Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v1 Chapter 5

Tang Yin is a person with clear grievances. Although cruel and cruel by nature, it was caused by a tragic childhood experience. Few people in his life really treated him well. Because of this, as long as there is a little favor to him, he will keep in mind, let alone this middle-aged Man has saved his life.

The middle-aged man didn't know that he had just become a ghost under Tang Yin's spear. He was anxious and yelled at Tang Yin while pulling him back.

What are you running? You ca n’t beat them? Tang Yin frowned, stubbornly stood still, and didn't move.

The middle-aged man saw his stubbornness, pointed to the front, and shouted again and again.

Tang Yin glanced in the direction of his fingers, his eyebrows frowned, and saw the dust behind Bai Fang, covering the sky, covering almost half of the sky.

Sandstorm? This was the first word in Tang Yin's head, but soon he knew he was wrong. It was not a sand storm, but the dust splashed by a huge cavalry team in a full-speed charge.

Gradually, the ground began to vibrate, and the roaring sound like a sulking thunder was from near to far, and the specific appearance of the other party had not yet been seen, and the momentum of the mountains and the sea had been pressed down, and the pressured people could not breathe.

Tang Yin is not a fool. Of course, he will not insist on staying at this time. He does not need to pull him by the middle-aged person. He clasps the middle-aged person's wrist with his backhand and runs away.

As White's cavalry ousted, the situation on the battlefield fell to the side. Black soldiers gave up resistance and defeated in batches.

跑 This run is a run to fight death. Many soldiers throw away their black helmets, black armors, and weapons in their hands. The situation of defeat is like a flood of rivers.

Tang Yin pulled the middle-aged man and ran along with Black's large army. He ran more and more frustrated. He did not recruit anyone and did not mess with him. Why did he just get into such trouble? Firstly, somehow fell asleep in the forest, and somehow got involved in this battle in the cold weapon era. What is going on?

Until now he hadn't figured out why he was here.

But it is easy to get involved, and it is difficult to get out again.

I can say that from the moment he put on the Black soldier's uniform, his destiny has changed, and it has taken him on a thrilling and wonderful road.

The fleeing continued, and the enemies in the back chased after each other. After escaping, Tang Yin couldn't remember how far he had run, only remembering that the middle-aged human body was unable to keep up and gradually couldn't keep up with the speed. Resist on your shoulders.

Tang Yin was thin and ran against a person, but he was not slower than the people around him, and he was not as panting and sweaty as everyone else. He flew in strides and flung the deserter in front of him from time to time. Behind him at this time he realized that this was not just a battle of hundreds of people, but there were thousands of deserters on Black's side alone.

He is so-called panicking. This large number of fleeing Black soldiers precisely quoted the term.

I don't know who led the way. When they passed a valley entrance, they could no longer run forward. It turned out that the valley was a dead valley, and it was round in shape. There was no other way out except the passage in the valley entrance. At this point, it was too late to turn around, and Taniguchi was tightly bound by countless white soldiers, let alone a human, even a mouse could not get through.

More than 3,000 black deserters were trapped in this dead valley stiffly, while White's soldiers over Taniguchi gathered more and more, looking far away, white flowers, an estimated at least 50,000 people .

The people who lead the way should be insane! Tang Yin cursed silently while looking around the valley.

The valley is deep, surrounded by cliffs and cliffs, as if chopped by a huge axe. The dark cliffs are as smooth as mirrors and hard to grow, even if it is difficult for top mountaineers to climb, not to mention that they do not have Any tool for climbing.

Tang Yin is a person who is on the top of Mount Tai and is not even more attractive, but now he can't help the cold sweat.

Looking at the surrounding Black soldiers, their faces are full of despair. No wonder they are desperate. Now the numbers on both sides are disproportionate, and most of the soldiers have neither armor nor weapons, and the wounded soldiers are countless. Coupled with the despair at this time, almost no one has hope for survival.

"Guru ... Guru Grum ..."

There was a shout suddenly at the mouth of Luya Valley, the voice was loud, and it could be heard clearly from a distance.

The shouting roused a riot of lifeless Black soldiers, and many people slowly straightened and walked towards Taniguchi. At this moment, a big Hanhan in a black uniform and a general-like look roared and shouted at the soldiers who wanted to go to Taniguchi, and the rest of the soldiers sitting on the ground showed contempt.

The soldiers walking towards Taniguchi bowed their heads, their faces were red and red, and they slowly sat back on the ground.

Tang Yin didn't know what they were talking about, but also guessed it. Obviously, White had just yelled to persuade, and someone on Black had a heartbeat, but the general who led the team stopped them again.

This general is very courageous, not greedy for life! Thinking, Tang Yin couldn't help raising his eyes and looked at them a few more times. The general dressed as a big man in his thirties looks rough and fierce, with blood on his face and body, making the whole person look more timid and horrified.

Tang Yin retracted his gaze and turned to look at the middle-aged man next to him.

The middle-aged man realized his gaze, shook his head and smiled bitterly at Tang Yin, whispering something. Although Tang Yin couldn't understand, he could feel his sadness and despair from his tone.

How will the other party deal with them next? Tang Yin frowned silently.

Seeing that the enemies in the valley did not move, there was a shout of shouting again from the valley, but this time the tone became severe and cold, which meant a final warning.


Suddenly, the general, headed by a puppet, turned back and yelled and was summoned by him. All the soldiers got up and took their respective weapons at the same time.

Is there a final battle? Tang Yin smiled bitterly while standing up with the crowd. He didn't know what kind of bad luck he had gone, and somehow got caught in this danger. Until now, he didn't know where he was and who these soldiers were around.

He was pondering, and suddenly heard a whistling sound in the direction of Taniguchi. The sound went from far to near and from high to low. Tang Yin glanced subconsciously. His eyes were suddenly swollen, and countless black carved arrows flew in. There are so many in the sky that they are overwhelming, like a huge black cloth. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. Even the sun is almost blocked, and these dense arrows like raindrops fly in the direction they are in. Come.

"Ah?" Tang Yin had not seen such a scene in her life, could not help screaming, and squatted instinctively at the same time.

"Flop, flutter, flutter--"

"Ah ... ah ..."

The valley is empty, there is no place to avoid, and no place to hide. The arrow rain is pouring down almost without hindrance.

For a time, the sound of the collision of iron in the valley, the muffled sound of piercing the human body, and the screams of heartbreaking pierced into one piece. The dense, large and fierce arrow array was like the open palm of a **** of death, unbridled torture All life it can touch.

The first victims were those soldiers who threw away their shields when they ran away. They did not have any armor to block the roaring arrows, and their bodies were nailed into hedgehogs almost instantly, like an arrow pig falling into a pool of blood.

And those soldiers holding shields did not persist for too long. Although the shields successfully shielded the vital parts of their upper bodies, they could not protect their legs and feet. From time to time, soldiers' legs and feet were shot through by sculpting and screaming. He fell to the ground, but before he got up, he was obscured by the flesh fired by the arrow rain that followed.

This is not a war, but a unilateral slaughter.

PS: Just published a new book yesterday, and today I saw a lot of familiar faces in the book review area. Liu Dao really appreciates your continued support! Liu Dao will also write Tang Yin carefully, but the work has just been published and the collection is not very ideal. Liu Dao sincerely hope that everyone can tell each other to support the new Liu Dao book! There are tickets for the tickets, collect them! Tang Yin cannot succeed without your support! Thank you!