Talk About The Case (GL)

Chapter 48: Incredible

Yang Cong entered Tang Jianhui's home address into the navigation and ran away with Lin Xin. The car drove up to the highway, and the road was unobstructed. The dim yellow lights on the side of the road kept shining on their faces, but there was no softness.

Lin Xin stared at the front, her head could already predict what she would see when she came to Tang Jianhui's house later. Yang Cong, who was driving, was also unusually quiet. He pressed his lips tightly, his brows furrowed, and he was worried.

In the silent car, only the navigator's emotionless female voice guided them straight to the entered destination mechanically.

I don't know how long it took, the route the car was driving on became more remote, and there were more and more trees beside the road, which obscured the scattered street lights. The lights penetrated through the leaves and faintly shone on the road and their faces.

Sure enough, as Sun Junli said, there is a big lake here. Lin Xin looked out from the car window and saw that the lake was very calm. As the car passed the big lake, Lin Xin couldn't help thinking, what is hidden at the bottom of such a big lake?

It is so unfathomable and so dangerous.

It's as if the community they are in at the moment seems to be so peaceful, but is the community like this lake, seemingly peaceful, but in fact there are hidden secrets in it?

After a while, Yang Cong parked the car under a tree, which was about a hundred steps away from the villa displayed by the navigation. He turned off the engine, pinned the gun to his waist, and made sufficient preparations.

Lin Xin looked out the window and saw a crescent moon hung in the sky, just like the birthmark on the child's arm in the hospital morgue just now.

She said: "Onion, I have an ominous premonition."

Yang Cong turned her head to stare at her, and asked, "Sister Lin, what do you think Tang Jianhui is doing right now?"

Lin Xin shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but it won't be a good thing. I wonder if he has completed his work, or is in progress..."

Yang Cong looked at the mansion a hundred steps away. The white walls and black roof looked a little gloomy and weird.

Lin Xin said: "Let's go take a look."

The two got out of the car and approached the mansion with extreme caution. They saw a dim yellow light flashing in one of the windows.

Yang Cong walked in front of Lin Xin, they came to the gate of the mansion, rang the doorbell, and then put their right hand on the gun on their waist, fully guarded.

However, after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

So Yang Cong rang the doorbell again.

Still no one came to open the door.

When Yang Cong wanted to press the doorbell again, the door opened from the inside, and then a figure of a man appeared in front of them.

I saw the man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face. He saw Lin Xin and Yang Cong, with a slightly surprised look on their faces, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Xin recognized that this person was Tang Jianhui who she searched on the Internet at a glance. It seems that they did not find the wrong person.

Yang Cong said, "Is this Tang Jianhui's residence? We are a police officer from the Federal Bureau. We want to ask him about a serial murder."

The man's face was calm and said, "I'm sorry, the person you are looking for no longer lives here."

Lin Xin said sharply, "Tang Jianhui, do you think you lied to us?"

The man's face changed, and he wanted to close the door, but Yang Cong kicked it open. Yang Cong then rushed forward, crushing the man to the ground, and then took out the handcuffs he carried with him and roasted them.

Seeing that Tang Jianhui had been subdued, Lin Xin walked in through the gate, followed by a strong smell of medicine, which seemed to be formalin used by medical staff as an antiseptic.

She and Yang Cong looked at the darkened hall of the mansion, and could vaguely see sets of building block models placed in the hall, which looked complete and exquisite.

Lin Xin pressed the switch in the living room, and the light bulb in the mansion turned on, and the dim light was a little dim. She walked up to the building blocks and looked at the building block models, secretly stunned by them. It takes so much patience and hard work to make it so perfect.

Then, in the corner of the hall, there were some boxes with the words "Lego" printed on them, which was the brand of building blocks.

Lin Xin took out her mobile phone, then dialed Chen Chong's mobile phone number, and said, "Officer Chen, please send some police officers to Tang Jianhui's residence. I will send you the address later."

After she put up the phone, she said to Yang Cong, "Congtou, please take care of him for me. I will search for other rooms."

After Yang Cong agreed, Lin Xin began to search all corners of the mansion.

At first, she didn't find anything suspicious in the kitchen, dining room, etc. in the mansion, until she came to a room and opened the door, and she was shocked by everything inside.

This is the first time she has encountered such a sight.

The light bulb in the room is on, as dim as the living room. Tang Jianhui likes the dim feeling when he wants to come. She walked slowly into the room and saw that it was filled with dolls and mannequins that can only be seen in the clothing store in the shopping mall.

The shadows of these dolls and mannequins appear to be long and narrow under the light, and dozens of pairs of eyes of the dolls seem to be staring at her, which is a bit strange. It's Lin Xin who doesn't believe in evil, but seeing this scene, she got goose bumps all over, just want to leave quickly.

These dolls and mannequins were neatly arranged in the room. When Lin Xin walked to look at it, she saw that each doll had a patch of stitches.

