Talented Genius

Chapter 908: Who will die first?

Chapter 908: Who Died First?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly startled, and then soon came to their senses, Qin Bu slapped his thigh and shouted with excitement on his face:

"Yeah, no matter what the killer is, as long as we guard this seventh cemetery and wait for the large troops to come over, no matter how many killers are there, it will be a dead end."

"It's not us who will run, but they are right."

"They either attacked and killed us now, or they evacuated quickly with their tails clamped, or it will be difficult to run later."

A rush of enthusiasm flowed in Qin Bu's eyes: "It is them who are anxious, not us."

The people who had figured it out nodded together and said: "Yes, this is our territory. Prolonged battles will win incomparably."

When Han Xiaolong was about to bite his lips, Dai Hulang nodded and looked at Ye Tianlong approvingly: "Tianlong, you are right."

Qin Bu also stepped forward and patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder, smiling and echoing: "Little brother, with so many people, you are so clear-headed."

San Shu, Aunt Wa and others also applauded.

In this chaotic situation, many people will instinctively evacuate, feeling that it is safe to leave a dangerous place, but they do not know that this is the safest place.

"Thank you for the compliment, but it is not time to approve at this time. We should immediately deploy and stick to this cemetery and wait for rescue."

Ye Tianlong's straight and slender body smiled and said, "When we pass this difficult time, let's celebrate again."

Qin Bu yelled: "Brother Ye, you arrange it, we will listen to you."

The other veterans also handed over the command to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong is very simple: "Okay, then I will temporarily fill it up."

"Auntie Wa, you contact the nearby brothers and ask them to support them immediately, and at the same time inform the police that they have suffered a terrorist attack."


"Uncle San, you take the Dai Guards to protect your uncle and Mingzi strictly."


"Uncle Qin, you took ten people to hide behind the tombstone."


"Han Xiaolong, you take forty people to guard the gate and the commanding heights."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's words represent Dai Tiger Wolf's will, and every instruction will be effectively executed.


Just as Han Xiaolong and Qin Bu were preparing to go out, three hearses suddenly rushed onto the main road. The cars screamed and rammed into the entrance.

No need to ask, know that this is a killer attack.


Ye Tianlong let out a cry, and the guard of Dai's family dispersed for the first time, raising the gun in his hand, brazenly facing the hearse that was drew closer.

Ignoring the crazy enemy, they firmly stabilized their bodies, moved their muzzle to lock the driver's seat, and then pulled the trigger frantically.

"Boom boom!"

In Ye Tianlong's command of the enemy, dozens of people guarding the door at the same time pulled the trigger, and bullets whizzed out from the muzzle.

An arc suddenly appeared in the air, piercing through the cold wind, piercing through the glass, and with a bang, the bullet pierced into the locked three drivers.

The bodies of the three locked drivers were shocked.

Flutter! A stream of blood shot from them, and the thick back slammed into the seat five or six times.

Then he fell to the steering wheel, pressed the horn and pulled out a long sound, the sharp sound stimulated the entire grave area.

When the co-pilot companion stepped forward to take the steering wheel, the three hearses had already deflected and collided with nearby trees.


In the next second, the hearse that was out of control, before being stabilized by the rest of the people, leaned and hit the curb beside it.

Then hit the low and middle wall, hit the street lamp, the road fangs, the street light pole, the separation wall, and the fragile ones broke.

The three funeral vehicles rolled out, dragged more than 20 meters on the ground before they stopped. The entire body was damaged and ugly.


The glass of the car almost shattered, and a plume of exhaust smoke rose.

The charge of the hearse, the shooting of the Dai guards, and the rollover of the hearse were all born within a short period of time, and Qin Bu and the others had finished before they looked.

Then, Han Xiaolong also roared: "Shoot!"

He took the lead to shoot at the two enemies who got up. The others quickly pulled the trigger, and countless bullets poured out like rain.

Two enemies screamed and fell to the ground, with countless bullets in their bodies.

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Save some bullets!"

Although there were dozens of guns, the ammunition consumption is estimated to be about the same after the hard fight for so long. If you shoot randomly, it is estimated that there will be no firearms to rely on.

With the loss of firearms, this guarding battle will have one more variable.

The gunfire stopped quickly, but what Ye Tianlong was worried about also happened. Nearly half of the people shot out.

Ye Tianlong reminded everyone again: "If you don't have to be a last resort, don't shoot. Our task is to defend here, not to kill more people."

Han Xiaolong snorted: "Support is coming soon. The remaining bullets are enough."

"Brothers, take good care of you. You must make the enemy come and go."

Before Han Xiaolong's aura was like a rainbow, Ye Tianlong's ears moved slightly, and he heard a sound of metal sliding.


Although small, it is real, like a sharp weapon slashing the ground.

He dashed forward a few steps, brandishing the smoke and staring ahead. In his vision, there were only three overturned hearses and corpses, and no other cars approached.

Ye Tianlong once again dissipated the gunpowder smoke in his vision, and followed his senses to look towards the unclear front.


Soon, his gaze caught a small object a hundred meters away. It looked like a tortoise, approaching the gate very fast.

The color is similar to that of the asphalt road on the ground, so if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize it.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "What is it?"


At this moment, the tortoise stopped sliding, like a transformer, and quickly turned into a robot, with two black cylinders sticking out.

At the same time, the necklace on Ye Tianlong's chest, a masterpiece of red light, also issued a stern alarm: "Woo-"

Perverted King Kong?

Ye Tianlong's face changed drastically, and he roared: "All withdrawal!"

During the warning, Ye Tianlong turned back and slid into the depths of the garden at the fastest speed.

"Da da da!"

The killing machine fired at the door, and twelve armor-piercing bullets rushed towards the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Armor-piercing bombs exploded continuously among the crowd, a series of flames soared, and dozens of people guarding the door were instantly blown up.

Blood flows into a river.

At the same time, in an RV 100 meters away from the killing machine, Shangguan Xiaozhi was putting his feet on the coffee table and controlling the computer in his hand.

The white and slender legs shone attractively in the lights of the car, just like the red color painted on her lips, but with a touch of poison.

"Five hundred million, it's really worth it, how else can you break through this line of defense?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi's finger was placed on the last rocket, and his smile was like a flower: "If the defense cannot be broken, and if you can't kill people, we will be finished."

Si Koujing nodded gently: "Who would have thought that Dai Hulang had so many guns in his hand?"

"We tried our best to get ten guns, but the bodyguard of the Dai family can arm 60%, otherwise we would have won the first round."

The goshawk monkey, the traitor assassinated, and the hearse knocked out three trump cards. In the end, they did not kill Dai Hulang, and the entire army was wiped out.

And Ye Tianlong's persistent plan with guns not only resolved the situation that they attacked the car on the way, but also brought them the danger of double-sided attack, which made Si Koujing a little angry.

One of Shangguan Xiao stood up, with a hint of whiteness between the buttons: "The price is a bit heavy, but as long as the final victory belongs to us."

"After the rocket is launched, let Yanhuang's people and our dead men press over, and the entire cemetery must be cleaned."

She opened her red lips and said, "You said, did Ye Tianlong die first, or wear Tiger Wolf?"