefore, Tu Jiaojiao's 30,000 elite soldiers were invincible.

With the support and cooperation of Concubine Yan and others, Tu Jiaojiao was like a fierce beast released from an iron cage, with bloodthirsty murderous aura blooming all over.

On the third day after arriving in Heizhou, Tu Jiaojiao began a full-scale offensive. With the advantage of aircraft and artillery, he defeated the Allied forces in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, she swept across the fragmented East-Leste and other eight countries, not only successfully captured the capitals of the eight countries, but also killed their current president in one go.

Ye Tianlong gave her instructions to calculate the new and old accounts together.

After killing the President of the Eight Nations, Tu Jiaojiao chose an agent on the spot, making the Eight Nations a vassal force of Ye Tianlong, and then continued to march against Wall.

With the help of robots and saint women, Tu Jiaojiao quickly swept the 3,000-man base of the Wall Two Tigers, killing all Wall's loyal and senior officials.

The Wall Two Tigers ran away in a helicopter, but they were bombarded by Tu Jiaojiao with stinger missiles before they left the base.

The Wall Brothers exploded to pieces in an instant.

The Wall family came to an end.

After slaying the Second Wall Tigers, Ye Tianlong hit the iron while it was hot, and gave Zu Jiaojiao enough weapons and manpower to make her find an excuse to scan the Heizhou countries.

Tu Jiaojiao is also a character. She can still compete against Zhao Wenguang and the wealthy in the Black Triangle, and she is an invincible existence in Heizhou.

After Ye Tianlong withstood the international pressure, she swept across the sixty countries in Heizhou like a broken bamboo, from east to west, making the whole Heizhou **** every day.

Tu Jiaojiao played blitz, sneak attack, beheading, and psychological warfare. Tu Jiaojiao was so proficient that he also made the powers of the Heizhou countries run away from this woman.

In less than two months, all the sixty nations of Heizhou declared to Ye Tianlong, indicating that they would obey Ye Tianlong's instructions in the future and would also pay tribute to Kimpton every year.

They also honored Ye Tianlong as the king of Heizhou.

On the 38th day when the Wall family fell, Ye Tianlong had a secret meeting with the United States and the royal family to divide up the assets frozen and seized by the Wall family.

The number is higher than Ye Tianlong's imagination of 30 trillion yuan, almost 45 trillion yuan, with assets in every corner of the world and countless companies.

Ye Tianlong didn't care about it with the United States and the others, and he happily declared that as long as ten trillion, the excess will be divided between the United States and the royal family.

Compared with Ye Tianlong's old posture of eating people without spitting out bones, his generousness at the moment shocked the Western world and instantly won their friendship.

They suddenly discovered that Ye Tianlong is terrifying to be an enemy, but it is quite good to be a friend.

You know, this is five trillion yuan, not five yuan, so Ye Tianlong's courage and boldness made Alisha and the others full of goodwill.

The relationship between the two parties has improved...

After becoming the king of Heizhou, Ye Tianlong began to free up his hands to deal with China affairs.

Compared with the violent violence in Jiangshan, Ye Tianlong, who guards Jiangshan, is much gentler. He first integrated Longmen resources.

On the premise of ensuring that Longmen has enough power to defend the status of the underground king of China, Ye Tianlong asked Chen Xiufei to take the 13th League veterans out of the country.

Taking advantage of the tentacles of the Seven Kings of Tianmen, Chen Xiufei quickly gained a foothold in the Seven Kings site and took over the business of the Seven Kings that were previously unseen.

Ye Tianlong's intentions are very obvious. One is to completely dissipate the influence of the Thirteen Leagues to prevent the Dragon Gate from changing in China.

The second is to give the Seven Kings of Tianmen a chance to go ashore, so that they can sustain their lives, and at the same time use Chen Xiufei to reduce their strength.

Wei Ruqing and both of them are smart people, and they understand that this is a rare opportunity to get rid of them, so they help Chen Xiufei to gain a foothold and give up power.

