Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Yushifu is in charge of supervising the hundred officials, and the impeachment book submitted by Yushi Zhongxu is more suitable. In the early morning of the next day, Pang Dian attacked according to plan, and proposed to Li Hong that General Huaning Zhao Zhao was suspected of being a rival.

Li Hong was very puzzled by this. Just two days ago, he had just received a report from the front, saying that Huaning soldiers and civilians struggled to resist the siege of the coalition forces. After a day of fighting, they finally successfully repelled the enemy. Suspected?

There is no excuse for adding sin. It is too easy for the princeling party headed by Li Dan to impeach Zhao Yan. Pang Dian said in public that he had witnesses in his hands, and that the soldiers who had fled from Huaning reported to him. Zhao Ye and the Allied Forces had frequent correspondence. He appeared to be the country and was not at odds with the Allied Forces. Allied forces secretly communicate with each other to find their way in the future.

Pang Dian said this, and another minister immediately stood up and told Li Hong that the matter was by no means unfounded. It was rumored that Zhao Ye and Lianjun had an affair, but because the matter was serious and it was not conclusively correct, they did not dare. Report to Li Hongzhang.

Next, all the ministers of the princeling party spoke one by one, saying everything. Some say that Zhao An has close ties with Gu Anmin. Now that Gu Anmin has turned to the coalition, Zhao Yan also has a defection. Another minister also deliberately pretended to worry about the king and the country, saying that Hua Ning is the capital of the capital and there must not be any loss. Even if he does not have the physical evidence of Zhao Xi's acquaintance with the enemy, as long as he has the suspicion of adversity, he cannot For reuse, he must be transferred back to the capital immediately.

These ministers have the main attack, and some drummers, you say, I say, keep talking to Li Hongjin.

The more Li Hong listened, the more gloomy he felt, the more he frowned, and finally he was so noisy that everyone clashed at the table. He shouted, "Don't say any more!"

If a person says that Zhao Ye has a problem, it may be a misunderstanding or prejudice, but so many ministers, including his prince, think that Zhao Ye is speculative and suspected of being a rival, so Li Hong must not think twice.

After thinking about it, at this time, even Li Hong could not confirm whether Zhao Ye was really in trouble. He asked Dr. Zhang Mian, the imperial prince, and said, "Master Zhang, what do you think of Zhao Yan? Does he really mean to communicate with the enemy?"

Doctor Yushi is the chief person in charge of supervising the court and officials. He is also the top boss of Yushi Zhongyi. On weekdays, Li Hong still trusts Zhang Mian and attaches great importance to his opinions. Now he wants to hear his opinions.

Zhang Mianke is an old man in the middle, and has been sitting in the position of Doctor Yushi for a decade or two. He has been cultivated to become a fine man. What can hide from his eyes?

He had observed carefully just now that all the ministers who impeached Zhao Yan were basically Princes. As for why the princeling party suddenly attacked Zhao Yan, he did not know.

One emperor and one courtier were the same in the principality. After Li Dan's succession, the princeling will become the mainstream in the court, and the three princes and the four princes will all die in Shanghai. There is no power to threaten Li Dan's status. He will almost become the next king. Something happened. In this case, Zhang Mian decided to follow the Prince's wishes.

The first is to show his flattery, and when Li Dan becomes the Queen of the New Zhen, he will not lose his foothold in the court. Secondly, in his view, the princeling party is the pillar of the future court and cannot be detrimental. As for the matter of Yu Zhenguo's interests, since they impeached Zhao Kun, they must have some unknown evidence in their hands. Based on these considerations, Zhang Mian's answer to Li Hong also has a clear tendency.

He said: "King, the existence of Hua Ning directly affects the capital, and even affects the success or failure of the resistance to the coalition. It is related to the survival and death of Zhen Guo. It is not sloppy. In the case of General Zhao's uncertainty, Wei Chen also felt careful. . Not afraid of 10,000, just in case! "

He didn't make it clear that Zhao should return to the capital, but the meaning was already obvious. After listening to Zhang Mian's words, Li Hong fell into meditation again.

Pang Dian and many other ministers impeached Zhao Yan, the Prince agreed, and Zhang Mian agreed, and most of the ministers in the court agreed, this is really embarrassing!

From the bottom of his heart, Li Hong valued Zhao Ye's ability very much and thought he was the best candidate to defend Hua Ning, but now the impeachment of many ministers is starting to shake him.

He murmured, "If Zhao Ye is withdrawn, who can take over him and defend Huaning for this king?"

As soon as his words fell, Li Dan arched out and said loudly, "Father, sons and daughters have a good candidate!"

"Oh?" Li Hong heard the words, and his spirits suddenly refreshed, and he was busy: "Who is it? Daner speak quickly!"

Li Dan Zhengzheng said: "It is General Lieutenant Xu Xufan!"

Xu extraordinary? Li Hongzhang stopped and did not answer immediately. Xu Weifan did not expect that the Prince would recommend himself, and he was shocked.

