Talented Genius

Chapter 364: Finally caught

Chapter 364

Ye Tianlong spent the next half day in the training department, sharing his experience with dozens of newcomers.

After one afternoon, not only the newcomers were full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit, but the three daughters of Huaruyu also gained a lot. Ye Tianlong saw that the time was almost the same, so he returned the classroom to the training supervisor.

Then he left the training department and knocked on the manager's room door. He also glanced at the assistant's room, but unfortunately he didn't see Lu Xiaowu.

"Come here."

When Lin Chenxue said coldly in his ear, Ye Tianlong smiled and opened the door to enter: "Mr. Lin, good afternoon."

Sitting in front of the desk, Lin Chenxue ignored Ye Tianlong, but tapped the computer with both hands, her pretty face looked serious.

Ye Tianlong didn't bother her either. He soaked a big cup of ginseng oolong and watched while drinking. He didn't come to the office these days, and there was a bunch of green bamboo in the room.

The green bamboo is in full bloom, very emerald green, giving a sense of vitality.

Ye Tianlong looked at the bunch of green bamboo with interest, and a touch of teasing appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then, he cracked a piece of bamboo and slowly poured tea into the bamboo.

Soon, there was a slight crackling sound from the bamboo.

At this moment, Lin Chenxue suddenly shouted: "Ye Tianlong, what are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and stood up: "No, I think this bamboo looks good, I want to see if it's true or not."

Lin Chenxue, who had already dealt with the matter, leaned back on the chair and put her hands on her chest: "This is what I bought at the flower shop. It is a piece of 300 yuan. Of course it is a genuine green bamboo."

"Furthermore, you have to distinguish between serious and fake. Just touch it. Why do you pour tea? Do you want to burn it to death?"

"What's this called?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked back, but Lin Chenxue glared at him when he wanted to sit on the table, so he moved his thigh down:

"I'm mentally healthy. How can I kill a bamboo in a perverted manner? Besides, I love the house and the crow. I like Mr. Lin so much, and naturally I also like bamboo. I will never kill it."


Lin Chenxue spoke out to stop Ye Tianlong: "Who loves the house and crow with you? Don't be affectionate."

Afterwards, she added faintly: "I heard Director Xu said that you went to the training department to bring new people in the morning, not only put down your body to give them lectures, but also shared your own successful experience."

"It's rare, Ye Tianlong, I originally thought you would only spend time picking up girls, but I didn't expect that you would take business seriously."

"Mr. Lin, I've always put my business first, OK?"

Ye Tianlong is serious: "Whether it's picking up girls or getting caught, I think about the interests of the company."

"So you decided to sacrifice Hue, and then bring me back a few business orders?"

Lin Chenxue's eyes were a little joking: "Do you want me to contact Shen Tianmei?"

Ye Tianlong struck a spirit, waved his hand and replied: "No, no, President Lin, I don't agree with her, it's better to be rare."

When the corner of Lin Chenxue's mouth was slightly tilted, Ye Tianlong spoke again: "Mr. Lin, it's five o'clock, do you have a meal?"

Lin Chenxue said coldly, "No!"

"I also want to say if there is a meal, take me."

Ye Tianlong looked depressed, then smiled and said, "Or, I invite you to dinner?"

"For the sake of your good performance today, especially to keep your distance from Shen Tianmei, I will ask you."

Lin Chenxue neatly packed things up: "Go, take me home."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Go home?"

Lin Chenxue nodded: "Yes, eating at home, I am a little interested today and want to cook a meal..."

Lin Chenxue cooking? Ye Tianlong suddenly had a bad feeling.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong sent Lin Chenxue to Bauhinia downstairs. He wanted to find an excuse to sneak away, but was dragged upstairs by Lin Chenxue, and then she was pushed onto the sofa and sat down:

"If you say you are invited to dinner, you will definitely not release pigeons. You can watch TV, and I will cook..."

After speaking, Lin Chenxue entered the room, changed into a set of house clothes, and walked into the simple kitchen.

Ye Tianlong's anxiety grew stronger, and he got up and walked into the kitchen: "You can cook?"


