Talented Genius

Chapter 609: Fighting (five shifts)

Chapter 609 Fighting (five more)

"He is an idiot."

The corner of Xiong Tianjiang's mouth evoked a joke: "He was eating with Shen Tianmei. I was worried that he would call the police, so I caught him too."

"The person who can eat with Reporter Shen should have a good background, but it doesn't matter, just an extra meal of snake food."

Jiang Zihao sneered and pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong and said with a smile: "After we finish playing, before you die, let you be a romantic ghost."

With a greasy face, Jiang Zihao just didn't recognize Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong asked bitterly: "Can you not kill me?"

Jiang Zihao laughed loudly: "What do you think?"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "I know too much."

Jiang Zihao gave a thumbs up: "Smart."

The two female bodyguards shouted: "Shameless!"

"Tie Shen Tianmei to me on the table."

Jiang Zihao smiled sternly: "I'll let you see later, what is truly shameless."


When the two Jiang's thugs were about to drag Shen Tianmei to the big wooden table not far away, Shen Tianmei's eyes suddenly fell cold, and she saw her hands were wrong, and the handcuffs opened with a pounding sound. At the same time, she kicked her feet. After leaving, only two crisp sounds were heard, and two Jiang's thugs screamed and threw out.

They were hit in the knee.

Jiang Zihao's body was shocked when they saw this: "Ah--"

Obviously he didn't expect that Shen Tianmei still had this ability, Ye Tianlong also showed a hint of surprise, and then stepped back a few steps away from the place of fighting.

But his eyes scanned everyone.

Shen Tianmei, who was originally weak and windy, suddenly changed her whole aura. It seemed that at this moment she was beaten with blood, summoning the **** of war.

When she took a violent step forward, another Jiang's thug was thrown into the air, his head rushed down, and the whole person seemed to be Shen Tianmei's plaything.


With a loud noise, Jiang's thugs fell to the ground, and his whole body convulsed with pain.

There was still a painful sound of "uh uh uh" in his mouth, his shoulder joint was removed by Shen Tianmei, and an arm was dislocated!

Everyone was frozen at this moment, with surprise on their faces.

Because the action of Jiang's thugs being thrown into the air is like being hung on a wire, it seems to be a fancy action in a martial arts movie, which is not very real.

Jiang Zihao and the others were frightened by the fall of Jiang's thugs.


Then, Shen Tianmei moved again, agile, she was like an agile civet cat, when the figure moved, another opponent vacated.

There was a crisp sound from the shoulder joint, and then it was hit hard.


A fierce man looked like a wild dog whose tail was stomped on. He jumped up with a swish, and roared and threw a punch at Shen Tianmei.

Shen Tianmei, who was full of disdain, didn't even look at it. She waved her hand without retreating, as if it was a sharp blade, and the bear claws appeared.

This hand is slashing on the neck of the aggressive man.

A muffled sound came out through the air!


The burly hunk brother, like being hit by an eighteen-pound oil hammer that appeared out of thin air, leaned back.

The tremendous force shook his neck suddenly, and then it looked like noodles that had been suddenly thrown into the boiling water, and it began to soften inch by inch, and then fell down.


He fell to the ground and was not dead, but he was no longer able to fight!

Not only Jiang Zihao opened his mouth and forgot to smoke, but his subordinates also rubbed their eyes desperately, seemingly hard to believe the scene before him.

The master who had fought in 30 boxing matches was knocked down by Shen Tianmei in one move, which is simply the resurrection of Bruce Lee.

This woman is too nonsense, right?

Ye Tianlong also blinked, his eyes showing approval.

Shen Tianmei took the first two steps indifferently, lazily but cohesive warfare filled the entire villa.

Shen Tianmei hooked his fingers to the other opponents: "Let's go together!"

The corners of Jiang Zihao's mouth twitched violently. He was supposed to drink and shoot when he saw Shen Tianmei's arrogance, and he felt unspeakable anger and unwillingness in his heart.

"Damn! I don't believe in evil anymore!"

He shouted to the rest of his men: "Come on together! Beat me that bitch!"

The four big men jumped out instantly, roaring and rushing towards Shen Tianmei.

The strong man who rushed in the front roared, a low hiss like a rattlesnake in his throat: "Kill!"

Suddenly, his attacking body became faster, and first rushed towards Shen Tianmei in half a beat.

At the same time, his right hand shook slightly, the light of the knife flashed, and a short knife that emerged from an unknown source pierced Shen Tianmei's throat.

His shots are fast, accurate and deadly!

Moreover, he is very insidious, using his bare hands to create the illusion of his opponent, and then kill with a knife at the last moment.

Ye Tianlong believed that many people must have suffered his losses.

But Shen Tianmei was still calm, she seemed to want to dodge backwards, and everyone had even seen her move backwards.

But suddenly, she rushed out, and her fist instantly hit the opponent's weakness.


A loud noise! The accomplices and Jiang Zihao who were impacting behind could clearly see that the back of the shooting brawny suddenly protruded.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong saw him fall out with blood in his mouth, and then he fainted as soon as he closed his eyes.

And he still held the knife tightly in his hand.

He is unwilling, only three centimeters short of stab Shen Tianmei!

This hegemony slowed the attacker's offensive slightly. In this neutral position, Shen Tianmei rushed into the enemy's encirclement.

The opponent immediately punched and kicked and tried all their strength, Shen Tianmei's intrepidity frightened them, and also made them arouse all fighting spirit.

Shen Tianmei was forced to retreat to the wall.

But suddenly, she turned around!

Her right leg had been kicked out from behind, kicking in the heart of the enemy behind her.


Also at this moment, Shen Tianmei had turned her fist back and hit the nose of the opponent in front of her. When the two screamed, Shen Tianmei's body flashed again.

She got close to the last opponent, her arm clamped his right arm, and the latter suddenly screamed, and his right arm had been severed by the woman.


The next second, Shen Tianmei's fist hit him on the bridge of the nose head on.

Invincible wherever you go, dripping with joy.


After smashing the four people in a row, Shen Tianmei screamed, without giving the other party the slightest chance to react, speed kicking Xiong Tianjiang who was about to draw his gun.


Xiong Tianlong's hand was kicked, and the hand holding the gun shook, the gun fell out, fell to the ground and kicked away by Shen Tianmei.

Afterwards, Shen Tianmei flicked her feet again, and with the help of the strength on the ground, her body rose up and flew straight towards Jiang Zihao whose face changed slightly.


The two Jiang's thugs screamed and blocked them, but they were knocked out by her elbow before touching Shen Tianmei.

"Be careful!"

But taking advantage of this gap, Xiong Tianjiang and the big guy rushed forward and attacked Shen Tianmei from behind cleanly.

Surround Wei and save Zhao.

Shen Tianmei felt the danger. The original plan of capturing the thieves and the king could only be changed. She turned around and blasted out with two fists.


A loud noise!

The three of them backed away, and Xiong Tianjiang and the big man had pain in their wrists and bleeding from the corners of their mouths.