Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 401

The invincible war is as its name implies, and its brave and good warfare is indeed lost to all people. He rushed into the Falcon's camp, rushing left and right, as if in no one's realm. No one in the 30,000 Falcons can stop his sharp edge. It can also be said that only the invincible one will take the Falcons. The chaos in the camp.

Liu Zhu is a famous general and the commander-in-chief of 30,000 generals, but even he did not dare to stand up to the invincibility of the battle, but he hid far away, for fear of the invincibility of the war, and found himself on the head. Now, he only has I am hoping Zi Zi or Tang Yin's reinforcements will come immediately.

The flying pigeons of Tianyan and Earthnet Scouts were indeed very fast. After the battle just started, the information was returned to Jiancheng. At this time, Tang Yin and His Majesty's generals were resting in the pavilion. Tang Yin had just entered his dreamland, and while he was sleeping peacefully, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Damn!" Tang Yin opened his eyes, eased for a moment, turned over and sat up from the bed while cursing with a sullen moan. He picked up his coat and put it on his body, then said in a bad voice: "Recently!"

"Sir!" As soon as his words fell, Lotte and Aijia rushed from the outside recently. After seeing Tang Yin, they did not even lose their courtesy, and then said in a hurry: "Sir, Tianying Army is in the south of the city. Encountering the ambush of the main force of Ning Jun inside and outside, they have turned to us for help! "

"What?" Tang Yin heard that his body shook and the drowsiness disappeared without a trace. He suspected: "Twenty miles away ambush? Didn't Zi Zi say that Ning Jun would hide in Sansheng Mountain?"

"It seems General Zizi was wrong this time, sir, let's make a decision!" Rakuten said nervously.

"Well!" Tang Yin stood up and waved, "Convene other generals, and immediately follow me to reinforce!"

"Yes, sir!" Both Lotte and Ai Jia agreed and walked out quickly.

Tang Yin quickly put on his clothes and waited for him to leave the room and came to the courtyard of the pavilion. Wumei, Shangguan Yuanrang and others also came out of their rooms and gathered in the courtyard.

"Sir, I heard that the Tianying Army encountered the ambush of the enemy as soon as it was twenty miles out of the city. Isn't Sansheng Mountain forty miles away?" Shang Guanyuan stepped forward to Tang Yin and asked puzzledly.

Tang Yin smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that Ning Jun hasn't hid in Sansheng Mountain, and I don't know which corner to hide in." Talking, his eyes fell on Wumei Wuying, stepped forward, and whispered. : "This is the main battle with the Ning Army. You two will stay in Jiancheng!"

"No!" Wu Mei and Wu Ying unanimously opposed. Wu Mei Zhengzheng said: "I have to personally cut off the head of Zhong Tian old thief. Even if it is a sword and a sea of ​​fire, I will go to the sky!"

"Well!" Wu Ying nodded her head.

Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled bitterly, and did not discourage the two sisters any more, and now there is no time to delay here, he turned around and turned to the crowd and said, "Go!"

When Tang Yin and his party came to Nancheng, his lord and his army of more than 10,000 soldiers and soldiers also rushed over. The two parties merged together and left the city, heading directly to the site where the Tianying Army and Ning Army fought.

Their cavalry is not an ordinary cavalry. The warhorses they cross are all Moses. They are extremely fast. When they are full, they are like a gallop, and more than 10,000 people walk on the official road, like a whirlwind.

The sons and daughters are much closer to the battle site than Jiancheng, but Tang Yin was the first to arrive. From this, we can also see the rapid speed of Mo's war horses.

When Tang Yin rushed to the site of the battle, the two sides had fought against each other, and they had fought each other.

Now, not only Ning Bing and Ning Bing, who are invincible, have gone up, even Zhong Wu, who has been wounded, has stepped on the war horse and rushed into the battlefield to participate in the torture. Zhong Tian didn't do anything, but he was standing on the edge of the battlefield, and the guards and relatives around him had all gone together, leaving only three masters of Shenchi to protect him.

Far away, Tang Yin didn't see anyone, but she saw the invincible war in her own camp as if no one was in it. A tiger with a purple electricity dangling sword was savage, killing his own soldiers was like cutting vegetables. After watching it, Tang Yin was furious, smashed with blood, and sighed, and urged the horse to fight invincibly.

In the process of rushing forward, he released the Spirit Armor, at the same time pulled out the double knives, and spiritualized them into a long sickle. After just blinking, Tang Yin was in front of the battlefield, and he yelled, "All the brothers of the wind army are getting away!"

Sergeant Tianying was startled by his throat, and instinctively reacted, he retreated to both sides. For a moment, Tang Yin rushed the horse directly into the battlefield. Nearly before, without a word, the round knife split.

Zhan Wudi did not see Tang Yin kill from the side, but felt that the evil wind on his side was not good. Out of the sensitivity of the spiritual practitioner, he dropped down sharply, eh! The edge of the sickle was almost swept against the spirit armor above his head.

So fast! This is the first reaction of the invincible to this knife. He was shocked and terrified, and asked subconsciously, "Who is this?" Speaking, he also stopped straight and turned to look at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin didn't answer. When she failed to hit her, her wrists immediately turned over, and the sickle turned back to cut back immediately.

