Talk About The Case (GL)

Chapter 94: Very sick

When Zhao Jiajun watched his dearest sister being taken away by the police, he had no idea what he was doing. He fell weakly on the sofa, bowed his head and looked at his feet, motionless.

Sister Yang and Zhao Jiajing are his loved ones. One is Yang Liqing, who is close to his sister, and the other is his own sister.

When these two people left from his side, he only felt that the whole world was dark, and his sister had handed it over to the police.

Such a complicated psychology and such a miserable situation are Zhao Jiajun's lifelong pain, but what can be done?

After a long time, he got up and went outside Zhao Jiajing's room upstairs, and glanced at the traces of the doorknob being pried open. He had no intention to inquire into Zhao Jiajing's privacy, but Yang Liqing died so miserably, and according to the report of the bodyguard, the suspicious behavior of his sister made him helpless step by step to reveal her true face.

He distracted his parents, worried that they would not be able to accept the truth of the matter. He also disbursed his younger brother Zhao Jiaren, fearing that the guy would ruin his own affairs, and then he disbursed Zhao Jiajing to the pharmacy to help his mother buy medicine.

However, what he never expected was that Zhao Jiajing didn't have any doubts about her excuses for breaking her. Does that mean that her sister still has a lot of trust in herself?

However, I did. .

Thinking of this, the tears that Zhao Jiajun had forcibly endured finally came down. He sat in the corner and sobbed.

As early as the evening of six o'clock, Zhao Jiajun brought the locksmith. The spare key in Zhao Jiajing's room had always been her own. Zhao Jiajun had no choice but to let the locksmith pry open the door, so that she could find some clues in her room.

It was not until he saw Zhao Jiajing leave the house from a distance that the craftsman opened the lock for him.

When he walked into Zhao Jiajing's room, all the furnishings remained the same as when she left home when she was a child. Since Zhao Jiajing came back, she has not made any changes to the room.

But how could she make changes? She and Yang Liqing arranged everything in the room together.

Zhao Jiajun found an iron box under the bed in her room. Zhao Jiajun had never seen this iron box. He struggled for a long time before finally prying open the lid of the iron box and saw some photos piled in it.

After the Zhao family asked the locksmith to leave, he sat on the ground and looked at the photos. I saw that most of the photos looked very old, and he also found that these photos belonged to Yang Liqing.

Zhao Jiajing and Yang Liqing have a good relationship. It is normal to have her photos, and there is nothing wrong with charging photos of people she likes.

Zhao Jiajun looked at Yang Liqing's photos of that year, and the memories of the past instantly came to his mind. However, when he saw one of the **** photos belonging to Yang Liqing among a bunch of photos, he was a bit dazed.

He hurriedly took out the photo, and saw that the photo was very blurry, more like it was taken secretly. Moreover, Yang Liqing in the photo did not look at the camera at all, looking at the background of the photo, it turned out to be in the bathroom.

Did Zhao Jiajing secretly photograph her?

As a result, Zhao Jiajun looked for similar stealth photos from the pile of photos again, and found that there were more than a dozen of them. Although the dozen or so photos are not completely **** photos of her, some were secretly taken while Yang Liqing was asleep, and some were photos of her changing clothes.

Zhao Jiajun was shocked, and he couldn't imagine what was in his sister's head back then. How could such a sneak shot be carried out at that age?

But after the surprise, regret followed. If he could find out early that year, he might be able to remedy it.

But can it really be saved?

Zhao Jiajing's behavior was almost pathological, far worse than she thought, and even turned into today's bloodthirsty monster.

However, must the responsibility rest entirely on Zhao Jiajing? Zhao Jiajun couldn't help thinking.

When the Zhao family discovered Zhao Jiajing's morbid thoughts, they did not hesitate to send her to a boarding school, or even send her abroad, to keep her away from the Zhao family temporarily. Although the best psychological counselor was arranged, does the act of sending her away show that they did something wrong in the past?

That's why it made today's big mistake?

In addition to a bunch of old photos in the iron box, Zhao Jiajun even found a manuscript. He quickly took out the manuscript and read it carefully, and found that the content and style in it were very similar to those written by Yang Liqing.

I like Yang Liqing's novels very much. The family is full of her novel series, and Zhao Jiajun knows her style well. However, he has never seen the one he is holding now, so where did Zhao Jiajing get it?

Except for what Zhao Jiajing got from her the night Yang Liqing was killed, he really couldn't think of any way to get his sister to get this manuscript.

The title of the manuscript is "Elves". Zhao Jiajun is very familiar with the two words "elves". It is the pen name of a cartoonist, and it is the cartoonist who painted Yang Liqing's works as comics.

With an idea, he quickly rummaged through the iron box, and finally he found a bunch of comics and a ring. Zhao Jiajun had seen this ring. It was seen on her ring finger when Yang Liqing announced her marriage.

He looked at the ring carefully, and saw that the surname of ‘Yang’ was engraved on the surface of the ring. If this is the case, Ye Quan must have engraved the word'Ye' on the ring finger.