Whether it was Wei Ruqing or Qi Sanqiu, they not only handed over the business on the road, but also took the initiative to remove the title of king, so that the influence of the old Tianmen no longer exists.

Ye Tianlong did not twitch, and first accepted Wei Ruqing's request and abolished the original title of Seven Kings, turning the Seven Kings into historical dust.

Subsequently, he asked Chen Xiufei to take over the secret door business of the Seven Kings, allowing the overseas dragon door to grow and develop rapidly, with the background of fighting for world hegemony.

Then, he merged all the Baidao businesses of the Seven Kings and handed them over to Ning Hongzhuang for operation, making Tianmen Group a 30% stronger group.

Of course, Ye Tianlong did not chill Wei Ruqing and the others, and gave them and their family glory and wealth, and promised them to participate in Tianmen dividends every year.

At the same time, let them enter the Tianlong Island to provide for the elderly and protect their safety for life.

After dealing with the affairs of Longmen and Laotianmen, Ye Tianlong began to integrate the Tianmen Group. He took out the two trillion yuan he had divided into his various enterprises.

Tianmen Group directly used the method of burning money to quickly become the leader in various fields, directly or indirectly controlling thousands of enterprises, and becoming a predator of China.

Subsequently, Ye Tianlong let Tianmen Group go public in China, using various relationships to create momentum, and also handed over beautiful reports, which made Tianmen Group's market value soar.

With a market value of 20 trillion yuan, it not only declares that Tianmen Group is the No. 1 Group of China, but also shows that it has the terrorist ability to influence the world.

After building Tianmen into the first group, Ye Tianlong smashed another three trillion yuan to Ding Liuyue. The defense of the port city let him know the importance of the foundation.

The contest of financial giants is often a contest of burning money.

When Ye Tianlong placed great trust on Ding Liuyue, Lin Rudao and Dong Xiaohua also announced the dissolution of the Landlord Association and all their funds were merged into the Tianlong Association.

The incorporation of the Hong Kong City Regal Group has not only increased the assets of the Tianlong Foundation to 10 trillion yuan, but also allowed its business resources to spread all over the world.

The Tianlong Foundation has become one of the top three financial oligarchs in the world, and it has appeared in Western newspapers for three consecutive days.

Of course, Ye Tianlong knew how much money was jealous, so he set up four or five groups from the foundation, dedicated to charity.

Building bridges and paving roads, protecting girls in the world, developing western China, and treating critical illnesses, won praise from the people of the world...

When Hong Kong City supported Ye Tianlong, Macau City was also cheered.

Under pressure, Mrs. Feng announced the change of the flag and changed the flag. The six casinos of Feng's family were all merged into the Tianlong gambling industry, and Ye Tianlong was nominated as the president of the Australian City Gambling Association.

This move not only caused Ye Tianlong's gambling industry assets to soar by hundreds of billions, but also made him the number one gambling king in Australia, and was worshipped by all parties in the gambling industry.

Ye Tianlong didn't stop there. With the help of the east wind that merged with Mrs. Feng, he quickly infiltrated the rest of the world's casinos through money and contacts.

The famous world casinos such as Genting, Russ, Honghua, and Da Mo soon have the shadow of Ye Tianlong's investment or management.

Ye Tianlong’s goal is not only to be the number one gambling king in Australia, he will eventually become the number one gambling king in the world...

When Ye Tianlong obtained a series of titles, Huaxia officials agreed to make Ye Tianlong the fifth company after negotiation and discussion.

The black widow enters the circle as a representative.

At this point, Ye Tianlong has the official right to speak in China, and his status has surpassed Confucius, Bai Shikang, and Song Chunqiu, and he is called China's No. 1 Young Master.

After the affairs of Heizhou and China were processed, Ye Tianlong's eyes began to fall on Asia. He used his strong connections and financial resources to interfere with all parties.

Ye Tianlong first attacked Dongyang.

In the past, the 300,000 coalition forces of Wallace besieged Kimpton, and the 300 killers were not lack of Orientals. Later, in the first battle of Hong Kong City, the Oriental consortium also intervened.

