Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 111

After Qiu Zhen said, Tang Yin and Guan Yuanji were long silent. I don't know if Qiu really has big ambitions or should he say that he has the courage to make Tang Yin overthrow Yuhe, and replace it with Tianyuan County.

After a long silence, Tang Yin came back to her, shook her head and smiled, and said, "Dignity, how can I do it if I want to topple it ..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiu Zhen interrupted: "In fact, it is not difficult, adults only need to wait for a chance!"

"What kind of timing?"

Qiu Zhen's mouth moved, and he didn't continue to say anything. The words turned around and said, "No matter what kind of timing, if an adult wants to sit in the county, he must have a strong and large army in his hand. So, adult Expansion of the army is a top priority. "

"Well!" Tang Yin nodded. He wanted to expand his army in order to deal with the barbaric invasion, and Qiu Zhen supported his expansion in order to internalize the same ideas, but the opposite purpose. After a pause, he asked Guan Yuanji: "Yuanji, given the current situation in my county, how many troops can I maintain?"

Guan Yuanji thought about it and said, "Between 80,000 and 100,000."

"Well, let's expand the army to 80,000 first!" Tang Yin said to Qiu Zhen, "Tell me what I mean to the chiefs of the Corps, let them hurry up and do their best to recruit new troops!"

"Yes! Lord!"

"In addition, write a document to Yu He, and announce the good news first, and then ask for food and supplies to supplement the county's reserves!"


"Yuanji, you help me prepare a great gift, send it to Baguan, and give it to General Yingbu. We can't let people help for nothing."

Guan Yuanji smiled and said, "Sir, this point has already been explained."

"Very good!" Tang Yin nodded with a smile, Guan Yuanji was thoughtful and always did not need his heart.

After all the explanations were given, Qiu Zhen and Guan Yuanji both left.

After the two of them left, Tang Yin went to visit Jiang Mo and Jiaxi.

During the battle in the border town, Jiang Mo and Jiaxi were both injured, but the former suffered internal injuries and the injuries were more serious, while the latter were only skin injuries, which did not matter. Jiang and Jia are now living in the rooms of the county guard house. The rooms are not small, and one bed is placed on the left and the right. In addition to Jiang Mo and Jiaxi, there are Cheng Jin and Aoqing.

When they saw Tang Yin coming, the four of them were stunned, and then hurriedly got up to salute. Jiang Mo, who was lying in bed, also got up. Tang Yin grabbed his shoulders, shook his head, and said, "Take care of yourself, don't be polite!"

While talking, he looked carefully at Jiang Mo. The latter had no obvious trauma, but the inward was damaged by the severe blow of the general. His face was pale and his body was weak. Even the dark spiritual practitioners need a period of carefulness. Recuperate. Another look at Jiaxi, the latter's trauma has been repaired by the dark reiki and healed as before.

In the frontier battle, Jiang Mo and Jiaxi showed bravery, especially the former. At the critical moment, they would rather die than kill the siege weapons of the brutal soldiers, earning time for their own reinforcements, and made great contributions.

Tang Yin silently considered what kind of reward to give to Jiang Mo. If he is a general in the army, then it is sufficient to directly add officers to the ranks. However, Jiang Mo has just joined his Majesty, and he has no position in the army, and the current five There were no vacancies in the Corps for him to fill.

He was pondering for a long time.

Cheng Jin, Ao Qing, Jiang Mo, and Jiaxi did not know what he was thinking about, especially Jiang Mo, who was uneasy in their hearts. The four of them had just turned to Tang Yin. After a battle, everyone else was fine, only himself. Seriously injured, will Tang Yin doubt her own strength and give up herself?

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo was anxious, stood up, and said, "Sir, this time is a subordinate's intention, and was hurt by the barbarians. Next time ..."

"Oh!" Tang Yin interrupted Jiang Mo with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I didn't blame you. On the contrary, I think that you are desperate to retreat from the enemy with great credit, so I'm thinking about what to give you. Reward. "After a pause, he turned to Cheng Jin, Ao Qing, and Jiaxi, and his head moved. The dark spiritual practitioner has an irreplaceable advantage over the light spiritual practitioner. Talent is very rare, and you have to hold them firmly to your side. Thinking about it, he said, "I have an idea, I don't know if you think it is appropriate!"

The four looked at each other and said in unison, "Sir, please!"

"The four of you are not in the army for the time being, but you have established your own department. The department is responsible for internal and external intelligence, assassination, and assisting the army. What do you think?"

There are practical things that can be done much better than without any title, which also makes the four people's hearts more solid. They didn't think much and responded in unison: "We obey adults!"

Cheng Jin's eyes rolled around and he asked, "Well ... sir, whose command will we follow?"

"Hear me directly!"

