Talk About The Case (GL)

Chapter 26: The female body in the old warehouse

"I'm really lucky today, there is still gruel to drink. But where do you want to rest tonight?"

A man with ragged clothes and messy hair walked in the dark with heavy footsteps. He took some papers and looked around for a place where he could sleep.

His original resting place was a park, but recently he was driven away by police officers patrolling there, so he had no choice but to come to such a secluded place.

A flash of lightning lit up, followed by a "rumbling" sound. The man looked at the horizon. A bright moon was already covered by dark clouds. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain tonight.

It's okay, otherwise the weather will be too hot, and at least it will be cooler after a rain.

Immediately, the man frowned again. If it rains and he can't find a place to sleep, he will get wet from the heavy rain.

He looked ahead. In the dark, he seemed to see a small house. With joy, he dragged the paper and ran towards the small house.

When he ran to the hut, he saw that it was quite big, so he opened the door and went in. As soon as the door was opened, the smell of musty came out of his nose. A tramp, he was used to these smells and didn't care too much.

I saw it was dark inside, there was no light, and this kind of house seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. As long as you can spend the night here, it's better than strolling outside.

He spread the paper on the ground, and because his eyes had adapted to the darkness, he could vaguely see the environment inside. He turned his head and glanced a few times, and saw that there were no other furnishings except for a dilapidated table.

He sat down, resting his hands on the ground, and suddenly felt a little hair on his right hand. He subconsciously touched it down, as if he had touched a soft and wet object, it felt like it was. . . . He quickly retracted his hand, put his hand on his nose and smelled it, and his nose was bloody.

He sat up and looked at the object he touched. At this time, the lightning flashed outside the house, and he saw a pair of wide-open eyes intersecting with his four eyes.


The screams cut through the silent night.

The mobile phone on Leng Yu's bedside rang. She was awakened from sleep by the ringtone. She glanced at the phone and saw that it was a call from the Federal Police Department. She clicked to connect.


The other side said: "Inspector Leng, a female body was found in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Dongshi City! Officer Peng from Dongshi Police Station said that the condition of the deceased is similar to that of Zhou Lianying and Xu Xiaofeng, and she also has a scar on her body. ..."

Leng Yu didn't wait for him to finish, the sleepworm was all driven away because she heard about the scar. She sat up and said, "I'll pass right away."

She looked at the time on the phone and it showed three thirty in the morning.

After washing up in a hurry, Leng Yu changed his clothes and drove to the police station in Dongshi.

When he arrived in Dongshi, it was already six in the morning. After Leng Yu got out of the car, he entered the lobby of the police station and saw a tramp-like man sitting on a chair and recording a confession.

After taking a casual glance, she found another police officer there. She asked, "Where is Officer Peng?"

The police officer knew Leng Yu, and he said, "I'll take you there."

Leng Yu said, "Thanks."

The two went through a corridor in the police station and came to the office leaning on the far right. The police officer said to Leng Yu, "Please."

Leng Yu nodded, and then looked through the transparent glass window to see Officer Peng's face serious, but from his tired eyebrows, he was also called into the police station urgently because he found the female body.

Officer Peng saw Leng Yu from the office and waved her to come in.

The two did not greet each other. Officer Peng said, "The corpse has been sent to the autopsy room. Let's go see it."

When they came to the autopsy room, they saw that there were already several medical staff guarding them, all of them dignified, Leng Yu followed everyone's gaze and looked at the female corpse.

She had a faint expression, she was not surprised at the horrible condition of the corpse in front of her, but her heart jumped because she clearly saw the little "A" on the belly of the female corpse. Although the drawn letters are not large, they are particularly conspicuous.

It has been several days, Leng Yu faced these letters, but because of its appearance, he couldn't guess the meaning in his head, and he felt irritable for a long time. Now that the letter scars like this appeared again, she couldn't help but produce fluctuations in her heart. The murderer kept sending out signals, but there was no trace to be found.

Officer Peng looked at Leng Yu without saying a word, and said: "Officer Leng, the body was found by a homeless man in an old warehouse."

Leng Yu's mind flashed through the homeless man he saw in the hall, and he thought it should be him.

She nodded, and said: "The corpse has been marked with an'A', and the condition is exactly the same as the corpse found in the past few days."

Officer Peng said: "Yes, we have also heard about the findings in the past few days, but the death of other corpses was different from this female corpse, right?"

Leng Yu said, "Well, every corpse has a different state of death. When Zhou Lianying was found, his **** were cut off, his wife was stabbed more than 30 times on the face, and his agent Xu Xiaofeng was caught with a pile of money. They were burned together, but this time the murderer cut off the legs of the deceased woman, and cut it from the thigh."

As she said, she pointed to the cut part, and continued: "Look, the cut is extremely smooth, and the murderer should be cut with a very sharp weapon."

Leng Yu glanced at the female corpse whose legs had been severed, and asked, "Where are her legs?"

One of the medical staff pointed to the two large paper bags placed aside and said, "It's over there."

