Talk About The Case (GL)

Chapter 3: Not in love

Lin Xin arrived at the Longshi Police Station early in the morning, with a cup of hot coffee in front of her, and the mellow coffee smell accompanied her thoughts one after another.

At the moment, the cafeteria in the police station had only twos and threes of police officers. Everyone didn't dare to come forward to talk to her because she didn't say a word.

Lin Xin turned her back to the outside sun, and the morning light in the morning showed a very beautiful scene on her. Such a beautiful scene must make painters obsessed with portraits want to sit by and quietly evoke her beauty. Paintings,

The cruel thing is that this is a police station, not a street, nor a picturesque tourist attraction, and there will be no portraits.

Lin Xin is waiting for the autopsy report.

"Sister Lin, early."

Yang Cong also held a cup of coffee in her hand and sat opposite Lin Xin, ignoring the gaze projected from other police officers.

Lin Xin tilted her head slightly and glanced at the police officer who was looking at them.

"How are you negotiating with the school?" Lin Xin asked

"Principal Wu Shen is obviously extremely shocked by this incident. He has been the principal of the school for 20 years and never knew that there was a skeleton hidden in the school." Yang Cong said.

"The bones are buried deep under the playground, and every day there are students doing morning exercises and playing football here. Even if there are other traces, after years of baptism and the daily trampling of teachers and students on the lawn, they have long been worn without leaving a trace. , He doesn't know and it's normal." Lin Xin said.

"Yes. So President Wu said that if the police found anything, he said the school would try to cooperate." Yang Cong said.

"An official reply. If it is really checked, there will be many follow-up activities, maybe President Wu will not be so easy to talk." Lin Xin said quietly.

Yang Cong nodded and said, "Yes."

The murder occurred in a very famous school, and it is the number one in the city. If the investigation result proves that the murderer was done by anyone in the school, it will definitely cause an uproar. Not to mention that it will disturb the students and teachers in school, it will also make parents consider whether to transfer their children.

Once these all come true, coupled with the hype in the newspapers, a good middle school may be ruined. Therefore, if such a murder happened in a school, sometimes the school would use money to seal it up in order to preserve the school’s reputation, and that would be nothing.

"What about the painters who work at the school? Do they know about this?" Lin Xin asked.

"I don't know yet. President Wu said that this has nothing to do with them, so don't leak it out for the time being." Yang Cong said.

"They don't know it's the best. Otherwise, if the murderer gets the news and absconds, it will be even more difficult." Lin Xin said.

The phone next to her lit up, and that was information from the forensic department.

"Let's go, the autopsy report is out."

Lin Xin smoothly picked up the coffee on the table, walked a few steps, suddenly turned to the trash can, threw the coffee away, and then turned to glance at the coffee in Yang Cong's hand.

"It seems that the forensic department here doesn't allow any food or drink to be brought in, right?"

Yang Cong dropped her coffee after hearing her words.

The two came to the forensic department, and from a distance they saw Leng Yu sitting on a chair in the office of the forensic department looking through some report documents, while the forensic doctor Bai Hua sat opposite her.

Lin Xin frowned, why she was always one step faster than herself.

"Hello Officer Lin."

Seeing Lin Xin's arrival, Bai Hua stood up and shook her hand. The muscles on his face seemed to be strained all the year round. Even when he laughed, he was extremely reluctant. His skin was pale, and he didn't know if he had been in contact with the corpse all the time. It's no different from zombies.

Lin Xin sat next to Leng Yu, leaned in a little, and looked sideways at the autopsy report she was holding.

Leng Yu caught her sideways, and gently pushed the report in Lin Xin's direction, while Yang Cong stood behind them.

"Since the two are here, shall we start?" Bai Hua asked.

Lin Xin and Leng Yu followed Bai Hua to the autopsy room. They put on white gowns and masks. They walked to the operating table and looked at the neatly arranged skeletons, and they couldn't help feeling sad.

Bai Hua carefully picked up the skeletal skull, pointed at the back of his head, and said to the three of them: "This is the fatal wound of the deceased. You see, the skull on the back of her head has been broken, I believe it was hit with a heavy object."

Yang Cong picked up the camera and took a picture of the skull.

"Then, the deceased may have been severely sexually assaulted before he died. The cartilage of her lower body has been severely torn. It is initially suspected that the murderer inserted a hard object such as a wooden stick into the lower body of the deceased and stabbed it into the womb. "Bai Hua said slowly.

"Damn it!" Lin Xin shouted through gritted teeth.

Leng Yu glanced at her and said, "According to the DNA test, the deceased has been identified. Her name is Lu Hongyun, a native of the city, and she was about twenty-five years old when she died."

After saying goodbye to Bai Hua, the three left the forensic department.

"We go to Police Officer Yan Honglie and let him know." Leng Yu said.

"Yeah. Although the FBI has issued an order for the Federation to intervene in this murder case, it is better to let him know." Lin Xin said.

For such homicides, and homicides that have passed for many years, the local police sometimes do not have enough resources to investigate the case, so they will ask the federal to intervene. At this time, the Federation personally issued the order, and Officer Yan generously entrusted the case to them.