Zhao Jiajun put the ring aside, then flipped through the comics he found out. He flipped through it carefully, and saw that the word ‘elf’ was signed underneath the story. This handwriting is very similar to that of Zhao Jiajing, so the identity of the cartoonist is undoubtedly his own sister.

For a long time, no one knew the identity of the cartoonist of Yang Liqing's series, and this man turned out to be his own sister. Suddenly, Zhao Jiajun felt that she did not know this sister at all, and she had become so strange.

The two characters "Jing" and "Jing" have the same pinyin. Now Zhao Jiajun has no doubt about the fact that his sister killed Yang Liqing, but when did she become a cartoonist?

He remembers that his sister loves sketching most, and even used to paint Yang Liqing's portraits, but it turns out that she still hides another identity.

Zhao Jiajun sat on the ground, staring at the evidence he found out. His eyes were full of red threads and his fists were clenched. He wanted to go back in time and go back to the time when all disasters hadn't happened yet.

However, there is no fairy tale in the world, and there is no such thing as time returning. He can't do anything, his conscience has been urging him to hand his sister into the hands of the police, and he is planning to do so.

It's over, it's all over.

Zhao Jiajun waited for her sister to come back, but what she had waited was her indifference and ruthlessness. This fact struck him hard again.

Not far from the police interrogation room in Dongshi, Zhao Jiajing was sitting on a chair with no expression on her face. A male police officer was guarding her in the bureau. He couldn't believe that such a beautiful woman in front of him was a repeat offender in the night owl case that the crime team had spent a few days looking for.

They stayed in the interrogation room for several hours. Zhao Jiajing squinted at the police officer standing on the side, smiled at him, and asked, "Police officer, are you not tired while standing? Or should you go out to rest first?"

The police officer was ordered to guard here, and there were two police officers guarding the door outside, not giving orders or leaving at will. That's because they got orders from their superiors, and the people in the interrogation room are murderous lunatics, so they must wait strictly.

Because of this, after the police officer heard her voice, he just glanced at her and didn't interact.

When Zhao Jiajing saw it, she just chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I won't run away. I'm not a fool. I know we are waiting for the cold-faced police officer Leng Yu, the woman my brother likes."

Speaking of Leng Yu, the people in the bureau were still scared, because this person heard that he was the cold-faced demon in the crime squad. No one dared to offend him, and his wisdom was well known.

However, this woman casually exclaimed the name of Officer Leng, without fear and boldness.

Outside the interrogation room, Zhao Jiajun looked at his sister. He could not only see her but also hear her. At this time, hearing her speak at ease, my heart was even more chilled.

As he watched Zhao Jiajing attentively, footsteps sounded in the distance. He turned his head and saw that it was Leng Yu, and she was following Police Officer Lin who he had met several times.

After Leng Yu glanced at him, he just nodded to say hello, and walked into the interrogation room with Lin Xin.

When Leng Yu came in, both people inside could feel her strong aura, and the police officer nodded at her and walked out of the interrogation room.

At this time, the three women in the interrogation room were sitting face to face.

Leng Yu stared at Zhao Jiajing lightly, and asked, "Are you Zhao Jiajing?"

Zhao Jiajing tilted her head to look at Leng Yu, then quickly glanced at Lin Xin, raised her head to Lin Xin, and curled her lips: "She knows me. We met in the hospital morgue, didn't we? Officer Lin?"

Leng Yu's eyes became sharp instantly, and she coldly said: "Miss Zhao, you can still joke now, you will be convicted in the near future, I don't know if you can laugh."

Zhao Jiajing put away her smile, and immediately changed a different look on her face. She raised her eyes to look at Leng Yu, with deep chills in her eyes. She asked, "Officer Leng, how did you guess it was me? When I entered the bureau, I heard someone say that you guessed it was me."

Leng Yu has seen countless murderers, and her character is more extreme than Zhao Jiajing, but this is the first time she has encountered a female suspect who dared to ask how she solved the crime.

Lin Xin sitting aside did not wait for Leng Yu to speak, and said: "Miss Zhao, are you stupid to be Yang Liqing? If she can leave a clue, we will be able to solve the case. When you killed her, didn't you count her actually? Are you calculating too?"

Zhao Jiajing was stunned for a second, then she curled her lips and said, "Ah, is that so? So, she cares about me a lot, and finally she is willing to give me some thoughts, and she desperately left a clue, this kind of thought. It's so delicate, I thought I wouldn't get it again. It turned out not to be, I knew she had always cared about me."

In the quiet conference room, a very simple remark made people horrified. This person's brain circuit is very different from others. What kind of thoughts does she have for Yang Liqing?

No matter what Yang Liqing did, Zhao Jiajing would always associate her behavior with her deep love for herself. Is this what a normal person can think of?

Zhao Jiajing, is your thoughts on Yang Liqing counted as love?

Lin Xin sighed inwardly for the very sick woman in front of her.