Talented Genius

Chapter 532: Cried

Chapter 532

"Thank you for coming to visit today's party. I am Yu Xi, today's host."

At this time, a pure-looking woman walked to the edge of the stage with a microphone, first bowed slightly to the bottom, and then smiled and introduced.

"The next performance will be three classes of officers and soldiers. The men should be self-improving martial arts performances. Let us welcome them with the warmest applause."

The hostess wore a dark blue long-sleeved T-shirt, a pair of ordinary jeans on the lower part, and a pair of white sneakers at her feet.

Hair is tied with a ponytail.

With such a simple attire, it is still difficult to conceal her pure and natural temperament, and her smiles are pure and youthful.

"Yu Xi?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up slightly, and he recognized who the host was. When he beat Nalande painfully, the reporter on the scene of the dogfighting case.

He still remembered that he had talked and laughed with Jin Xuejun. This reporter looked good, but he didn't expect to meet her here.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I can't imagine how small this world is."

Liu Lele has the potential to be a host. Her words have a kind of exaggeration power, which makes the people below can't help applauding.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

There was an extremely warm sound, mixed with some uncoordinated wolf calls, and then twelve prison guards ran out from behind the scenes, all muscular men.

Ye Tianlong also saw that Zhou Chunfeng's four brothers were also inside.

With the sound of the music, the twelve prison guards slapped their military and physical punches. They gave a sharp look at the vigor, which attracted many audiences to applaud.

It's just that Zhou Chunfeng saw Ye Tianlong in the crowd, his expression froze, his face showed dignity, Ye Tianlong gestured to indicate that he was okay.

The song of "Man's Self-improvement" soon ended, and then Yu Xi stood up again, picked up the microphone with a smile, and broadcast the next program: the old man who lifted up. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

It is rare to see a woman in prison all year round, so every time Yu Xi appears, the audience cheers, making her happy and a little scared.

"The Old Man Who Lifted Up" is a sketch performed by four prisoners. Although the plot is a bit jerky, it still received a lot of applause.

Then there was a mixed chorus of police and prisoners, "Singing the Motherland", which was very affectionate and hard.

The rest of the performance was as usual without everyone disappointed, and Yu Xi also appeared in a cameo in the middle.

She danced a ballet in a white tights, and thousands of people in the audience applauded, and Ye Tianlong also showed their approval.

Ye Tianlong discovered that as the show progressed one by one, the eyes of the white shark and the black tiger became more and more fierce, and their breathing became quicker.

He can smell the scent of a group of hungry wolves about to hunt their target, but it's a pity that he is not a weak sheep.

The fifteen programs of the party were performed quickly, but the speech of the first two leaders was omitted, and the time was 15 minutes longer, which was a bit abrupt.

"The New Year is about to come, I think everyone is in the same mood as me."

Yu Xi held up the microphone: "Is anyone willing to come up, sing a song, and sing out your mood?"

The prisoners looked at each other and laughed. No one came to the stage. After singing, it was nothing. The singing was out of voice. It is estimated that it will be laughed at by friends for several years.

Yu Xi looked at the prison guards who were watching again, and the prison guards waved their hands. They were exhausted from the five shows. How could there be spare time to sing?

"I don't have complete tunes, otherwise I must sing a song for everyone. It would be a waste not to sing a song on such a good day."

Yu Xi smiled and squeezed out: "Is no one really willing to come up?"

At this time, many people knew that they were ready to go to dinner, so people's hearts began to become impetuous, and the noise gradually increased.

The black tiger and the white shark also bowed slightly, staring at Ye Tianlong not far away with a grinning smile, and all their comrades rolled up their sleeves and got ready to go.

They looked at Ye Tianlong's eyes, as hot as a beast, ten million, ten million.

"I come!"

Just when Yu Xi was about to say a few blessings to end the party, Ye Tianlong suddenly stood up and shouted aloud: "I'll sing a song."

Ye Tianlong immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The black tiger and the white shark stood up instinctively. Hundreds of people approached Ye Tianlong, obviously thinking that Ye Tianlong was going to run away.

When they stood up, they immediately caused the other prisoners to scatter to the sides, the guards also tightened their nerves, and Wu Lingshuang's hand touched the gun at his waist.

Ye Tianlong ran to the podium in a hurry.

"Brother, that kid is going to run away."

"If you don't do it at this time, there will be no chance again."

