Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 477

It's not about himself. Tang Yin didn't want to gossip, but couldn't hold back his strong curiosity. After thinking for a moment, he quickly put on his clothes, put on his shoes, opened the window to flash out of the room, and then continued to cast shadows. Drift, chase quickly in the direction that the man in black disappeared.

Tang Yin's spirit is deep, and the cultivation of the spiritual realm can support him to continuously use the shadow drift in a short period of time. After a short time of chasing out, he has already seen the figure of the man in black. From the roof of a house, he looked left and right from time to time. Tang Yin stopped, and then lay on the roof, squinting her green eyes, staring at each other to see what he was going to do.

Soon, the man in black didn't have any abnormalities. He supported his body with his limbs, crawled to the edge of the roof like a civet cat, and then drifted under the room with a shadow drift. After about half a minute or so, the man in black rushed from under the room to the roof again, but a small quilt was added in the arm.

Tang Yin's eyes were sharp, and he could see at a glance that the quilt sandwiched by the man in black was a baby born just a few months ago. Really a thief stealing a baby! Tang Yin picked his mouth, but he thought it was strange. Seeing this man in black practice, at least he must reach the level of Lingyuan. With such a good skill, where ca n’t he feed his family, why do he want to do this? Waiting for the chicken to touch the dog?

When he was secretly wondering in his heart, suddenly, he heard the rapid and sharp whistle sound around the man in black. At the same time, the torches around the house at his feet were clear, and the people were shouting horses. As soon as possible, four people came up from under the house, occupying the four corners of the roof of the house, and surrounded the people in black.

All four were covered in spirit armor, holding long narrow swords and looking at their figures, they should be three men and one woman. Tang Yin, who was hiding not far away, blinked and smiled silently. It turned out that there was already an ambush on the small side of the town. Listening to the residents in the town, the four spiritual practitioners should be dispatched from the county.

Tang Yin continued to wait and see silently with a mentality of seeing good shows. At this time, one of the four spiritual practitioners stepped forward. He pointed at the man in black with the sword in his hand, and said coldly: & t; Today we are putting up a net of heaven and earth, waiting for you to be a thief. It really came! Interesting, obediently hand over the child in your hands, and grab your hands. If not, I'll wait for people to splatter blood and get away! Obviously, the man in black was also very surprised by the sudden appearance of enemies around him. His head turned from time to time. After watching it for a while, he looked at the left and right continuously. He is a dark spiritual practitioner. Yes, he will also have a shadow trick of dark martial arts, but now he has a child in his hand. Shadow drift can no longer be performed. If he wants to break out, either throw the baby away or just You have to forcibly get out with real skill.

Obviously, the man in black didn't want to give up the babies that were hard to reach. He shot terrible light in his eyes, gripped the baby in one hand, and quickly pulled out a steel knife from the waist with his other hand. The spiritual armor and the soldier's spiritualization were completed at the same time. Then, he didn't say anything, just whispered, and a spiritual practitioner behind him rushed away with a knife.

He was fast, and the other side was not satisfied. The spiritual practitioner waved the sword and bounced the steel knife of the man in black. Then, he stabbed his sword back and stabbed him in the chest of the man in black. The man in black responded quickly, and the other person was stunned. He didn't think about it. His body was only slightly on one side, and he easily avoided the sword. At the same time, he cut under the sword and slammed the spiritual cover of the spiritual practitioner.

The spiritual practitioner was startled, and hurriedly stabbed him, but with this heavy hack, the man in black had exerted all his strength, with great strength and fierce strength, as if Mount Tai was the top. In the ear wheel, I heard a shrill sound of iron collision. The spiritual practitioner's arm was numbed by the shock, the tiger's mouth cracked, and people couldn't help retreating.

But he stood at the eaves, and there was no way behind him. When he retreated, he immediately lost his balance and screamed and fell on his back. Putting the other person under the room, the man in black didn't delay for a moment. He took a deep breath, his legs were strong, and he struck the eaves fiercely. He really seemed to fly up and jumped straight to the opposite roof.

He thought that now he could take the opportunity to break out of the siege of the opponent. The other three spiritual practitioners were not slower than him. When he was still in the air, the other three also rushed along. The skills have been released first, but the three of them worry about the safety of the baby. They did not release the Lingwu skills of large-scale attacks, but they used the stabbing and killing at the same time with great tacit understanding.

Spirit stabbing is a spiritual practice where the spiritual master concentrates his aura into a thorn and shoots it out. Don't look at it as a point attacking wushu skill, but it is fast, powerful, and can break the armor. One of the skills often used by spiritual practitioners when fighting against others alone.

