Talented Genius

Chapter 649: misfortune

Chapter 649

When Jin Zhenyue vowed to avenge his son, Ye Tianlong was sitting in the police lobby and drinking tea.

The three-party talks were held in the police station's conference room No. 3, and the subject was not allowed to appear in the conference room, and could only stay in the semi-open lounge of the lobby and wait for the result.

Ye Tianlong and Deputy Mayor Bai sat on the left and right sides of the lounge in turn, and there were five police officers next to them who were in charge of protecting and guarding them.

"Ye Tianlong, at a young age, so rebellious, don't you worry about corpses on the street?"

Mayor Bai straightened up slightly, with a hint of lesson: "One luck does not mean another luck. Arrogant people always die early."

When he stared at Ye Tianlong coldly, Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Mayor Bai, I can sit here today, do you think I am pure luck?"

"A lucky person can survive Mayor Bai's gun?"

Mayor Bai fell silent for an instant. Obviously Ye Tianlong had something to say. He could live and sit here and wait for the result. What is luck?

Jin Guiqi's arrogant provocation and Jin Yanting's injustice were all turned into evidence by Ye Tianlong's live broadcast, allowing Ye Tianlong to occupy all the truth.

Then his wounding and killing all became unimportant. In the eyes of others, this was Ye Tianlong's unbearable counterattack against the power.

This is no longer a word for luck, but a scheming to work step by step. Although he wanted to scold Ye Tianlong for viciousness, he had to admit it was effective.

Ye Tianlong added: "Mayor Bai, although negotiations are still in progress, you and I know the results in the future."

"I walked out from here in a big way. Would you think that this is my luck?"

Mayor Bai's expression dimmed. Ye Tianlong had reason. He had Hungarian and Mongolian protective clothing on his body. There was shelter from the Rong family behind him. What did the Jin family play?

Jin Guiqi was headshot, and ninety-nine percent of it was dead in vain. It was impossible for the Jin family to seek justice on the surface, so it could only find a chance to stabbing the knife in secret.

Thinking of this, Mayor Bai squinted his eyes and re-examined Ye Tianlong. He wanted to see a trace of pride or pride, but what he saw was as static:

"Boy, you are indeed a character, no wonder Shuangshuang admires you so much, so she specifically called me this morning to let me let the innocent you go."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Hoarfrost?"

Mayor Bai nodded: "Yes, she is my niece, and she and I are both Bai family members, but she is a direct line, and I am a side line."

"She has always been stubborn and self-centered, and what she does is self-centered. This is the first time I have seen her shelter and plead for an outsider."

He took a hint of joking: "I don't like you very much, but I have to admit that you are very attractive, at least you can exchange their hearts."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Shuangshuang is a good girl."

He also took out his mobile phone and searched for information about Mayor Bai. Bai Fuche, the first deputy mayor of Kunjiang, had a bold style and used to be an anti-drug leader.

Later, his family worried about his safety, so they used the relationship to make him become the deputy mayor two years in advance, so there was more entertainment and less risk.

It turned out that he was also a person who had worked **** the front line, no wonder he dared to shout out the words to kill him last night.

Ye Tianlong looked at Bai Fuche a little higher: Fortunately, a series of big figures behind him suppressed him, otherwise he was really afraid of going to a shopping mall last night.

At this moment, upon hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Bai Fuche joked lightly: "Of course she is a good girl, but you are not a good young man."

"The shot was so sharp last night, there was a lot of blood on your hands? At least a thousand lives, right?"

He worked hard before the drug fight. Although all kinds of entertainment have emptied his body this year, the conventional judgment has not been completely lost.

I ignored the details because of excessive excitement at the scene last night. Now that I was quiet and recalled the scene, Bai Fuche immediately realized Ye Tianlong's sharp marksmanship.

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "Mayor Bai's gaze is vicious, you can see it all. To tell you, my hands are indeed stained with the blood of thousands of people."

"It's just that those people who killed are all **** people, so Mayor Bai should not treat me as a murderous madman."

He picked up a bottle of soda in front of him: "You can treat me as a scavenger."

"The world is so big and there are so many scumbags. I always need a scavenger like me."

Bai Fuche sneered: "You really will give yourself gold, you are a dangerous person, I need to tell Shuangshuang to stay away from you..."

He changed the conversation: "Judging from your tactics, you have a professional assassin demeanor, you shoot cleanly, shoot at the vital points, and don't muddle through."

"But judging from your step-by-step style, you have a little professional soldier because you have a pattern and strategy that a killer doesn't have."

Bai Fuche said faintly: "So I'm a bit hard to judge your origin."

Ye Tianlong poured a mouthful of soda into his mouth, then shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "It's very simple, I'm a mercenary, this can combine the two."

Bai Fuche was startled slightly, lost in thought, as if to digest what Ye Tianlong said.

"Mayor Bai, don't think too much about it. It doesn't matter what I am, but what kind of person I am."

Ye Tianlong held the water bottle and looked calmly at Bai Fu's car: "I can come here today. I can wait for the outcome of the negotiation. It shows that I have a bottom line."

"A person with a bottom line, no matter how rampant he is, he is not a heinous person."

"To be honest, I look down on law enforcers like Captain Jin and Wang Hulai, but it doesn't mean that I despise China's laws."

"On the contrary, I respect it and respect the law behind Captain Jin and them, so I didn't kill any policeman last night."

Ye Tianlong looked at the gate and scanned a car that stopped slowly: "I also hope that you respect the things above your head as much as I do."

Baifu's body shook slightly, with a hint of surprise on his face. It seemed that Ye Tianlong did not expect Ye Tianlong to say these words, then stared at Ye Tianlong and said:

"If you really think so, I think I will be very happy, and I will try my best to be fair on this matter, and think to resolve the Jin Family's resentment for you..."

Halfway through the conversation, Bai Fuche stopped his voice and looked sharply at the six remaining youths who had entered the gate.

They carried a travel bag and walked into the hall swaggeringly. One of them compared with the receptionist, as if seeking her help

The other five took advantage of this opportunity and quietly divided into two groups.

A group of two people approached the center of the hall, and a group of three people walked upstairs.


Bai Fuche's eyes became sharp, and he shouted to six young adults who seemed to have just grown up: "Who are you?"

"Come here, check their travel bag..."

When many busy police officers heard Bai Fu's car yelling, they subconsciously stopped working, and their eyes all fell on these young people, as well as travel bags...

Ye Tianlong's nerves also tightened instantly, and his nose smelled a familiar breath, gunpowder.


Without waiting for the police officers and the childish youth to react, Ye Tianlong rolled on the spot and grabbed a police gun from the police officer guarding him.

With a turn of the muzzle, the bullet ejected.


A young man put his hand in his travel bag, his body was shocked, and blood burst into his eyebrows.