Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Qing Yu's previous method of courting Li Jin really worked. At the critical moment, Li Jin really spoke for him in the chapel.

At present, the fault of Qing Yu and Ji Wei is still pending, mainly because Ningdi is a long way from Zhenjiang and Ji Wei is still on his way back to the capital.

Li Jin pleaded for Qing Yu, hoping that the king could re-enable him. Anyone could see that Li Jin regarded Qing Yu as his confidant, hoping to draw him into his party feathers. Li Jin has already become a great general. If you pull Qing Yu, the general in the past, the force will be even greater. No one on the court can compete with him.

Tai Fu Zhang Rong first came out and expressed his objection, saying that Qing Yu was suspected of being deceived and concealed. Before the truth of the matter has been thoroughly investigated, it should not be arranged for him to hold an important position. Otherwise, once the situation changes, the country will endanger and regret it.

For this matter, Zuo Xiang Guo Hui and Zhang Rong stood up on the same front. He also specifically mentioned that Qing Yu and Tang Yin had fallen together on the cliff. He did not mention that Qing Yu had deadlifted Tang Yin as a backing before she fell on the cliff, but emphasized that Qing Yu and Tang Yin could live together under the cliff for many days, and they could live together without incident. There may be unspeakable acts between the two.

Shao Fang was a suspicious person. He was extremely afraid of his unfaithfulness to his subordinates, especially the general who commanded thousands of horses. When Li Jin originally recommended Qing Yu, he was still a little emotional, but after listening to Guo Hui and Zhang Rong, he changed immediately. Attentively, on the spot, Qing Yu could not use it, and before Ji Wei returned to the capital, he was not allowed to leave the residence for a short while.

The implication is to temporarily put Qing Yu under house arrest.

Li Jin recommended Qing Yu, in order to win people's hearts and strengthen his party feathers, but in the end made Qing Yu's situation in Mo further worsened. To put it bluntly, Qing Yu has become a victim of the Mo Guo Chaotang party feather battle.

Chaotang is not a battlefield, but it is more dangerous and brutal than a battlefield.

During Qing Yu's house arrest, Feng Guo'an's spies in Zhenjiang began to move again. Three waves of Feng Guo's spies visited Qing Yu to visit Qing Yu. They did not indicate their identity. They only reminded Qing Yu that the current situation is He is extremely unfavorable, hoping that he plans early to avoid persecution in order to explore Qing Yu's tone and intentions.

Qing Yu could not determine the origin of these Fengguo agents, and did not know whether they were sent by the King to test themselves. He did not talk about it, but just showed that he was loyal to Mo Guo. No matter whether it was before or after, heart.

His words were not leaky, and his attitude was firm. When the detective Fengguo found something to be found, he hurriedly left.

At this point, Qing Yu remembered what Tang Yin had said to him. Shao Fang was suspicious, his energy was narrow, and Mo Jun's defeat of Su Yue was never good. The result really made Tang Yin guess right. Qing Yu thought it was ridiculous. He did n’t even have the enemy ’s monarch to understand the king.

A few days later, Ji Wei finally hurried back to Zhenjiang. Above the chapel, Qing Yu and Ji Wei confronted each other. The situation was similar to the original biography of the two, and they still held their own words. Qing Yu said that he had not received the alarm from Ji Wei, and Ji Wei had set out to send a warning. .

Qing Yu's words were testified by his generals, and Ji Wei's words were also testified by Mo Zhanning officials. Both of them had their own subordinates as witnesses, and no one would admit that he was at fault. At this time, Shao Fang could only make a choice, either Xin Qing Yu or Xin Ji Wei.

On the issue of choosing between the two, Shao Fang finally chose his own close relative, Ji Wei.

As for Qing Yu, he really opened his eyes and didn't have much trouble, but temporarily dismissed Qing Yu's official position, and let him go home and mén think about it, to see the effect.

With Shao Fang's brutal xìng, not killing Qing Yu has been regarded as a kindness of heaven. It can also be seen that he loves Qing Yu, but for Qing Yu, this result is unacceptable to him anyway.

Obviously there is no fault. Just because the king did not trust, he was accused of “improper command”. Ji Weiming is a fearless person, but because of the king ’s relatives, he can be punished even if he is wrong. Turning a blind eye, how does this make Qing Yu convince, and how can she not feel cold?

After the incident, Qing Yu was disheartened, and in her own house, she couldn't stay away, drinking and living every day.

It stands to reason that things should come to an end at this point, but Ji Wei does not intend to let go of Qing Yu. Qing Yu is a handsome man with outstanding ability. This time he hated him again. If he can't kill him, then he will wait for him to rise again in the future.

Ji Wei bought the ministers who were good to him, and asked them to go to Qingyu Mansion to drink, and while drunk, he deliberately induced Qing Yu to say something disrespectful to the king. Ji Wei is Shao Fang's confidant, and it is clear that Shao Fang has eyeliners in the palace of the ministers and generals of the DPRK, and many of them were chosen by him himself. Everyone will be sent to Shao Fang every day. He is going to borrow this to eradicate Qing Yu.