Li Dan continued: "First, General Xu was brave and fierce. Tens of thousands were invincible. He had a high reputation in the army. The general's morale was undoubtedly boosted by General Xu's role as the general of Huaning. Second, General Xu is an experienced veteran who is good at commanding and using soldiers. His ability is no worse than that of Zhao Yan. Let General Xu be the general of Huaning. The sons and daughters think that it is more than enough and will certainly live up to expectations. "

With these words, Xu Bufan fluttered himself as if stepping on the clouds. Before waiting for Li Hong's position, he stepped out of the robe and stepped in and said, "Thank Prince Prince for the importance of the general!" After speaking, he said to Li Hong, "The king, although the coalition is crowded, but Xiang'an The ranks of the army, the puppet army, and the jade army are nothing more than a gang of clans, and the generals have not yet put them in their eyes. If the generals defend Huaning, the generals will be willing to guarantee the city with their heads! "

Li Hong was delighted to hear that under the current situation of Zhen Guo, Xu Weifan was able to maintain such a high level of fighting spirit and confidence, which pleased him very much.

He said with a smile: "General Xu, the coalition forces are not all generals. Just talking about the coalition forces that attacked Huaning, there is also the main force of the wind army!"

Xu Bufan smiled on his back and proudly said: "King, others may be afraid of the wind army, but the end will not be afraid of it. If the end was allowed to go to the wind country, the north may not be like this."

Others didn't feel anything when they heard this, but Nie Ze heard that his nose was crooked and his mother secretly scolded his mother. What did Xu Bufan say? Is he not as good as him in commanding a soldier?

However, Li Hong was very happy with Xu's extraordinary pride, and felt that this was the spirit of a general.

He groaned for a moment, and finally nodded his head and said positively, "General Xu, you immediately take a computer to visit the king's edict and go to Huaning. After seeing Zhao Ye, give him the king's edict and make him return to the capital immediately. You will take over all the affairs of Huaning! "

Xu Bufan was overjoyed and stepped in and said, "The end will obey!"

Li Hong resolutely exhorted: "General Xu must not be careless in guarding Huaning. Although the coalition forces are not strong, they have many troops and can reach the capital from the border all the way. The strength cannot be underestimated. You must be cautious! "

"Although the King is assured, the Admiral will be able to defend Huaning well and reject the coalition forces beyond a hundred miles of the capital!" Xu Bufan always had no one in his eyes. When he wanted to come, Zhao Yan could hold Huaning, he was even more careless.

With the help of Li Dan and others, Li Hong finally decided to replace Zhao Yan with Xu Bufan. His decision was extremely stupid, and it was also the most direct factor that led to the demise of Zhen State.

Xu extraordinary movement was very fast. After the early dynasty, he set off for Huaning at noon that day and arrived in the evening.

No matter how popular Zhao Huan was in Huaning, and how much he was loved by the military and civilians, but his fate was so great that Li Hong's order was promulgated and he could only execute it.

Zhao Xu's first reaction to replacing Xu Ning with himself and serving as the general of Huaning was that Huaning was over.

What kind of person Xu Bufan is, he knows nothing more than his eyes are too high and his eyes are empty. What is terrible is that he is just being used for his own purposes. He ca n’t hear the kind words of others. Let him be a pioneer in charge of the charge and be a master of the army. Where is he? Have that ability?

Zhao Xun couldn't understand why the king tuned himself back to the capital, and why he replaced the general with a reckless husband like Xu Fanfan, but Xu Fanfan didn't explain to him at all. After meeting, he was completely domineering, even when looking at people I squinted with the light from the corner of my eyes.

Zheng Guofang faced a change of rank, and the news also passed to the coalition. Tang Yin heard that he was in a state of joy. He originally gave Li Dan five days. He didn't expect him to get things done so quickly, which gave him plenty of time.

There was no speech that day. The next day, Tang Yin gave an order. The whole army attacked the city, but it was not an actual attack, but a false attack. It was also a gift to Xu Weifan.

The strength of the coalition's siege of the whole army was very different from the last one. The retreat and retreat, the retreat and retreat, did not fight the defensive forces at all.

As a result, it was consumed throughout the day ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Hua Ning City, let alone change hands, the coalition forces had a limited number of 50 steps to Hua Ning.

Of course, Hua Ning also relayed the news that it was once again able to withstand the coalition attack to the court of the Xitang Dynasty. Li Hong looked at it and was very happy. He originally had some guilty convictions to return Zhao Zhao. Now it seems that even Xu Weifan guarded Hua Ning is also entrenched, and the coalition forces can do nothing about it.

Failure to attack again gave the coalition a reasonable excuse to walk around the city. Since they could not compete, they could only avoid their sharp edges, bypass Huaning and Tongcheng, and take Xitang directly.

This move of the coalition forces can surprise Zhen State. Bypassing Huaning and Tongcheng, they came to attack Xitang directly. The coalition forces were tantamount to fighting the backwaters without any logistical supplies. They gave their rears to the Zhen forces in Huaning and Tongcheng.

The capital city of Zhen State was obviously inadequately prepared for the sudden arrival of the coalition forces. After learning the news, the people outside the city were evacuated urgently. For a time, Xitang became a mess inside and outside.

At the same time, Huaning and Tongcheng were surprised by the unusual movement of the coalition forces. General Hua Ning, Xu Bufan, and Tong Cheng, did not intend to attack the main battle. When the coalition forces attacked Xitang, they suddenly attacked behind them, and they were caught by surprise.