Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 280

Chapter 280

Zhu Zhuke led his seven thousand soldiers and soldiers to follow Wu Chao back to the gate. Seeing the fierce fighting on the head of the city, Wu Chao said nothing and rushed to the city wall with a knife to direct his soldiers to fight.

Seeing that Wu Chao was gone, Tang Yin immediately realized that the opportunity was coming. Before Zhu Zhuke ordered, he shouted: "Brothers, follow me to stand against the gate!"

Before speaking, he rushed towards the gate. As soon as he moved, the Dark Arrow personnel and the 1,000 zhenbing soldiers led by Guji also followed him.

In the siege battle, the city gate is definitely the focus of the defending defense, but the coalition forces that are attacking outside the city do not carry siege-breaking weapons such as rushing cars. The city gates pose no threat.

It's just that the people inside the fortress didn't understand the situation outside. When Tang Yin and other soldiers flocked to block the city gate, no one else could say that they were doing something wrong.

Although Zhu Zhuke was dissatisfied with Tang Yin, he had no time to care about him anymore. He turned to look at his army, and shouted, "Brothers follow me up the city wall to resist the enemy!"

With an order, he took more than 5,000 Leting Army to the city wall, leaving Tang Yin, a thousand people, to defend the gate.

The city walls of the Dragon Fortress are double-layered, and there is a ring-shaped gangway with a width of more than three meters. At this time, the gangway is full of zhenbing soldiers. Some people carry rolling wood and vermiculite to the outer wall, while others wait under the wall Listen to the call of the Lord at any time.

Now Tang Yin can of course lead his men to rush directly to the outer city gate and open the gate in disorder, but there is a problem. When they open the outer city gate, the inner city gate is likely to be closed by the Zhen army. All your own soldiers will be blocked in this circular martyrdom and become a living target for others.

Tang Yin had already figured out how to deal with it. After entering the gate of the inner city gate, he didn't continue to move forward, stayed in place, shook his head to the left and right, and motioned with his eyes to indicate that they should hurry over to open the outer city gate.

Guji nodded, waved his hand behind him, and took more than a hundred soldiers out of the gate of the city gate.

However, this place has already been occupied by the Zhen soldiers, where people like Guji can squeeze in. Seeing this, Guji was in a hurry. The brothers were fighting hard outside. When the city gate was opened late, I didn't know how many brothers would be killed or injured!

He drew his sword across his heart, slammed his sword, and shouted to the left and right while he was spiritualizing: "Brothers, kill me!" Between the words, the spirit sword in his hand flashed, and then, The soul chaser is released.

At this time, the gates of the city gate were crowded with people inside and out, and the soul-chasing spike suddenly came from behind. More than ten Zhenbing soldiers didn't even understand what was going on, and their bodies were penetrated by spirit-thorns. The cries rang, and the wailing moan continued.

Guji gritted his teeth and slayed his hands on the soldiers in front of him. With the flash of cold light, several people were immediately stabbed to the ground by him. The Zhen soldiers who came with him were not idle, holding up the spear in his hand, stabbing the crowd in front, and for a time, the outer city gate hole was chaotic. Many zhenbing soldiers couldn't figure out why their own people suddenly started to yell at themselves and yelled: "Don't fight, it's our own! We are our own ... Ah ..."

People's shouts are usually only half, and the rest is screams. The hundred or so zhenbing soldiers headed by Guji don't talk with their heads sullen, but the weapons in their hands have never stopped and they have attacked in front of them like crazy. crowd.

The Zhen soldiers stationed in the Shing Mun cave were bewildered by sudden changes, causing the recruits to fall to the ground one after another. At this time, someone finally reacted and shouted, "It's spies! There are enemy spies mixed in!"

When they shouted, there was a chaos in the Zhen army in the ring road, and people gathered to the side of the city gate.

The Zhen army shouting spies in the city gate cave, and the Zhen soldiers headed by Guji also shouted spies. Both sides have the same military armor, and they all have the accent of Zhen Guo when they shout. How can anyone else tell the truth?

The Zhen army gathered here couldn't understand which side was the spy, and each one stood up and didn't know which side to help.

The Zhen army gathered in the city gate cave had been killed and wounded by Guji and others. Most of the surviving soldiers saw the brothers standing outside, but they did not take any action to help them, their faces flushed, and they broke their hearts to the outside. Ji shouted, "You guys help! Spies want to open the city gate ..."

"Don't listen to them talking!" The people had not responded yet, and Guji yelled again immediately: "They are spies! They want to open the gates and let the enemy enter the city!"

"Yes! The people inside are spies!" Tang Yin and others standing in the inner city gate cave also shouted. If one person said so, the soldiers in the army who were unknown might not believe it, but thousands of people said so, so they couldn't believe it.

The deceived soldiers of the Zhen army stood on the side of Guji, and together they fought with the Zhen army in the gate of the city.

Pity these Zhen army, there is no mouth to argue in the chaos, they did not die in the hands of the enemy, but they have become the ghost of their own man in a confused way.

