Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 233

Chapter 233

"It is also because the contradictions between Sichuan and Zhenzhen cannot be resolved, so when China invaded Mozambique, even after receiving Shao Fang's request for help, they refused to send troops northward." Cai Gui carefully analyzed .

The people in the hall nodded, including Tang Yin.

Cai Gui continued: "There are many contradictions between Sichuan and Zhen. One of the contradictions is that Sichuan, which has always regarded itself as a civilized and noble person, looks down on the barbaric and backward Zhen. One of the conflicts, the king, thinks that Sichuan will look down on Zhen. How can Li Hong be crowned the throne and respect Li Hong as his own master? Furthermore, even if the country is as strong as Sichuan, he would not dare to call himself emperor. How can Li Hong dare to stand up to the world and stand on his own?

Tang Yin heard the words, rubbed his chin, and meditated without speaking.

Zhang Xin said unconvinced: "Master Cai, you said just now that Li Hong dared to take over the throne because of the support of Sichuan, so why now say that Sichuan will not support him? Isn't this contradictory? ? "

Cai Gui laughed: "It's not contradictory! If I expected it to be good, Chuan Guo was in favor of Li Hong's ascension on the surface, but secretly, he wanted to take this opportunity to destroy Zhen Guo. As long as Li Hong officially ascended the throne, it won't take long. The Sichuan State will surely encourage the nations to form a coalition of rebellion and destroy chastity in one fell swoop! "

Will Xiao Xuan, the king of Sichuan who has always been famous for Rende, really do like Cai Gui said? Use such a poisonous plan to eradicate Zhen State? Everyone looked at each other, and now no one dared to say whether Cai Gui's guess was accurate or wrong.

Zhang Xin muttered indignantly: "All this is your own estimate. In fact, will this be the case, who knows?"

Cai Gui smiled on his back and agreed: "Admiral Zhang is right, so our country should now respond to changes and wait for the development of the situation. Adults don't have to panic, things may not be as serious as everyone thinks. On the contrary, it may be a good thing for our country. "

If the two kingdoms of Chuanzhen really have such a big contradiction, it is a good thing to kill each other, but the key question is whether Chuanguo really wants to push Li Hong to the throne. Even in Tang Yin's view, the chances of belonging to the latter are not great. Even if it is really necessary to dethrone Yin and stand on its own, Sichuan has more power than Zhen. How can he give the opportunity to Li Hong?

Tang Yin turned his eyes and asked, "Cai Gui, your response is ..."

"It's simple, I don't support it, and I don't oppose it," Cai Gui said.

"En!" Tang Yin nodded, thinking that Cai Gui's analysis was reasonable and the response was relatively sound. He said, "Okay, just do what Master Cai says!"

Tang Yin finally adopted Cai Gui's opinion, and did not make any response to Li Hong's call to the world to kill Tianzi, but under the calmness of the wind country, large-scale conscription began.

This time the conscription was no longer to fill vacancies in the various legions, but to serve as a reserve for recruits. Tang Yin had secretly made up his mind. If Li Hong's ascension was false, it would be fine. If it was true, he would rather declare war on the kingdoms of the heavens and drive Li Hong to the throne.

The so-called one stone caused a thousand layers of waves. The story of Li Hong ’s desire to replace Tianzi has spread. Reactions vary from country to country. There are shockers, dazeds, and haters.

Mo Guo and Anguo are shockers. Both Mo Wang Shao Fang and An Wang Yueze feel incredible about this. The emperor is still there. Even if the emperor collapses, some sons inherit the throne.

Jade Kingdom belongs to the bewildered. Although it is hard to see what is going on, Ling Shuang keenly felt that there might be a big change between the nations.

The puppet state that has always been in good hands with Zhen state is exactly the one who hates Li Hong most. The reason why Lao Guo and Zhen Guo are in good faith is that they are afraid of the mighty force of Zhen Guo. If Li Hong becomes a son of heaven, then he will continue to bully Lao Guo and even annex it. He has such a wolf ambition, Zhen Li, and Wang Lixin. I can't even sleep well.

The monarchs of different countries reacted differently, but the folk voices were surprisingly consistent, and the people of all countries rebuked. The reason why the emperor is called the emperor is the arrogant selected by heaven. How can a prince be replaced by a prince?

The principalities can change their monarchs and dynasties, but the imperial court cannot be changed. The reason why the Haotian Empire can survive forever is also because of the continuation of the Yin family. This kind of thinking has long been ingrained in the minds of the peoples of the nations. Touching the Yin clan is touching the most basic foundation of the people.

Li Hong wants to abolish the Son of Heaven, and ascend to the throne himself. This is undoubtedly violent. The dissatisfaction and resentment of the countries are followed by waves. The letters of the scholars are like snow flakes filled with the table cases of the monarchs of various countries. In addition to reprimand or reprimand, few agree.