So early the next morning, Lin Xin took Yang Cong back to Yang City, but Leng Yu was not with them, nor did she know which flight she was on.

In the serious crime team conference room, Director Wang of the FBI looked at the police officers sitting below with a serious face.

"Inspector Lin, you and Officer Leng saw the body. Tell everyone about the case." Director Wang's deep voice rang in the conference room.

Lin Xin stood up and said, "Thank you, Director Wang. After the autopsy report of the Forensic Medicine Department, the bones found at the Catholic High School belonged to Ms. Lu Hongyunlu. She was a native of Longshi City, and she was about 25 years old when she died. It is not ruled out that she had been severely sexually assaulted, and the back of the head was hit by heavy objects, resulting in death. After her death, the murderer suspected that she was dragged to the playground of the Catholic high school to bury her. It was not until 20 years later that the bones It was discovered by a middle school student. Specifically about Lu Hongyun's file, we must further confirm it before we know the murderer's motive."

After Lin Xin finished speaking, she sat down and looked at Director Wang, waiting for his instructions.

"This is the result of the preliminary investigation, but we still don't know how it is. Since the crime team has been appointed to this task, so, Officer Lin, you should be in charge of the case. Put your team in charge. The staff is selected and the task will be carried out immediately."

After Director Wang gave the order, he walked out of the meeting room.

Lin Xin showed victory over Leng Yu's face, while Leng Yu, who was sitting in the corner of the conference room, watched indifferently, without saying a word.

The serious case group in the FBI has been divided into two groups, one group is led by Lin Xin and the other group is led by Leng Yu. Both groups have solved many cases. Although they are in the same department, the two have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time, as long as they are members of the serious crime team.

Although Lin Xin had a tough personality, she was still approachable to her subordinates, but Leng Yu was moody. Although she hadn't heard a serious word from her, everyone was terrified of her so that she was named a devil.

Leng Yu looked at Lin Xin's complacent back after receiving the entrustment of the case, and the corners of her lips twitched.

She is still the same as before, not changing at all, and seeing that her tail is about to rise to the sky.

Lin Xin was sitting in the office looking at the information found on the computer, frowning deeper and deeper.

She looked at the results of the search, and then compared Lu Hongyun's photos, feeling a little weird.

Lu Hongyun in the photo looks very good, and he is in the age of the Mood for Love.

Such a face, such an age, and such an academic background, there are certainly no shortage of pursuers, and the career is flourishing, but why do you fall into an indecent love with your students?

According to online news and information, two decades ago, Lu Hongyun was a biology teacher and subject director of a public education middle school. Because of his love for biology and many academic honors in this area, he was hired as the director of biology by the public education middle school with a high salary. Ascending to the branch at a young age should have a very bright future, but he was caught in the whirlpool of teacher-student love.

However, is there any woman in the world who has not been dazzled by love?

Although Lu Hongyun has achieved achievements in her career that her peers have not yet achieved, the arrival of love has ruined her. According to reports many years ago, Lu Hongyun was immediately expelled from the school, and the male student who fell in love with her was transferred by his parents after the incident was exposed.

In this country, as long as the age has not reached the age of 21, the news media will not reveal the child’s real name and all relevant information, so until now, except for the teachers and students of the school, perhaps no one knows this name. The whereabouts of the child.

However, is there any connection between this unmarried relationship and this case?

Why did her bones appear in the middle school where she once taught after being expelled from school?

Shouldn't Lu Hongyun have gone so far?

Lin Xin felt that this case was even more difficult than what she had met before. She was in deep distress, maybe she should go home now? The head must digest the information just read.

"In the UK, if you are found to have a teacher-student relationship with a minor student, you need to go to jail."

Suddenly, a familiar cold voice came from the parking lot.

Lin Xin turned her head and saw that Leng Yu's tall figure walked to her car lightly, pressed the open key, opened the car door but did not sit in, just stood by the car door and looked at her. There was no trace of her face. affect.

Lin Xin simply walked up to her. The two women were about the same height, so their eyes were straight when looking at each other.

"According to you, should Lu Hongyun squat in prison?" Lin Xin asked

"Strictly speaking, yes." Leng Yu said calmly.

"Perhaps you are right. She shouldn't stretch out her claws to her students, but she won't die." Lin Xin said.

"Well, so? What do you want to say?" Leng Yu asked rhetorically.

"Love is very sacred. If she loves adults, maybe everything is different." Lin Xin asked.

A very shallow smile appeared at the corner of Leng Yu's mouth, and he did not speak for a long time.

"You probably haven't been in a relationship, and there is no need to tell you this." Lin Xin said.

"Then have you talked about it?"

A single word calmed Lin Xin, she really hadn't talked about it yet.

"I'm different." Lin Xin said.

"Why is it different?" Leng Yu was aggressive.

Lin Xin suddenly raised her finger to her heart and smiled: "At least when I beat here, the blood is hot."

Leng Yu glanced at her left chest, then looked up at her, and got into her car without saying a word.

She stepped on the accelerator, leaving Lin Xin with a wisp of smoke.