The four heard the words, they were very happy, and a smile appeared on their faces unconsciously. Listening directly to Tang Yin's transfer was tantamount to being under the direct control of Tang Yin, not to mention being controlled by others, let alone being excluded by the bright spiritual practitioners. Cheng Jin asked again, "Sir, what's our name?"

"Yes ..." Tang Yin didn't know what to call them. He paused and said casually: "Just called Dark Arrow! Dark, it means that you are training the Spirit of Darkness, and the arrow is the hope that you can be like flying arrows. None Be firm, kill the enemy thousands of miles away! "

The spirit of the four was shocked, and they said in unison, "Thank you for your name!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "Cheng Jin, you are the captain of Dark Arrow for the time being, and Jiang Mo is the deputy captain. If there is a dark spiritual practitioner in the future, all will be included in Dark Arrow. What do you think?"

"No problem, sir!" Cheng Jin and Jiang Mo served as the captain and vice captain. Ao Qing and Jiaxi had no opinion. In addition, all the spiritual practitioners who cast in the future will be included in the dark arrows. This is definitely a good thing. In particular, Cheng Jin was appointed captain by Tang Yin, and his ambition abruptly resolved. He immediately made up his mind to draw more dark spiritual practitioners into the dark arrows, make them stronger, and build their own systems.

Jiang Mo was also very excited. This time, instead of being blamed by Tang Yin, he got the post of deputy captain. He was really blessed by misfortune.

At this time, Jiaxi whispered in disbelief: "Master, then our uncle is ..." He asked this directly, but it was also very practical. After all, no one would be willing to do white work for others. And still a white worker who was born to death.

Tang Yin didn't blame him for his outspokenness, but he laughed and didn't even think about it, saying, "Let's count it as the regiment's treatment. The captain's military commander, the deputy commander and the deputy commander's army commander, all the members lead the captain Army! "

This treatment is considered high enough. In fact, Jiaxi does not care much about the amount of treatment, but the higher the treatment given by Tang Yin, the more important they are in his mind. This makes the hidden spiritual practitioners humble and strong. Your self-esteem can be satisfied.

After Jiaxi listened, she let her heart down, she was very happy, and hurriedly intervened and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

Tang Yin nodded, looked around the four, and said, "You have a good rest, if anything, come to me!"

"Yes! Lord!"

At this time, Tang Yin didn't pay too much attention to the dark arrows he had set up temporarily. The purpose was only to envelop the dark spiritual practitioners who came to join him, but what he didn't expect was that the dark arrows would become his hands in the future. A sharp arrow that hurts the human body, both internally and externally, is horrifying.

During the battle in the border town, the wind army defeated the brutal soldiers, and the entire Pingyuan County was in a happy mood. The people also became very enthusiastic. There are also residents from other cities and counties who come here in an inexplicable manner. This situation is beyond Tang Yin and his generals.

The heads of the various regiments became busy because of recruiting new recruits, and Tang Yin was not idle. He called on Gu Yue, passed the hob he learned to the latter, and let Gu Yue pass it on to the entire army. Heavy armored cavalry.

The ground hob method is difficult to master, but it is easy to just get started. Tang Yin reduces complexity and teaches simple and practical moves.

Gu Yue was very clever and knew everything at once. Within a few days, Tang Yin's swordsmanship was practiced and then applied to the training of the entire army. In his view, this is not only effective for the heavy armored cavalry of the barbarian, it is also very effective even in close combat and life-threatening situations.

During the training, the barbarian armor and warhorses captured during the First World War were used as strong soldiers and dressed as barbarian heavy armored cavalry, and then battled with the wind army. Such practical training made the wind army roll on the ground The mastery of the sword becomes more proficient and flexible, and it is also easy to find more weaknesses of the heavy armored cavalry.

On this day, both Lotte and Ai Jia came to Tang Yin and brought a thin middle-aged man.

After seeing Tang Yin, Lotte took out a drawing, spread it on the table, and said, "Sir, this is a pretty state map redrawn by Ai Jia and me!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Yin immediately became interested, came forward, and looked down.

This map is exactly the same as the sheepskin map that Rakuten had shown him. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com just uses the style to mark all the faces.

Tang Yin looked and asked, "This is really a map of the Besar city?"

"Yes, sir!"

Rakuten replied, "I have found someone to translate it all."

"Who did you translate?" Tang Yin asked casually.

"He!" Lotte pointed to the middle-aged man he brought.

Tang Yin looked up, looked at the middle-aged man along Lotte's fingers. This person should be in his early forties, but his skin is dark, his body is thin, and his face is full of folds. He looks cold in his 50s, and he is dressed in shabby clothes. Sorry.

"you are……"

Tang Yingang just spoke. The middle-aged man trembled and hurriedly bowed down, stuttering, "Zhang Xuan, meet my lord!"