"Let's go together, get him, ten million, and everyone will share it equally."

The white shark and the black tiger obviously didn't want the cooked duck to fly, so they ignored the scolding of several prison guards and took their benches and approached Ye Tianlong on the rostrum.


The prisoners on both sides moved away again, and more than a dozen leaders hurriedly avoided. The prison guard rushed up, but was blocked by the prisoners ordered by the black tiger and white shark.

Suddenly there was noisy, the whistle rang loudly, and Yu Xi stepped back in shock: "What are they going to do?"

"Don't be afraid, it's okay! They won't hurt you."

At this time, Ye Tianlong, who had already ran on the stage, did not rush to the backstage, but quickly held Yu Xi with his eyesight, and took the microphone in one hand:

"It's rare to come to prison as a guest. Today, I will sing a song for everyone."

His mellow and deep voice rang, which immediately overwhelmed the noise of the audience, and also made the panicked Yu Xi a little peaceful, and stood firm.

The Black Tiger and the White Shark were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect Ye Tianlong to really sing, but they didn't bother to pay attention and continued to approach with the stool.


"The Voice of the Heart, dedicated to everyone present."

Ye Tianlong motioned Wu Lingshuang not to act rashly with his eyes, and then sang softly into the microphone:

"Mom, mom, my son called mom today and couldn't help but tears down."

"How many springs and autumns are inside the high wall, Mom, you can look forward to it outside the wall, tears dye your hair."

Chi Zhiqiang, a prisoner's song "Sound of Heart", which was popular in the north and south of the country, sang from Ye Tianlong's mouth and instantly dissipated all the noise.

The movements of the White Shark and Black Tiger also stopped for an instant, and they all looked at Ye Tianlong with shocked expressions, as if they didn't expect him to sing this song.

Although it is just a few simple sentences, they are incredibly fastened to everyone's heart, making people feel that the pores all over the body are opened, and the emotions are also infected.

Yu Xi watched this scene in horror. She pressed her small mouth tightly, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, so many people were crushed by a song!

At this moment, Ye Tianlong is still holding the microphone tightly: "I think yesterday, I was like a wild horse running off the rein, violent and rough, kicking and stepping wildly."

"Mom, my son fell into the torrent. He couldn't extricate himself from the ups and downs, and he couldn't extricate himself from the ups and downs."

"It's just like again, the violent storm broke the unreleased flowers..."

Ye Tianlong's voice is very emotional, very sultry, tear-jerking, like a mentor, bringing everyone on the scene back to the rebellious era.

Bring back to the time when the mother contained everything.

The white shark and the black tiger invisibly lowered the bench in their hands, and there was a trace of struggle in their eyes, and their expressions were indescribable.

They all thought of their mothers at home, of their mothers who worked their entire lives and were getting old, and of their mothers who made mistakes and couldn't fulfill their filial piety.

The regret in their hearts, like the tide, slowly returned, and there was even a tear in the white shark's eyes.

Soon, every prisoner's eyes were closed tightly, and his expression was sometimes intoxicated, sometimes frightened, sometimes relieved, and sometimes regretful!

It seems that every rhythm will take them into a world!

"Mom, mom, my son called mom today, I see you early, tears hang on my cheeks."

"In the high wall, the spring breeze is blowing, mother, you can see outside the wall, with dead branches sprouting."

Ye Tianlong jumped off the stage and passed between the white sharks: "For tomorrow, wash the mud all over, discard the old and make the new, determined to work hard."

He let every sentence of lyrics and every rhythm rush into their ears at close range, and Wu Lingshuang was surprised to find that no one had acted on Ye Tianlong.

On the contrary, the white shark and the black tiger were like being chanted, kneeling on the ground with regret.

Yu Xi even discovered that many prisoners squatted down, holding stools and started crying...

"Mom, there is a wonderful hand to rejuvenate the broken branches and leaves, and put new flowers, broken branches and leaves, and new flowers."

"My son has been helped on the steed to recover the lost years."

Ye Tianlong turned back to the white shark and black tiger, patted them on the shoulder, and then jumped onto the stage: "When you come home, call your dear mother again."

Dead! !

When Ye Tianlong left the last sentence, the playground, which can accommodate thousands of people, fell into a boundless silence at this moment.

All the prisoners opened their eyes after the singing stopped, and after only a brief period of confusion, they cried bitterly...

Cried all over.