Ye Tianlong grabbed this, first swept the Toyo stock market, and then shouted to fight the Toyo Budo.

He also shouted to learn from Ye Tianlong to enter the palace and wash Wakayama's blood into red.

Dongyang was panicked. They still needed ten years to recover from the scars left by Ye Tianlong. Now Ye Tianlong is killed again, I am afraid it will be difficult to bear.

Especially after knowing Ye Tianlong's tenth rank, Dongyang no longer has the will to fight, and one after another screamed for peace, willing to cut land and money and cut people.

Ye Tianlong ignored it and threatened to repay the debt.

At the time of crisis, Shangguan Xiaozhi, who was a princess, stepped forward and went to Gangcheng alone to negotiate with Ye Tianlong.

Three days later, Shangguan Xiaozhi returned to the East, declaring that she had used her own method to subdue Ye Tianlong, and Ye Tianlong promised to let Dongyang go without a **** battle.

This negotiation attracted cheers from all over the world, and the royal family was even more grateful, and finally put Shangguan Xiaozhi in the highest position, the Queen of Heaven.

After Ye Tianlong took Shangguan Xiaozhi to a high position, he began to operate the situation of Nan Han.

With the help of Ye Tianlong, the Park family not only became the main branch of the Park family, but also quickly occupied various high positions in Nanhan, making it the first in Nanhan.

Park Zhongjian was finally welcomed by everyone and became the official president of Nan Han.

Of course, Ye Tianlong's ultimate goal is not for Pu Zhongjian to be in position, what he wants is Pu Xuanwu's height in ten years.

So he asked Park Xuanwu and Park Zhongjian to have a good relationship with them, and also sent many famous teachers to tutor Park Xuanwu, so that the rebellious teenager grew up quickly.

During the period, Ye Tianlong did not forget to infiltrate his chess pieces in Nanhan. With the assistance of Pu Zhenyun, Ye Tianlong quickly gained his own power in Nanhan.

The future Nan Han is destined to be Ye Tianlong's Nan Han.

Next, Ye Tianlong stretched out his hands to Man Kingdom, Malaysia, Xinguo and other places, planting the chess pieces he wanted to drop one by one in order to harvest in the future.

Three months later, Ye Tianlong completed the layout of the entire Asia, and almost every country has his shadow...

Even the high-ranking Hengguo, Ye Tianlong also used the sky ink to clamp the Yinwang.

After Tianmo healed, he went to the Heng King Palace to challenge the King Yin, to wash away the shame of defeat.

The King of India had no choice but to fight and eventually defeated Tianmo, but Tianmo was not convinced at all. He threatened to come again next month, which caused the King of India a headache.

It's just that King Seal has no way. In addition to giving Ye Tianlong face, there is also a price to pay for killing Tianmo.

He can only travel around and avoid...

Ye Tianlong also looked at Europe and North America for a time, which was also his future goal, but not his current focus.

In addition to his final battle agreement with the royal family and the U.S., there is also that their background is too strong, Ye Tianlong does not have the full ability to annex them for the time being.

In addition, Ye Tianlong didn't want the stall to be too large, so he digested the meat in his mouth first, and then went to the pot, otherwise it would be easy to choke to death.

Many factors caused Ye Tianlong to postpone his big moves, but he still planted some seeds, hoping to use it one day...

It was another cold month. With the falling leaves in winter, the shadow of the Spring Festival began to appear, and Ye Tianlong's wedding was also coming.

Ye Tianlong didn't want to get married so soon, but after Madam Feng gave birth to her son, Yan Fei and Lin Chenxue became pregnant one by one.

He felt that this winter was too cold and made himself obsessed with bed affairs, but Ye Tianlong was also glad to accept the arrival of new life.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong was also prepared to give them status, otherwise the children born would be missing something.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong is scheduled to get married at the end of the year.

A wedding is a happy and sweet thing, but at the same time it can be quite tiring.

Ordinary people’s weddings are still exhausted, but a grand wedding that attracts worldwide attention requires a lot of manpower, money, and time.

Fortunately, Ye Tianlong had some money.

