Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Tang Yin's words may not be sincere, but he understands the importance of attracting people's hearts, and he will not let go of any opportunity that can attract people's hearts, although he does not know how many of these zhenbing soldiers can survive.

In fact, although Zhenbing is fierce and combative, her personality is very simple. As long as you treat me sincerely, I will treat you wholeheartedly. Tang Yin's words made Captain Zhenbing admire him and accept his orders willingly.

Guji disapproves of this. As the head of the army, he is far more knowledgeable than ordinary soldiers and soldiers. He doesn't think Tang Yin is so kind, but Tang Yin's courage and boldness are absolutely true.

While they were talking, a soldier and soldier who had sent out the whistle suddenly hurried over, first giving a salute to Tang Yin and Gu Ji, and then hurriedly said, "His Royal Highness, General Gu, and Ma Zheng Come to us and be here in no time. "

"What?" Tang Yin and Gu Ji were both shocked when they heard the words, and the latter blurtly asked, "Which side is it?"

"Yes ... it's the Zhen Army, playing the banner of Leting City." The Zhen soldier replied.

Laoting City? The hearts of Tang Yin and others were shocked. They pretended to be the local army of Qiqin Town. Qiqin Town is under the jurisdiction of Xinyu County, and Leting City is also in Xinyu County. It can be said that Leting City and Qiqin Town are close neighbors. This is a terrible thing, I'm afraid it will be exposed in advance before reaching the Dragon Fortress.

Tang Yin pondered for a moment and asked, "How many people are there?"

"Looking at the battle, it should be no less than five thousand."

If there are few people on the other side, Tang Yin can kill them all by surprise, but there are more than 5,000 people on the other side. How can this battle be fought?

Not to mention that Tang Yin had no idea for a while, Guji and the Captains of Zhongzheng Bing also shed cold sweat, their faces were more dignified than one.

A famous captain said hurriedly, "His Royal Highness, we can't hide, we just fight with them!"

"No!" Guji stopped. "The other side has more than 5,000 troops. We have only a thousand people. How can we fight it?"

"Does General Gu mean that we want to surrender as soon as possible?" A dark arrow officer next to Tang Yin suddenly asked coldly, two dark eyes shot sharp light, staring at Guji.

Guji looked right and said, "What does this brother mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand? Huh!" The Dark Arrow sneered and said, "It was General Gu who brought us here, but as soon as we arrived, there was an enemy team coming. It would not be a coincidence. ? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face changed, including those of Captain Zheng.

That ’s right, it ’s a coincidence. My own party was going to rest in the forest, but Guji suggested to this valley, but I do n’t know the **** is still hot, and the local army in Leting City has arrived. A coincidence?

Just looking at the faces of the people around him, Guji realized what people were thinking. He said to the Dark Arrow staff: "This brother doesn't want to spurt people. I don't know that the Laoting Army will pass here, and there is no secret collusion with the other party! "

"The human heart is separated from the belly, how do you think, how can we know?" The Dark Arrow staff no longer ignored him, turned to look at Tang Yin, hands also clasped the knife handle around his waist, and gritted his teeth and said, "Great King, this thief With speculation, you can't stay ... "

"I have no guilty conscience, it's your blood spurting ..."

Tang Yin waved his hand to interrupt the dispute between the two. Subsequently, he took the helmet on the ground and put it on his head, and then tapped it with his hand, saying, "Stop noisy , Don't forget, we are the local army in Qiqin Town now, the Laoting army and we are 'brothers'! "

"King, you can't believe his ghost words!" The Dark Arrow staff was anxious, looking at their posture, they must not pull out a knife to split Guji in half.

Tang Yin frowned and looked at him silently. The Dark Arrow staff trembled, and hurriedly bowed back, daring not to say a few more words.

Seeing that the Dark Arrow personnel retreated, Tang Yin nodded with satisfaction and smiled at Gu Ji, saying, "Sudden hostility is inevitable. Brothers will inevitably be a little bit flustered. There is a misunderstanding. General Gu should not mind."

Tang Yin has a strong ability to stay in trouble, no matter how critical the moment, his head can remain calm. If it is said that the Laoting Army was really brought in by Guji, he is too stupid. Although the Laoting Army has a lot of troops, after all, there are only 5,000 people. Let alone kill him, even the elite of the dozen dark arrows around him. Not necessarily able to resist.

Hearing that he didn't have any doubts about himself, Guji hesitated, and murmured, "His Royal Highness believes that the end will be innocent?"

Tang Yin nodded and said: "I have said it just now. I regard Zhen Zhen as a brother. Since I am a brother, how can I doubt you?"

Of course, if you do the stupid thing of the enemy, I will kill you first! He added another sentence in his heart.

If at first Gu Ji still felt that Tang Yin had some pretense, but now that he talks about his own head, he can't help but be unmoved.

