Talented Genius

Chapter 515: coming

Chapter 515

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chenxue was waking up in a daze in a dilapidated cargo ship. She wanted to move but couldn't move, she wanted to shout, her mouth was sealed with tape.

In a cold and unfamiliar environment, facing fierce and ugly bandits alone, a nightmare that no one can erase in a lifetime.

Although Lin Chenxue tried her best to make herself strong, she still had a touch of fear in her heart. She took a deep breath, widened her eyes, and looked around.

With a dim light, I found myself in a cabin. The cabin had sofas, beds, and daily necessities. It was obviously a crew rest area.

Outside, the sound of river water and whistle can be heard vaguely.

Facing the kidnapping, Lin Chenxue had difficulty holding back, frowning lightly, trying to digest fear, and at the same time thinking about ways to get out.

She had already guessed that the Dongyang people kidnapped her must be for Tianyao No.1. A major breakthrough was made last time, just waiting for the final clinical data.

Dongyang people must have received this news, so choosing to start with themselves at this time can avoid the entanglement of other forces and take them away at the least cost.

Lin Chenxue felt a little self-blame in her heart, after all, she underestimated the cunning of the Easterners, and at the same time she was determined not to compromise...

Lin Chenxue was somewhat aloof about her own life and death, but when she thought of it, she still passed Ye Tianlong's shadow.

I don't know, what is going on with that strange flower now?


At this moment, the closed iron door was suddenly pushed open, and a dazzling beam of light from outside covered Lin Chenxue's face.

A wretched-faced Tu Feiguang walked in, kicked her slender legs, and smiled: "I don't think Mr. Lin has a good relationship with Ye Tianlong."

"That's good, I can get back the anger from you."

Lin Chenxue trembled and gritted her teeth slightly and said, "What do you want to do?"

She knew the ultimate goal of the Dongyang, but Lin Chenxue was a little worried about what the **** was going to do.

"What are you doing?"

Tu Fei smiled grimly, his eyes wandering back and forth on Lin Chenxue: "What do you think I want to do?"

Lin Chenxue heard the voice of the other party swallowing saliva, and the slight movement contained the most dirty and nasty thoughts of a man, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

"Ye Tianlong confronted me several times and asked the police to want me."

Tu Feiguang leaned down and stared at Lin Chenxue with a tall chest and smiled: "I have to breathe this way, otherwise it would be too embarrassing."

"It's just that we don't have time to deal with that kid now, so we can only vent our hatred with you first."

Tu Fei snorted with heat: "Wait when I play with you, let Hades squeeze your value out, and then set up a game for him to come and save the United States..."

The corner of Lin Chenxue's mouth couldn't stop twitching, and she suppressed the anger and panic in her heart: "You have the ability to ask him to settle accounts. What kind of hero is if you take my breath away?"

Tu Feiguang smiled: "I've never been a hero, so I can do things happily. Besides, playing with you won't break your brain."

"At most it's disabled."

Lin Chenxue's face was cold: "Tell me a price, a price that can keep me safe."

"Things outside of money, let alone I am not short of money."

Tu Feiguang touched a slightly moist lips, his fingers wanted to touch Lin Chenxue but his cold eyes were condensed, and then he turned into an angry smile:

"My interest is only on you, let Ye Tianlong know that the woman he likes has been played with me wantonly."

He also shrugged his shoulders and added: "Even if I ask for money, you can still ask for money after taking a few bed photos."

Lin Chenxue's face changed, and Tu Feiguang said that she was most worried about her.

"If you dare to touch my hair, I will make your family pay the price..."

Faced with such a frenzied fellow, Lin Chenxue could only hold on and scold, "I swear to God, I will kill you by all means."

"I even sold Heavenly Medicine No. 1 for your heads, believe it or not, if I tell the people behind you, use your life to change Heavenly Medicine No. 1."

"You said, will your big boss kill you?"

Lin Chenxue stared at the earth and fat light: "If you have the ability, destroy the corpse, don't give me a way out, otherwise, you will definitely die!"

The corners of Tu Fei's lips moved a little, and his smile was a little stiff, Lin Chenxue's threat was somewhat useful.

If she really offered to exchange her life for Tianyao No.1 to the veteran society, Tu Feiguang couldn't guarantee that those people who only wanted profit would refuse Lin Chenxue's request without hesitation.

Just thinking of the humiliation Ye Tianlong brought to him, especially this time when he fled back to the East in embarrassment, Tu Feiguang's sanity was washed away with anger:

"Threat me? Kill me? I'm so scared! Scared me to death!"

Tu Feiguang laughed wildly: "I'll take a look, how do you take my head?"

He stretched out his hands and unbuttoned his buttons, and several of his companions also whistled and cheered, coaxing Tu Feiguang and hurriedly rushing to the **** fight, and some people took pictures with their mobile phones.

Lin Chenxue's pretty face changed drastically and she put her tongue between her teeth. Once the other party wanted to violate her, she would bite her tongue and squirt blood without hesitation.

Of course, this is not self-defeating, but to use blood to extinguish each other's desires.

"Don't move her!"

At this moment, a voiceless voice came from the door: "She is a baby bump, and there can be no depletion."

"Master Tufei, if I were you, I would spend my energy on leaving the port at this moment, not playing with women here."

Wolverine said coldly: "Do you think we are safe?"

He never talked to everyone about Ye Tianlong's power, the purpose is to make things work more efficiently without fear of the ignorant.

"Master, this kind of woman is unruly, if you don't get rid of her arrogance and want to dig out Tian Yao No.1 from her mouth, it will be too difficult."

Tu Feiguang and Wolverine are obviously also familiar with each other. He respectfully expressed his thoughts: "To get rid of her arrogance, it is most effective to get on her."

"When she finds that she can't even keep her body, she won't try to protect things outside her body."

When Lin Chenxue's body shook, Tu Fei smiled grimly: "This is what the Chinese people said, breaking the jar and breaking it."

"You don't have to worry about leaving Hong Kong. I made arrangements yesterday. It depends on whether I return to China smoothly, so I have invested a lot of capital."

Tu Feiguang let out a sigh of heat: "Don't worry, the cargo ship will leave the port on time in three minutes."

"As for safety, there is no problem. You move so quickly, Ye Tianlong can't find it here for a while."

Wolverine's gaze eased slightly, he had great confidence in his speed and freedom from tracking.

He has absolute confidence: "Even if I find it, the thirty good players under my banner will beat him to doubt life..."


At this moment, there was a screaming scream from outside the door, and his bare body was shaken, and he rushed to the window to look down.

He was on the second floor of the cargo ship, and his vision just happened to be able to see the sight of the entrance to the first floor. He glanced at it and immediately stiffened.

He saw a person stepping in slowly, and the three Orientals had just drawn their swords to block them, and they had cut their throats with a single knife, and the sky was bloody.

Tu Fei bare body shakes: "Ye Tianlong!"

Lin Chenxue trembled and suddenly raised her head: Coming?