"Tang Yin?"

This is not the first time that Zhan Wudi and Tang Yin have fought. Although the latter is covered with spirit armor, he still recognizes him. Invincible in the heart of war, if you are in the heyday, naturally you don't need to be afraid of Tang Yin, but now you have consumed most of your aura, how can you still be Tang Yin's opponent?

Tang Yin's knife was too fast and weird, and the invincible war had no time to think about it. When the sword was about to be erected forward, Tang Yin's back was cut.

When 啷!

The blade of the sickle was chopping back on the pole of the Purple Light Sword, sparks were rising, and the sound of iron collision was harsh. After the invincible stopped the knife, he immediately turned the purple electric light knife across and stabbed Tang Yin's chest with a sword. His moves may be useful for others, but they are almost as childish as Tang Yin, who is known for his moves.

Tang Yinxie laughed loudly, his body was only slightly on one side, and he easily let go of the sword. While the other party was about to recruit, his arm shrank back sharply, and he slammed the invincible purple electric light knife. Under his ribs, immediately, he raised his fist in the other hand and aimed at the invincible cheek. His fierce hit was a punch.

Zhan Wuzhe did not expect that he still had this hand, was not ready, and hurriedly dodged, but unfortunately he lowered his head a half step, and Tang Yin's fist still scratched the spiritual armor above his head, and he heard a crackling sound in the ear wheel, and the battle was invincible The armor on top of his head shattered at the sound, his head scattered like a ghost.

In fact, based on the true cultivation of the two, Tang Yin's fist may not be able to break the invincible spirit armor, but now the aura in the invincible body is consumed seriously, and the strength of the spirit armor has been greatly reduced. Thanks to his quick response, otherwise, half of his head would be broken by Tang Yin.

Great Tang Yin! Invincible in the battle, Tang Yin was frightened by the heavy punches of Tang Yin, as if he did not dare to fall in love with him, turned the horse's head, and retreated to his own side.

Tang Yin succeeded in a blow, and he would let him run away without thinking. The degree of invincible war horses is very different from that of Tang Yin, but only in an instant, Tang Yin has chased behind invincible. He raised the sickle high in his hands, aimed at the invincible heart, and was ready to fiercely. Cut it down.

But at this moment, the invincible war invincible suddenly turned back in shape, at the same time, the spirit knife in his hand also cut back. Before the sword arrived, Lingbo arrived first. This Lingbo was thin and long, like a huge half-moon scimitar, straight from Tang Yin's neck.

It turned out to be a saber!

Tang Yin sneered, and leaned back to make an iron bridge, and the whole person was lying on the horse's back.


Lingbo passed flat in Tang Yin's body. When Lingbo passed, Tang Yin immediately stood up, wielded a sickle, and countered the invincible battle. At the same time, he said, "Invincible battle, see where you are going this time ..."

He hadn't finished speaking, and someone behind him suddenly shouted, "Master, be careful!"

Tang Yin's heart moved, and before she could figure out what was going on, she suddenly felt that the bad wind behind her head was not good, and the air was fluctuating, as if the sharp weapon had hit her.

If you replace it with someone else, you can't escape it anyway at this time, but Tang Yin is not an ordinary spiritual practitioner, he has his life-saving magic weapon-Shadow Drift.

Tang Yin, who was originally sitting on a horse, suddenly turned into a black mist, disappeared out of thin air, and just as he disappeared, the spiritual wave just released by the battle invincible reflected back and chopped the black smoke that he scattered into two cut.

The knife that Zhan Wudi just returned to cutting is not just a sword, but also hidden in the Lingwu skill Ling Zhan's return. It was unexpected that his returning saber was enough. In addition, the Lingbo flying out could be cut back, which is even more indefensible. If someone hadn't reminded him, Tang Yin would have taken his word.

Tang Yin turned away from the invincible spirit cut with shadow drift. # Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ At this time, a war horse rushed up from behind, and immediately sat a general with a white spirit armor, carrying a spiritualization in his hand. After the three-pointed two-edged sword, he rushed to the front of Zhan Wudi and shouted loudly, "Zhan Guanyuan is invincible!"

Along with his voice, the three-pointed and two-edged swords were picked from the bottom up, and a standing spirit wave shot out, marking a long crack on the ground, and heading straight for the invincible battle.

Hearing the name Shangguanyuan let the invincible head buzz. It can be said that in the wind, he is not afraid of the sky and the land, but he is afraid that Shangguanyuan will let this one. Not to mention that he is consuming too much aura now, even in the heyday, he is not Shangguan Yuanrang's opponent.

Seeing Shangguan Yuanrang's Lingbo shot at himself, when he crossed the ground, there were clicks and crunches. The sound was amazing and appalling. So powerful and so proud of the invincible war, he did not dare to force his front, and even the scared war horses could not care about it. He screamed and jumped sideways from the war horse.


Lingbo did not split invincible in battle, but sturdy hit on the hip of the horse. The Lingbo enters from the buttocks of the horse, and shoots out from the horse's head. A big warhorse was cut by the middle middle student and turned into two pieces.