Leng Yu walked over, took a look at the two bags, and walked to the side of Officer Peng, and said in a very flat tone: "The murderer cut her legs into so many pieces, and it seems that the hatred towards her is also very high. Deep. I just don’t understand what the murderer’s move means, and seems to hate her legs."

The forensic doctor who was examining the corpse suddenly said: "Two police officers, there are finger marks on the neck of the corpse, and there are traces of being strangled by ropes. It seems that she was strangled to death. It's just that... no fingerprints were left on the body. , There is no male semen."

Leng Yu said: "It seems that the murderer has not sexually assaulted her. By the way, were the legs of the deceased woman cut off after her death or before her death?"

The forensic doctor said: "Looking at the situation, it is judged that the legs were cut before death."

Leng Yu listened to the explanation from the forensic doctor, and knew that the murderer should have another profound meaning in doing this, but the deceased woman suffered a huge pain during her lifetime and could not be ignored.

Now they need to wait for the identity of the dead woman to be confirmed.

Leng Yu came to the cafeteria in the police station. After ordering a breakfast, she sat there and chewed it. She didn't seem to be disgusted by the corpse she just saw.

At this time, Leng Yu's cell phone rang. She glanced at it and saw that the information came from Lin Xin. Her eyes turned from coldness to gentleness just now.

Lin Xin: Are you not at the police station?

She thought to herself, does Lin Xin miss herself a little? When I didn't see her, I would start looking for myself.

Leng Yu replied: I drove to Dongshi at about three in the morning. Another corpse was found here, and the corpse was also scarred with letters.

I don’t know why, Leng Yu deliberately typed the words “more than three in the morning” in the message, like deliberately letting the other party know that he was only asleep for those two hours, and now he rushed to another city without stopping. I hope she will pamper and comfort herself.

Sure enough, Lin Xin took the bait.

Leng Yu read her message, and the corners of her mouth rose.

Lin Xin: Then you only slept for a while? Investigating the case and bringing it back to the case, your body matters.

Leng Yu: Officer Lin, why don't you also be the same? Didn’t you take care of yourself in the Lu Hongyun case last time?

Lin Xin: I'm strong, and if I can bear it, you will be different.

Leng Yu: Why am I different?

Lin Xin: Because you are a weak woman. However, if you don't listen, it's fine.

Leng Yu: Listen. .

Leng Yu read the message of the dialogue between her and Lin Xin, and thought that she did not know who fell ill after the case ended six months ago. But she didn't want to make fun of Lin Xin with this, and graciously let her again.

She remembered that Lin Xin came to find herself so early, wondering if there was something important. .

Leng Yu: What happened to you looking for me early in the morning?

Lin Xin: It's okay. Seeing you are not in the police station, I'm a little curious.

Leng Yu: So you will also be curious about me.

Lin Xin: No, I thought you were too late to sleep. Has the corpse identification report been issued?

Leng Yu: Not yet, I'm still waiting.

Lin Xin: Have you had breakfast?

Leng Yu felt warm when he saw this question.

Leng Yu: I am eating.

Lin Xin: Are you still in the mood to eat when you saw the corpse this morning?

Leng Yu: I'm hungry, so I eat it. I also tried to watch the forensic doctor dissecting the corpse while eating.

Lin Xin: You are disgusting.

Leng Yu: Isn't it the same for you?

After talking about this, Leng Yu saw that Lin Xin hadn't replied to herself for a long time, so he put away the phone and walked back to the police station lobby.

Officer Peng saw her and handed the report to her, saying: "The deceased was a well-known actor in China, Su Qin."

Leng Yu's eyes widened, Su Qin? Isn't she the heroine who replaced Yiqing poetry in the "Resee" movie?

Now, Leng Yu even more suspects that the murder of Yiqing Poetry may be closely related to this case, because according to the current situation, all the dead are directly or indirectly related to Yiqing Poetry.

Except for Zhou Lianying's wife, Qin Shuang, the other three people should have had contact with Yi Qingshi more or less.

Leng Yu bid farewell to Officer Peng and drove back to Yang City. Along the way, her mind was flipping the amount of information she had received.

There are already four letter scars seen so far: ‘H’ ‘H’ ‘N’ ‘A’.

What do the letters in the scar represent?

Is the letter also related to the person in Yiqing poetry?

Leng Yu drove the car for a certain distance, and saw a billboard beside the road. The advertisement was a beautiful and temperament woman. I don't know which star it was. She glanced over the advertisement and saw a small string of English characters under the artist's portrait. Before she had time to see what was written, the car was already speeding by.

At this time, Leng Yu drove the car, thinking about the advertisement and the string of English words in her head. When her eyes lit up, she hurriedly slowed down, drove the car slowly to the side of the road, and then stopped.

She took out the phone and dialed a number.

Huang Lin's voice came from the other side: "Hey boss, are you still in Dongshi?"

Leng Yu said: "Huang Lin, you tell Xiao Cheng that you don't have to look for it. Su Qin's body has been found in Dongshi. Then, please help me to check it. I wonder if Yiqing Poem had an English name back then? Or the English stage name, or else it is whether the letters on the scars and the clothing brand of Yiqing Poetry match each other."