Lin Xin picked up one of the dolls and looked at it carefully, and saw that the doll's hands, legs, and even the head had been stitched up, as if it had been forcibly removed from the other dolls and then stitched up again.

There were dozens of puppets and dolls in the house that were already weird everywhere, and this one was even more secretive and bizarre.

Tang Jianhui's habit is unprecedented since she handled the case.

Later, she found a small human-shaped building block in the pile of dolls, and instantly understood Tang Jianhui's intentions. He is obsessed with building blocks, even reaching a level of madness, and building blocks can allow him to give full play to his unlimited imagination.

Then his enthusiasm for building blocks extended to dolls, all the way to. . .

Until he wanted to use real people to complete the masterpiece in his mind.

But why did he choose children?

Thinking of this, Lin Xin got up and checked the other corners of the room, and then saw that there was a hidden door in the room. She opened the door and went in, and immediately a stronger smell of formalin puffed her nose.

When Lin Xin looked at everything in front of her, she clenched her fists hanging beside her. I saw a chair there. Sitting on the chair was a child with a tilted head. Whether it was legs or arms, even the head and body of the child came from a real flesh and blood body. It's just that Tang Jianhui cleaned up the cut limbs, so there was no blood stains at all.

Moreover, the proportions of the child's figure are a bit uneven, and at a glance, it is obvious that the limbs and head are forcibly stitched and combined.

She looked at the child who had been forcibly combined. There were stitches of stitches on it. The eyeballs on the skull were black and the other amber. The bright eyes were looking at herself, just like her. The dolls I met just now are like dolls. Lin Xin couldn't help raising her right hand and covering her mouth, she suddenly felt nauseous.

Then she found that the child’s right hand was holding a small humanoid figure, and the table on the left hand was a pile of watercolor colors. It seemed that Tang Jianhui still wanted to color the human body. The degree of metamorphosis was really impressive and wanted to kill him a thousand times. Wan cut.

When Lin Xin walked out of the room, she walked to another room, opened the door and entered, where there seemed to be a burning smell.

She looked at the floor of the room and saw that there were a few puzzles piled up there, and these puzzles were all burned, leaving only some unburnt puzzle pieces piled up in the corner.

It seems that the jigsaw puzzle made by the dead child was brought here by him and burned down.

Seeing this series of incredible scenes, Lin Xin felt anger besides being uncomfortable.

It was not until she heard the voices of several people in the hall that she returned to the hall again and saw that Chen Chong had sent police officers here.

When Yang Cong saw Lin Xin came out, there was no blood on her face, knowing that she must have discovered Tang Jianhui's evil deeds lying underground.

Lin Xin slowly said to everyone: "I have detained him and found a lot of evidence in it. He can't escape legal punishment. According to the procedure, bring him into the detention center for questioning. As for Sun Junli and his assistants, we too Must be cross-examined, there must be some involvement between these three."

It was not until four o'clock in the morning that everyone left Tang Jianhui's residence.

Yang Cong drove the car, and his mood was much calmer than before. He said, "Sister Lin, I really didn't expect that building blocks could cause a person to commit such a bad act."

Lin Xin said: "His love for building blocks has reached a crazy level, but the reason why he is so perverted may be related to his family background. Moreover, his real purpose is not to jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles are just for him. Under the guise, what he really likes is building blocks. I remember in the hospital cafeteria lounge that he said that puzzles are not his specialty. It seems that his real specialty is building blocks."

"It's just that, why does he use puzzles to satisfy his quirks? Behind it is that he hates people who love puzzles. As for who this person is, I guess it should be someone close to him, perhaps from his family. "Lin Xin slowly analyzed her own views.

"Because his hatred for this person has reached a level, he also hates those who love puzzles. But, why did he choose to be a child? However, I have a guess that Tang Jianhui may be in He was severely abused when he was a child, so he chose children and abused the children who could not complete the puzzle. Right... He abused the children, that is, there must be someone who loves puzzles. Abuse, and not once or twice, it is constant abuse..." Lin Xin murmured.

Yang Cong turned his head and quickly forgot Lin Xin's glance, and said, "Well, maybe, but Sister Lin, what happened to Cheng Yan?"

Lin Xin said: "Cheng Yan should be a close friend of Tang Jianhui. He may know some background about Tang Jianhui, so when we go back, we should also ask him."

It is because of being close that it is so easy to get a business card, or even steal a business card.

Yang Cong nodded and agreed.

When they returned to the local police station in Yang City, they found Chen Chong. Lin Xin said: "Officer Chen, Tang Jianhui will be brought here later. As for Sun Junli and his assistant, are they in the interrogation room at this moment?"

Chen Chong nodded and said, "Yes, Sun Junli and Li Quan are inside, Officer Lin, shall we go in together?"

Lin Xin said: "Okay."