The man in black was in midair and had nowhere to work, so he couldn't dodge naturally. In addition, he couldn't cast the shadow drift. Seeing that the three spirit spikes shot like electricity to himself, he had no choice but to turn the baby in his hand toward Shake behind him, and then cast Shadow Drift, which can flash three spirit spikes.

His response seemed to be as early as expected by the three spiritualists. At the moment he flew the flying baby, the woman of the three had flew over and caught the baby who fell straight on the occasion of the decency. . At this point, the man in black had flashed far away by virtue of the shadow drift. He glanced back at the three spiritualists, shook his head secretly, bit his teeth, stomped his feet, and stayed away, heading southward.

Although the three spiritual practitioners recaptured the baby, they refused to give up, and then pursued it. Obviously, the man in black has been training for a long time, and he is as fast as a whirlwind. With the use of shadow drift from time to time, he runs down without any obstacles to him, but the three spiritualists are not. Will be on the room, a while under the room, chased out for a short time, can no longer find the figure of the dark man.

In a hurry, the man in black finally dropped the other person, and he continued to run south, running all the way to the woods on the edge of the town. The degree was slowed down, he looked to the left and right, and saw no one around him. Waving into the woods, he stopped under an old tree, panting and sitting against the big tree mat.

& t; Have you used this good thing to steal a baby, don't you think it is too wasteful? & t; The man in black was sitting under the tree for a short while, and he heard a sudden voice above his head.

This sudden voice could scare him so much, the man in black suddenly screamed, screaming subconsciously like a ghost: & t; who? & t; Between speeches, he was like a ball, rolled on the spot, straight out five or six meters away, and then quickly stood up and looked up.

I saw a man crouched on the old tree branch he was sitting on, and the whole body of black spirit armor almost merged with the night. The most shocking thing was that the other two eyes were flashing weird. Green light, hiding among the branches and leaves of trees, is like an elf or a ghost.

When did the other person appear on his head, the man in black didn't feel it at all. He even wondered whether the other person was squatting there all the time, but according to the sentence of the other person, he was sure that he was following him.

The man in black responded quickly, exclaiming: & t; the dark spiritualist! & t; Even when he is most relaxed, the other party cannot climb onto his head silently without his notice. There is only one explanation. The other party is the same as him. Spirits, use Shadow Drift.

Seeing the other person can see at a glance that he is a dark spiritual practitioner, the man on the tree couldn't help chuckle, and suddenly he turned into a dark mist and appeared next to the man in black. & t; Do n’t be surprised, you and I are both secret practitioners, and we can be regarded as teachers! & t; The one who suddenly appeared on the tree was not a bystander, but Tang Yin who had been following behind him in black. People in black can shake off the three spiritualists, but they can't shake off Tang Yin.

The man in black didn't relax his vigilance because of Tang Yin's words. On the contrary, the murderous spirit on his body suddenly gave up without warning. He suddenly drank and stabbed at Tang Yin with a knife.

His knife is fast, but in Tang Yin's eyes, it is not very powerful. Tang Yin easily avoided his edge, and did not return, but said with a smile: & t; friend, there is something to say, why do you have to do it? & t; The man didn't answer, but the sword in his hand attacked faster. This knife continued to attack Tang Yin's whole body. He could still bear it at the beginning, but it was not long, and Tang Yin was impatient. , He sneered, and said quietly: & t; You can't blame me if you are looking for hardship yourself! & t; He didn't even pull a knife ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Dealing with people in black with bare hands. After flashing the opponent's two swords again, seeing the man in black slashing his neck with his sword this time, Tang Yin laughed in his heart. The other party committed a taboo against the master. When confronting the master, he must not have to. We must keep our spare power. We have 7 points for 10 points and 10 points for 12 points. If we try our best to make a move, in case of a miss, we will not even have the opportunity to withdraw or dodge when we get counterattack. Now it is exactly this kind of mistake made by men in black.

Tang Yin's figure was lowered slightly, and he passed the opponent's heavy knife in a hurry. Then, he leaned forward, leaning his shoulders against the man's lower abdomen, waving his fists upwards, and listening in the ear wheels. There were four consecutive crackling sounds: pop, pop, pop, and pop. The man in black seemed to be struck by electric shocks, taking eight consecutive steps backwards. Then, he felt tight in his chest, his throat was sweet, and a wow sounded a blood arrow.

Tang Yin's four punches hit him firmly on the chest, and the armor in front of the man in black was smashed. At this time, the man in black was able to determine that the opponent's cultivation was far above himself. Gao Qiang's scary is by no means what he can handle.

He bit his teeth and trembled his arms, throwing the knife straight at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin waved his arm outwards as he turned to his side. When he slammed, his spin fell to the side, but when Tang Yin looked up and looked at the man in black, the figure in front of him was no longer seen.