This is the case even within the country. The people of the Zhen State were unwilling to replace their emperor with the monarch and change the Yin family dynasty. The folk letters were also passed to Li Hong one by one.

At this time, Li Hong basically belonged to riding a tiger. He didn't think that Yin Ming had already become a puppet emperor. He had no real power. It was not wrong for him to replace it. Why did he stir up so many dissatisfaction?

But the book of the world has been issued. If he shrinks at this time, where is the face of the King Zhen?

Now the only thing that has eased his pressure is Sichuan's support for him.

Since entering Shanghai, Li Hong has been smashing the emperor's throne, but he dare not show it. If Wuchuan country secretly encourages and supports it in the face, he will not call the world with fanfare.

The arrow had to be fired on the string. For the throne, he was willing to take this fierce risk, even if he became a sinner through the ages, he would try it.

No matter how clever the mind is, he will be dizzy in the face of the supreme glory of the throne, as is the case with Li Hong.

In order to eliminate the domestic opposition, Li Hong fought hard and launched a **** suppression and massacre of those who wrote.

For those who have expressed dissatisfaction with the book, as long as it is verified, the nine ethnic groups are peers. For a time, a violent storm broke out in Zhen State, involving as many as tens of thousands of people.

Not bluntly speaking to the writer, this is the original ancestral motto of the establishment of the Haotian Empire, and the principalities have continued to use this ancestor motto. No matter how ridiculous and unreasonable the opinions of the writers, the emperor and the prince should be treated with courtesy. This and ' Fangmin mouth is better than Fangchuan 'is the same reason.

But what Li Hong is doing now undoubtedly made him anger again. People in the country are afraid to speak again, but the dissatisfaction is accumulated in the heart, deepening, and once the opportunity to vent is found, That will undoubtedly set off a rough sea.

There is no need for external warfare, but there are already contradictions in Zhen State. The situation is tense, and the crisis is hidden beneath a **** and calm surface, waiting for the opportunity.

No one knows the situation of Zhen State better than Sichuan State. Now Wang Xuan, the king of the Sichuan, is very happy, or he is very fortunate, because he had a questioner before him. Without Li Hong, he would not have known that a crippled emperor would have such prestige in the hearts of people in all countries. There are so many supporters. Now that he is well, he has completely dispelled the throne of the throne, and all the problems will be borne by Li Hong, who is willing to ask road stones, and has nothing to do with him.

It is only for ordinary people to help out without any reason. This will never happen between nations. Li Hong also thought that Chuan Guo was his ally and really wanted to help him reach the throne, but compared to Xiao Xuan, his scheming was far more miles away. He thought that his country was a country of tigers and wolves, but wherever he thought, beside the tiger and wolves, there was a monster that ate people and did not spit out bones.

Soon, Li Hong was living in the imperial palace of Shangjing in the imperial palace. At the same time, he also created jade seals, rushed to make dragon robes and dragon chairs, and discussed many issues such as the new country name. It seemed that he really wanted to abolish Yin. Self-reliance.

This series of news was passed back to Yancheng. Feng Guo's court did not make any expression, and it was silent up and down, but Yin Mao and the imperial court could not stand it.

Yin Yong urgently rang the bell of the imperial palace and summoned all the ministers to come to discuss the matter. Tang Yin was the key figure he summoned. For fear that he would not excuse him, Yin Xuan issued three edicts and urged Tang Yin to enter the palace to discuss matters.

The current imperial court has become a real heartbreaker. For example, the masses are facing a calamity, and some ministers have openly talked about their future ways in the court.

When Tang Yin arrived, he saw exactly this scene. He sneered in his heart, carrying his hands, walking in all directions, through the ministers, and stood in front of the crowd.

Seeing him coming, everyone stopped discussing. Among them, right-handed partner Guo Tong, who has been in contact with Tang Yin, approached him. He didn't smile hard and laughed, but he smiled rather than smiled. Li Hong ’s courtier thief wants to stand on his own foot in Shanghai ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This ... how will the wind country want to respond? "

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "Li Xiang, the prince is just a prince. How can you comment on such a major event? All depends on the divine will!"

He took the matter to a halt, utterly irrelevant and hung up.

Guo Tong certainly understands that this is Tang Yin's words to deal with, certainly not in his heart, he asked for nothing, and turned back disgracefully.

At this moment, a maid sang loudly and said, "Heaven is coming--"

The spirits of the crowd refreshed, and they bowed their heads kneeling, while Tang Yin stood and bowed down.

With a slight sound of footsteps, Yin Zi, the emperor, walked into the hall. To everyone's surprise, the empress Yatong also came with him.

Yin Yan's face was pale and ugly, and Ya Tong held his arm slowly beside him.

Seeing this, Tang Yin frowned, wouldn't Yin Ye be so frightened that he couldn't even walk? How can such a spirit be worthy of emperor?