Lin Chenxue put on the apron in a manner, and snorted unceremoniously: "I can even prepare medicine, what's so great about the food?"

Ye Tianlong's mouth opened slightly: "Mr. Lin, you don't actually have to worry about cooking for me. We will just find a restaurant for one meal."

"I'll treat."

Lin Chenxue gave Ye Tianlong a white look: "I won't go anywhere today, so I will cook at home. You can just sit and wait for my dinner."

"I'm brewing four dishes and one soup for a day. I will definitely not disappoint you. By the way, I will give you a comment after I finish it, so that I can entertain guests next time."

by! Next time entertain guests?

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened: dare to be a guinea pig tonight?

"Go out and sit, don't affect my performance."

Lin Chenxue drove Ye Tianlong out of the kitchen, and then pulled the refrigerator with a clatter, and a lot of ingredients fell off the floor.

Ye Tianlong helped pick it up, then looked at the things in the refrigerator, and opened his mouth: "You buy so many vegetables?"

Lin Chenxue replied with a guilty conscience: "This is called adequate preparation. I went to the supermarket to buy it in the morning."

In fact, she went to the supermarket and didn't know what to buy, so she bought a little bit of everything, but she couldn't let Ye Tianlong read the jokes at this time.

Lin Chenxue pushed Ye Tianlong out again.

Ye Tianlong looked back and glanced at the closed glass door of the kitchen. There was always an unspeakable anxiety in his heart. Can this woman eat the food?

He turned on the TV, and the six o'clock news was being broadcast on the screen.

In the news, several hot news were released consecutively.

The arrangements for women and children in the warehouse, the city’s crackdown on human traffickers, the review of the gun case in Mingjiang Hospital, the conflict between the Crow Group and the Feilong Group, Jiang Taibao’s upcoming bail, and the transfer of criminals in the gold shop robbery, etc., have severely impacted Ye Tianlong. eyeball.

Ye Tianlong suddenly discovered that although he tried his best to avoid getting involved in right and wrong, he finally fell into the whirlpool, and hot events were almost all related to him.

He set his sights on the last piece of news. Tomorrow, the perpetrators of the gold shop robbery will be handed over from the hospital to the court strictly to participate in the first instance.


When Ye Tianlong was watching carefully, his ears trembled, and he heard Lin Chenxue's scream from the kitchen.

The sound is not loud, but it is full of fear.

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, worrying about Lin Chenxue's danger, so he rushed over as soon as he lost the remote control.

Opening the glass door, Ye Tianlong clearly saw that Lin Chenxue's body was swaying, her arms and legs danced like an evil spirit.

Ye Tianlong rushed over and shouted: "What's the matter?"

"Shrimp, shrimp."

Lin Chenxue twisted her upper body, panicking and shouting: "The shrimp jumped on my chest...

Ye Tianlong saw that there was a pot of Jiwei shrimp on the chopping board, the protective net on it was lifted, and several Jiwei shrimp were jumping vigorously.

As for Lin Chenxue's loose home clothes, something was constantly shaking in the middle of her chest.

"Ah, it hurts."

Lin Chenxue held the protective net in her left hand and a pot lid in her right. She had no extra hands to take out the shrimps on her chest, and she forgot to put down the contents in her panic.

At this moment, Jiwei shrimp jumped, and Lin Chenxue's beard and tail immediately caused Lin Chenxue to take a cold breath. In pain, he immediately shouted to Ye Tianlong:

"What are you doing while staying, please help to get it out."

"Me? Oh!"

Ye Tianlong reacted, hurriedly stepping forward, and his right hand dropped directly from Lin Chenxue's upper body, his tentacles were gentle.

It's just that as soon as he put his hand in, the space of the Jiwei shrimp increased again, and it slid down two more points, shaking its head and tail, and Lin Chenxue let out another ouch.


Ye Tianlong quickly slid his hand down for a few minutes, touching left and right, and then grasped the fierce Jiwei shrimp, there was half a piece of snow:

"Finally caught..."


Another Jiwei Shrimp jumped out of the basin, fell heavily to the ground, and then jumped again and ran into Lin Chenxue's skirt...