Although it was only two months before the end of the year, wedding dresses, jewelry, and rings were still driven out by nearly a hundred top designers working overtime.

Whether it's wedding dresses or jewelry, they are all superb and worthy of the art.

After the wedding dress was designed, Ye Tianlong also flew all over the world with Yan Fei, Ning Hongzhuang and Lin Chenxue.

The Great Wall, Pyramids, Tailing, Triumphal Arch, grasslands, deserts, jungles, and mountains all left the footprints of Ye Tianlong and the girls.

While they were taking their wedding photos, invitations were sent to the world from Elder Gongsun and others, including the United States, the royal family, and the five great families.

Handi and the dinosaurs are also busy, and the entire Tianlong Island is full of helicopters and ships roaring and people coming and going.

The wedding day was set by Zhao Ditian and the old lady. Although I don't know why it was the twelfth lunar month, Ye Tianlong still obeyed unconditionally.

Why do you think these two are elders?

On December 12, it was a cold winter, and the cold wind was like a sharp knife blowing people's skin.

The cold winter symbolizes depression.


On this day, the small island of Tianlong was lit up and decorated, and eight large dragon lanterns were raised in front of the entrance to the island. Among them, the pearls were shining and gushing red light.

The huge vermilion "happy" is pasted all over the corner of the island.

Twenty miles from the island to the wedding square, there are also red balloons. The red color dispels the winter depression and adds a touch of warmth.

Countless Tianlong children are in a hurry, busy with the things at hand.

"Quickly, Wei Ruqing, put on the big lantern in front of the door."

"King Yan, you quickly take the Tibetan Mastiff away. Why do you get this stuff when you get married? Ye Shao was yelled twice when he was in the bridal chamber. Are you responsible?"

"Wei Ji, after you have trained the etiquette team, go to see what is missing in Ye Shao's room?"

In the island, a specially designed Wujin yard is also Ye Tianlong's wedding residence. Elder Gongsun is full of joy and personally directs his subordinates to work.

Although there are as many as a hundred people working, they are in order under the command of Elder Gongsun, demonstrating his many years of command experience.

King Yan and the others also dissipated their usual majesty, with smiles on their faces obedient to the command and help, all of them were as happy as the New Year.

"Get rich, you also decorate Yemen Master's room, the more luxurious the better."

"Yes, Bajin, hang up six big lanterns for me over there."

"Qi Sanqiu, your uncle, where did the terracotta warriors and horses come from? Mighty? You don't know that the terracotta warriors and horses are buried with the dead?"

"Tear down the rockery in the Bamboo Forest House, arrange some flowers and plants, and use this morning to set up a place for Ye Shao to sober up."

Elder Gongsun picked up the phone while giving instructions:

"What? General Wengsha and Mr. Li Jiapo are here?"

"Huh? Lao Zhao and the old lady are here? The new Queen of England is also here..."

"Oops, I thought they would only send representatives..."

Elder Gongsun slapped his head, then handed the matter to Wei Ruqing and the others, and ran out by himself: "Tell Tiger Wolf and Black Widow to welcome the guests..."

Several confidants hurriedly picked up the phone to find someone...

On this day, Tianlong Island not only gathered Tianmen and Longmen high-level officials, but also gathered top dignitaries from all over the world.

The president of the Free Empire, the new queen of England, Alyssa, Charles, Shalena, Onsha, Li Jiapo, Park Zhongjian, Shangguan...

All the powerful and powerful in the world have appeared on Tianlong Island, ready to give Ye Tianlong and Lin Chenxue their most sincere blessings.

Confucius, Bai Shikang, Song Chunqiu and Ma Qingdi also arrived one after another, and offered to help as soon as they arrived on the island.

The usually idle boys serve tea and water, lead the way to solve puzzles, and rush to work to greet the guests.

Kojima laughed and laughed.

Many Tianlong children's eyes widened, always feeling that the scene before them was too absurd.

At the same time, they also fully understand their master's Niu Cha, Niu Cha has made it possible for the first-line children of various countries to be servants.