Just in a blink of an eye, the Zhen army stationed in the outer city gate cave was completely killed. Looking at it, there were corpses stacked on the ground, and scarlet blood slowly flowed out of the city gate cave.

After clearing up the Zhen Army here, Guji sighed and said to those who helped out, "Everyone come to the wall to help, here we are watching!"

The Zhen Army was not all a fool. One of them was a squad leader squeezed out of the crowd, looked at Guji up and down, and asked, "What's your name? Which army?"

Guji now only wears the clothes of ordinary soldiers. When he sees that he is a thousand captain, he shows his compliment. He said, "Master Captain Qian, the little man is called Guji, and he came from General Laoting to Zhu.

It's Leting Army! The captain narrowed his eyes, his eyes rolling.

As soon as the Laoting Army arrived at the fortress, the coalition forces attacked it. It was even more weird that a large number of spies appeared in the fortress, which was really suspicious. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Where are your generals?"

Guji pointed to his head and was about to speak. At this time, a soldier of the military soldier gathered behind the captain and whispered, "Master Captain?"

"What's the matter?" The captain turned his head instinctively, but he didn't see the person behind him, only a cold light appeared in front of his eyes.

There was a flutter in the earwheels, and a spooky steel knife was inserted straight into his throat, and the **** blade protruded from his stamina.

The captain of the thousand did not even make a cry, his eyes were open, his face still had an incredible expression on his face, but he had fallen straight.


In front of the eyes, the captain of the thousand was stabbed to death, and the soldiers and soldiers around him all screamed.

The soldier who attacked the attack quickly drew back the steel knife, and then, a black mist was evacuated from his body. At the moment when the surrounding swords and swords attacked, the man had disappeared out of thin air and disappeared.

I don't know who shouted in the crowd: "Assassin is a dark spiritualist!"

"There! Assassins ran into the inner city!"

Huh! As soon as the assassins ran towards the inner city, the soldiers and soldiers of the Zhen army rushed towards the inner city gate.

They had just left their forefoot, and there was a good chance in the Guji secret road in the outer city gate cave! He whispered to the left and right and yelled, "Open the gates quickly! Put your brothers into the city!"

The following Zhenbing heard that more than a dozen people put down their weapons and moved together to move the latches on the gate.

The city door latch was made of pure copper and was extremely heavy. More than ten Zhenjun men tried their best to barely lift the door latch. Just listening to the creaking, creaking noise, the latch slowly moved under the joint force of everyone.

Hearing the sound of the city door latch, whether it was the Zhen army on the outer city wall, the Zhen army in the ring road, or the Zhen army on the inner city wall, all of them were dumbfounded, and it was only then that they realized that they had been deceived, and the spy had Dead, still in the gate of the city gate.

The Zhen army on the outer city wall could not attack the city gate hole. Even if they knew that there were spies under their feet, they were helpless, but the Zhen army on the inner city wall could see the outer city gate hole.

Hou Qiu, who was directing operations in the inner city wall, was red at this time, and snarled to the left and right: "Arrow! Shoot me all the spies in the gate of the city gate!"

He gave an order, and the sound of bows on the inner wall rang out. Then, countless arrows flew down from the wall and penetrated into the outer gate.

Guji knew that this was the most critical time, and even if he used a block, he had to protect the brother who moved the latch.

He shouted, "No one is allowed to step back! Hold me back!"

Even if he didn't say that, people wouldn't retreat, and there was so much space in the city gate cave, they had no place to retreat. The arrows flew over, and the soldiers and soldiers standing outside took the brunt of the attack. With a series of 'puff, flutter, and flutter' sounds of arrows and armor, a row of zhen soldiers were shot into hedgehogs, covered with white flowers. The eagle owl, the corpse knelt to the ground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can't fall.

This is just the beginning. More and more dense arrows generally fly into the gate of the city gate from all directions, and the hundreds of soldiers gathered inside have nowhere to hide, one after another screaming at the arrows.

At this time, Guji had covered his armor, holding a sword and holding a dead soldier's body as a shield, while still shouting to the left and right: "Stop the arrow with the body, don't carry it hard!"

Seeing his own arrow formation in a short time, it is difficult to kill the spies in the city gate hole, and the city gate has been opened. Hou Qiu's cold sweat fell off, and he gave orders to close the inner city gate. Never be trespassed again and again, if the inner city gate is opened, the fortress will be completely occupied.

Upon hearing his order, Wu Chao's eyebrows were erected and he made a strange noise. He rushed down the city wall with a group of zhen soldiers and yelled to the zhen army in the city while running towards the inner city gate: "Go and close the inner city. Door! Come on! "

The virgins did not dare to delay and came towards the inner city gate. At this point, Tang Yin and his team stood inside and outside the inner city gate cave. When a large number of Zhen army came, people clenched their weapons subconsciously, and waited for Tang Yin to order to fight the enemy to the end.