Talented Genius

Chapter 876: Early morning gift (three shifts)

Chapter 876 Early Morning Gifts (Three more)

At five o'clock in the morning, the darkest hour before dawn, the rain pattered and the chill hit people, making people unable to feel the light coming.

Although she was soaking in a comfortable and warm milk hot spring, she just didn't know why, Madam Dai felt a chill in the dark and gloomy sky.

She is used to getting up at 4:30 every day, soaking in a milk bath, practicing swordsmanship for an hour, and then taking another bath for breakfast.

In the past three years, this habit has hardly changed, and the daily milk bath also made her feel comfortable all over, but today it feels less warm.

Just glanced at the thermometer, fifty degrees as before.

Mrs. Dai sighed: "The temperature of the milk has not changed, has it become my heart?"

After that, she slowly closed her eyes again, and did not even notice a beautiful confidant whispering, just let herself immerse in the warm milk.

Let the milk slide over every piece of white skin on her body, washing her emotions accumulated over many days, and also blurring that moving face.

A beautiful cron, named Si Koujing, one of Madam Dai's two military divisions, is regarded by Madam Dai just like Boss Yuan.

Si Koujing was 1.7 meters tall, with a delicate face, with a phoenix painted on her forehead, and she had a similar temperament with Madam Dai.


After whispering once, she saw that Madam Dai seemed to be distracted, so she coughed slightly: "There is news from Mingjiang that Operation Shanmu has failed."

"The three attacks they arranged were all defeated by Ye Tianlong and the entire army was wiped out. Ye Tianlong was safe and sound."

Si Koujing whispered: "This Ye Tianlong is really abnormal. The three suicide attacks by the Orientals are all right. What should we do next?"


Madam Dai returned to her senses, her eyes closed from the night sky, her face was not too surprised, instead she smiled and said:

"Actually, I didn't have much hope when I attacked Shanmu. If people like Ye Tianlong die so easily, how can they live to the present?"

She stretched out her hand and held up a hand of milk, and then slowly let go: "If Shanmu can kill Ye Tianlong, Song Zhu and the others will not die."

Si Koujing was startled slightly: "Madam doesn't have any hope for Shanmu?"

She was a little puzzled. Mrs. Dai didn't have any hope for Shanmu. Then inviting the Emperor Sword to meet them against Ye Tianlong, wouldn't it be a free gift to Ye Tianlong?

"My hope is only in Liuchuan Weiyang. To kill Ye Tianlong, only Liuchuan Weiyang can succeed."

Madam Dai's red lips lightly opened: "As long as Liu Chuan Weiyang puts down the air and becomes a despicable assassin, Ye Tianlong will definitely not survive for three days."

Si Koujing suddenly realized: "It turns out that my wife wants Weiyang Liuchuan's knife."


Mrs. Dai smiled faintly: "Only Liu Chuan Weiyang can kill Ye Tianlong. The rest are just cutscene."

"It's just that I can't advise Liu Chuan Weiyang to attack Ye Tianlong in public. He is a arrogant and narrow-minded person."

"When I tell him like this, he will only feel that I take him too lightly and too carelessly, so I let him arrange Shanmu and the others to attack."

Mrs. Dai’s pretty face has a sly look: "As long as Shanmu fails, he will naturally take the initiative, otherwise how can he confess to the Qingshui family?"

"Now that the entire army of Shanmu and his gang have been wiped out, Liuchuan Weiyang can only do it himself. Wait, at most three days, Ye Tianlong will be dead on the street."

Her eyes flashed with light: "Liu Chuan Weiyang is not very good, but his skills are indeed terrifying, he is a terrible killer."

She reveals the posture of a superior in control of the overall situation, and she is a bit stronger and killer in her charm.

Si Koujing frowned slightly: "Madam, does he think he will do it soon? Your agreement with Mr. Dai is about to arrive."

"Once the deadline is up and you fail to complete the agreement, you have to shed all your power and stay under house arrest forever in Broken Bridge Garden."

She was worried about the situation of her master.

Mrs. Dai flicked her fingers to calm down her cronies, and then her red lips lightly opened her mouth: "I am a gambler by nature and have been gambling for the past three years."

"Every time a bet is a bet on fate, every time I survived."

Her beautiful eyes burst into fiery heat: "This time, I still believe that victory belongs to my Shangguan Xiaozhi."

Entering Tianmen, she was gambling, and the veteran would choose the chess piece. She was also gambling, becoming a woman wearing tiger wolf, she was still betting, and she was betting on an agreement with Dai tiger wolf.

She had won the bet so many times before, and she had come to the present wealth. She didn't believe that she would be the last step.

Besides, she had already added a piece of insurance to herself, and Madam Dai believed that she had a 70% chance of winning.

In this world, many people even go bankrupt to gamble for a one percent chance of winning. She is now 70% sure, how could she not gamble?

Seeing her master's self-confidence, Si Koujing also smiled more, and then she remembered something to report: "Madam, there's one more thing."

"Three hours ago, someone heard about all the fighting, but the front desk phone was able to get through, and I sent someone over and I didn't see any clues."

Mrs. Dai faintly said, "Isn't it all right? The spies may have heard the wrong thing, the wind and rain, can he still hear the movement inside?"

She rubbed the milk on her body and it slipped crystal clear.

"Maybe you got it wrong..."

Si Koujing whispered: "It's just that I called a few club foremen's mobile phones, either turned off or no one answered, which is a bit strange."

"Would you like to call Weiyang Liuchuan and see if anything happened?"

Mrs. Dai held her chest slightly, and a touch of cream was highlighted. It was the most deadly rouge white that seemed insignificant to men: "Wait for dawn."

"If I disturb him at this time, he will get angry easily, and he will also misunderstand."

Mrs. Dai's mouth turned into a joke: "He would think that I care about him so much because I like him..."

When I say this, there is a kind of charming, cold and cruel that is the opposite of smiling.


She stood up from the milk, lumpy, attractively curved, and exuding an air of maturity. The milk slipped from her body, like pearls.

Although separated by four or five meters, there is still a layer of tulle, and as a woman, Si Koujing still feels the temptation and wants to occupy that body...

"Ah! Madam, the West Lake Club is on fire!"

Mrs. Dai, who put on a white bathrobe and showed her slender legs, just received the clothes that Si Koujing handed over and put on, she heard a shout outside.

A woman in black rushed to the door, ten meters away, and shouted: "Madam, the West Lake Clubhouse is on fire."

Mrs. Dai's eyes were cold, she went out barefoot, and went straight to the top loft of Broken Bridge Garden, focusing her eyes on the east, the location of the West Lake Clubhouse.

Jiao body shocked.

The darkness before dawn seemed vast in the rain, and because of the deepness, the flames rising from the West Lake Clubhouse seemed particularly eye-catching.

These blazing flames completely ignored the rain, but instead spread in an instant by the wind, and the flames rushed into the sky...

Although the two places are several kilometers apart, the heat wave can still be felt.

Something happened!

Madam Dai tightened her body and shouted to the woman in black: "Send a team to see what happened."

When Broken Bridge Garden sent a team to the West Lake Clubhouse to find out what happened, three black cars also slowly stopped at the gate of Broken Bridge Garden.

The door opened and Ye Tianlong walked out, Liu Chuan's head in his left hand and Lei Qi in his right.

The blood, the sword light, shocked the dozens of Dai's guards at the door.

He was like a long spear, slowly pressing against the throat of the garden, and let out a long voice:

"Ye's Tianlong, carrying the head of Liuchuan, the famous knife Leiqi, presents his wife."