At twelve noon, the wedding began. Confucius seized the rare opportunity to stand on the wedding rostrum as the emcee of the ceremony and shouted in front of thousands of people:

"Welcome everyone, today is the wedding of my good brother Ye Tianlong."

"In order to get his luck with polygamy, I'm cheeky as the emcee."

Confucius laughed loudly: "To be honest, this scene today, with this specification, is really the first time I have seen it in my life."

"Of course, the most shocking thing is that there are so many brides."

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Confucius shouted loudly: "Everyone said, our bridegroom is not a cow?"

"Bull! Bull! Bull!"

The enthusiasm and excitement of thousands of people was ignited, and Wengsha and them all smiled.

"It's so awesome, then there will be our best groom, Ye Tianlong!"

Confucius stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Tianlong forward: "I will introduce you to the secrets of marrying a beautiful woman."

Thousands of people applauded, shouting Ye Tianlong to introduce experience.

Ye Tianlong, wearing a Tang suit, was very helpless, so he could only go to the front and picked up the microphone, raising a smile and shouting:

"To marry so many brides, the secret is only eight words."

"Faith will move mountains to open."

Ye Tianlong is serious.

Confucius and the others froze for a moment, and then laughed loudly. Many animals were rubbing their stomachs and laughing wildly while giving thumbs up.

The entire wedding scene becomes a sea of ​​joy.

Park Zhenyun who participated in the wedding was very helpless: really a little gangster...

Rong Susu also covered his face, this son really did not hesitate to speak...

"Well, it was just a joke just now."

Ye Tianlong waved to the many familiar guests in the audience: "Actually, it is my luck and my blessing to marry so many brides."

"This is the honor of my life. I will cherish their love."


There was laughter and boos from the audience.

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand, then the conversation changed: "Thank you very much for coming today."

"It is also an honor for Ye Tianlong to come to witness Tianlong's wedding."

"Some of you present here are Tianlong's elders, brothers, beauties, and allies, and some were once rivals and enemies."

"But no matter what the relationship was before, what you and I have experienced, if you stand here today, that is Ye Tianlong's friend."


He waved his hand: "I also hope that peace in this world will last forever."

"Papa Papa--"

Ye Tianlong's words made the audience applaud, and Alyssa and the others all voted for approval.

"World peace has come out, but, Shao Ye, you care about world peace and ignore your bride?"

Confucius laughed and took the topic: "Frankly tell everyone, world peace and many brides, which one do you choose?"


Ye Tianlong shouted without hesitation.

The crowd laughed wildly again, and then clapped their hands one after another, praising Ye Tianlong for his sincerity.


Confucius straightened his body abruptly, then yelled loudly while holding the microphone: "Now I announce that the wedding has officially begun, and the bride will be invited in."

"A woman from the Lin family in Mingjiang City of China State, named Chenxue, Ming Media is marrying her first wife!"

"A woman from Ning's family in China's capital city, named Hongzhuang, is married to a second wife!"

"A woman from the Ningwu family in the capital city of China, named Lingshuang, Mingmei is marrying a third wife!"

"A woman from the Yan family in Kimpton, South Africa, a single concubine, the Ming media is marrying a fourth wife!"

"The daughter of the Shen family in Mingjiang City, China, is named Tianmei. Ming Media is marrying the fifth wife!"

"The daughter of the Park family in the capital city of Nanhan, her name is Ziyan, and the Ming media is marrying her sixth wife!"

Confucius yelled again and again, causing the bride's name to resound in the sky. Qin Ziyi, Dai Mingzi, Hua Ruyu, Lei Shijing and other women appeared one by one.

At the same time, at the entrance of the wedding square, an eight-person sedan chair appeared, glowing red and very festive.

Some people counted carefully, thirty-six carried the sedan chair, thirty-six brides, envy.

The sedan chair was laid out in the square, the red curtain was lifted, and a woman wearing a wedding dress and a red drape on her head appeared...

Confucius roared: "Ye Tianlong, whether they are beautiful or not, are you willing to marry them as wives?"


Ye Tianlong smiled and greeted him...

"End of the Book"