His heart warmed, and Gongshou said, "The end will thank His Royal Highness the trust of the King. The end will dare to swear to the sky and never secretly communicate with the enemy ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin nodded in understanding and said nothing more. He looked around at the sergeants and sergeants who were close to the enemy, and said easily: "Brothers don't have to be nervous. Our true identity, what do you do, even if you really let the other party see the flaw, more than 5,000 people can't help us! "

The Lord will not mess, and the soldiers below will not mess. Tang Yin's calmness and calmness at this time seemed to Zhen Jun to be shot with a sedative. People's emotions quickly stabilized, and they looked at each other. Then, they lowered their weapons in succession. Sitting by the water pond, some people were carrying dry food, and some people simply pulled up their trouser legs and touched the fish in the water pond.

It didn't take long for me to hear the sound of footsteps at the entrance of the valley, and then, a team of several thousand people walked in.

As the sentinels said, the number of this team is over five thousand. The team is embroidered with ribbons, the flag is like a forest, and the big flag at the front is embroidered with the word "Loting".

Tang Yin and others were looking at each other secretly, and the Zhen army who came did not seem to think that there was someone in the valley. The soldiers and soldiers in front of the army were all startled, and they bowed instinctively, waiting for them to see each other clearly. Immediately after the look, the hanging heart fell down immediately, and the soldiers who took off the bows and arrows were back again.

A well-known captain dressed as a soldier quickly ran forward for a while, more than 20 meters away from Tang Yin and others, and asked loudly, "Which team did the previous brothers come from?"

Tang Yin didn't talk, and swept Guji with the light in his eyes. The latter knew, stood up, and shouted back loudly, "We are from Qiqin Town. We are going to reinforce the Dragon Fortress. Brother, where are you from?"

"Ah! It ’s the brother of Qiqin Town!" The captain walked forward, pointed his finger back, and said, "Did you not see the banner? We are the defenders of Leting City, but we are also going to reinforce the dragon crest Fortress. "

"Oh! That's a coincidence, no wonder you will meet here." Guji shrugged with a smile, and then asked casually, "How many soldiers and horses are out of your booth?"

"Not many, only five, five hundred brothers!" Captain Zhenbing has approached Guji, looked behind him, his lips slipped, and said, "Look, you are only one thousand?"

Gu Ji smiled bitterly and said, "We Qiqin Town is just a small place, how can we compare with Leting Town ?!"

"This is ..." The leader of the Zhengbing was talking to Guji. At this time, a wave of people came out of the army team behind him, headed by a black warhorse, wearing a helmet and armor. There is also a bright silver spear hanging on the winning hook of the saddle.

The member Zhen came and asked in a deep voice as he came over, "What's going on? Which army are they in?"

"Back to General, they are the defenders of Qiqin Town. Like us, they are going to reinforce the Dragon Fortress." The captain of the Zhenbing heard the words and ran back quickly, approaching Zhen and approached to salute.

"Oh? Is there any reinforcement in Qiqin Town? How would you have never heard of it?" Na Zhen muttered, urged the horse, stood in front of Guji, did not mean to dismount, and squinted at him condescendingly And asked, "Are you taking the lead?"

Without waiting for Guji to speak, Tang Yin crossed him and smiled at Ma Zhenzhen: "The villain Qiqin Town Guard Qianfu Chief Tang, I have seen the general!"

"Oh!" Zhen Zhen replied unwillingly, but her pride was stronger. The other party is just a thousand captains, and of course he will not look at them.

Although Leting City and Qiqin Town are both in Xinyu County ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, the latter is just a small town. In peacetime, there are no defenders. Who is the last name of the thousand captain.

He sat on the horse, looking down at Tang Yin for a moment, and proudly said, "This general is the general of the guard of Leting City, Zhu Zhuke!"

Tang Yin heard the words, almost laughed out loud, what **** general, to put it plainly, is the captain of a local city, the level is not as high as the city leader. Of course, he is much higher than the captain of the local army who he is currently dressed as.

Since the other party claims to be a general, Tang Yin is also willing to follow his heart, and he can also take advantage of the opportunity to please him. He bowed and gave another gift, saying: "It was originally wishing General, the villain has long admired General name!"

Wear it all, don't wear it. Zhu Zhuke saw Tang Yin's polite and respectful attitude towards him, his face calmed a lot, and his tone softened a lot. He pointed his soldier with a whip and pointed at a soldier like a plate of sand, asking, "Is this all yours?"

"Yes, General Zhu!" Tang Yin glanced back, then pretended to be helpless, and said, "Brothers haven't been used to battle for a long time. They are usually lazy, but now they suddenly leave home to fight, and they are not quite comfortable." Talking, he beckoned to the surrounding sergeants and shouted, "Line up! Line up!"