Having suffered from the exclusion of Chao Tang Dang Yu and Shao Fang's distrust of himself, Qing Yu has been in a state of extreme depression and depression. At this time, the Minister would not hesitate to visit him. He was naturally very happy and welcomed After the meeting, it is inevitable to eat and drink. The more you drink, the more you speak, and the more the person intentionally guides, Qing Yu's words show the complaining of the king from time to time.

His drunk words were just complaints, but when they reached Shao Fang, they turned into resentment. One day is like this, two days are like this, it ’s like this every day, where can Shao Fang endure, plus Ji Wei, a minister who provoked and framed it, Shao Fang was furious, in a fit, cut off the title of Qing Yu and seized him. At the mansion, Qing Yu and her family members were put in jail.

People like Ji Wei will never give up without killing their opponents.

Although Qing Yu has been jailed in the jail, he still refuses to give up, but still speaks in Shao Fang's ears, lying that Qing Yu insulted Shao Fang in the jail as a yongjun, the future king of the country and the rank of the wind country Prisoner under.

Shao Fang was so angry that he called the supervisor of the cell and asked if this was the case. The prison official who had already been bought by Ji Wei said on the spot that Qing Yu did speak madly in prison and was extremely disrespectful to the king.

This time Shao Fang really moved the idea of ​​killing, and ordered Si Koufu to copy Qing Yu and his family.

Qing Yu has no siblings, no children under her knees, and her loved ones are only a few left by her mother and her ancestor, but there are many servants in the Qing family. They are added up and down to a number of 200. These people are all in the same sin. On the scope of the cut.

The news of Shao Fang's cutting Qingyu soon spread, and it was also spread to Tang Yin by the investigation report of Feng Guo.

At this point Tang Yin was in Cangping. After receiving the investigation report, he sighed with a bitter smile. It seems that things were really unfortunately said by himself. In the battle of Suyue, Shao Fang did not intend to let go of Qing Yu.

Such an outstanding and handsome man, Shao Fang had the patience to execute him. It would be really unfair for Mo to stay alive.

He immediately ordered Cheng Jin, Lotte, and Aijia to use whatever method of Dark Arrow, Sky Eye, and Earth Net, in short, to rescue Qing Yu and his family to the territory of New Mozambique.

Cheng Jin, Lotte, and Ai Jia took the lead. The last three made a plan, and Tian Yan and the ground net in Zhenjiang were the spies to respond, and the dark arrows came out to rob him, forcibly rescued Qing Yu. As for his family members, I ’m afraid he could n’t save it. So many, at best, can only take away his biological mother.

Two days before Qing Yu was beheaded, in the middle of the night, the death row in which he was detained was suddenly attacked by a large number of underprivileged spiritual practitioners. The jailer was severely wounded and wounded. The inmates in the cell were all released by the underprivileged spiritualists. Qing Yu and her biological mother are unknown.

The news came to Shao Fang for the first time, and the latter was so angry that he ordered the capital to be blocked and the whole city searched for Qing Yu and his party feathers. As a result, Mo Jun searched Zhenjiang in the bottom of the sky and did not find Qing Yu. Instead, he captured many released prisoners.

In fact, the location where the Dark Arrow personnel and Qing Yu hid was not hidden, but it was unexpected because they were hidden in Taifu Zhang Rong's Mansion.

Tianyan and Diwang have always had two spies staying in Zhang Rong's house, that is, Liang Ren and Liu Yang mentioned earlier. This time, in order to save the green feathers, Feng Guo has invested heavily in Zhang Rong. Rong also readily accepted.

No one could have imagined that Zhang Rong, who had publicly rejected Qing Yu in the chapel, would contain him at this time. Besides, Zhang Rong was also a prince, and the soldiers were very kind to see him, even if they entered his house and searched, only But walk across the field, where dare to really check every inch.

Since the incident of robbery, Qing Yu seems to have evaporated. Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ No one lives, no dead body, and it turns into a suspense. It is impossible for a country to block the blockade for a long time. After three days of closing the city, Shao Fang reluctantly lifted the blockade order, but issued a national wanted order.

Zhang Rong took cover, and the dark arrow personnel took Qing Yu to leave Zhenjiang very smoothly. After leaving the city, Zhang Rong returned immediately. The next thing was not related to him. How to take Qing Yu away, it was Fengren The problem.

In recent days, Qing Yu has been in a faint state. His bones have been weak and can't stand the prison. Besides, he has become a death row by a dignified general. He has not eaten a bit since he was put in prison. Rice, without having tortured him, he tortured himself to death.

Now that I've been out of Zhenjiang, how to bring Qing Yu and his biological mother back to Cangping is not a difficult task for Dark Arrow. Besides, there are skyeye and groundnet spies on the way to guide, and it is more effective.

Half a month later, the Dark Arrow personnel successfully escorted Qing Yu back to Cangping.

On the news that Qing Yu arrived safely in Cangping, Tang Yin was overjoyed and personally greeted the city. Even the ministers and generals of Lingshuang and Fengguo were very curious about Qing Yu, and wanted to see for themselves what the famous Mo Guo who would defeat the king. What it looks like.