Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The wind killed outside the Mo Jun camp will be Guan Yuanrang. He was holding a spirit knife, and a spirit disorder was released, and Mo Bing crowded at the door killed or injured more than a hundred people. Even so, some of the spirit blades shot through the gap between the camp doors.

The head of the ninth regiment was lucky. He was only cut off the half helmet by the spirit blade, and did not kill him. As soon as he was scared away, the other soldiers followed, and no one went to close the camp door.

Guan Yuan made three steps into two steps, came to the camp door, kicked the half-closed camp door with one kick, and finally strode in.

With such a strong general as his head, the soldiers of the hundred warriors were also very relaxed, and they swarmed into the camp of the Mo Guo Shui army, hunting them with their ass.

Mo Jun ’s eighth and ninth army commanders are from hereditary nobles. Lingwu practice is actually pretty good. Otherwise, Gao Hang ca n’t keep the two of them, but their courage is not. Large, seeing many enemy forces, the enemy generals are extremely brave, and have no intention to fight in love, running faster than one.

The two did not dare to stop in the camp, and passed directly through the camp. They fled to Linzhuang and wanted to find Gao Hang. The two of them ran faster than the rabbits, but suffered the soldiers below.

The sudden attack by the enemy suddenly caused Mo Bing to become chaotic. As the enemy broke into the battalion, the morale of the Mo Bing was hit hard. Now even the generals have run away, and the Mo Bing have completely lost their resistance. And fighting spirit.

The defeat of Mo Jun can be described as a complete defeat. More than 20,000 Mo Bing. If the large Zhenjiang Marine Division camp did not persist for half an hour, it was fully occupied by more than 30,000 militias, a total of two The Mozambique fleet of the Corps, with more than forty ships, did not even have the opportunity to use it, and it was taken over by the wind army.

In this battle, the wind army came suddenly, and it was not unreasonable to kill Mo Jun, but the incompetence of the eighth and ninth commanders of the army was also the main reason for the sudden failure of the Zhenjiang Water Division Camp.

When the eighth and ninth two regiment commanders fled in the direction of Linzhuang with their remnants, in the middle of the road, they encountered Gao Hang, who led the cavalry in a hurry.

Gao Hang was surprised when he learned that the enemy had made a false landing in Linzhuang, but then he immediately realized that the camp might be in danger. His response was also fast enough to lead the cavalry back to the camp as soon as possible, but it was a step too late.

When he saw a large number of Mo Bing who lost his helmet and armor in front of him, Gao Hang's head was also buzzed, and a secret cry was heard in his heart, something must have happened in Daying! Sure enough, the eighth and ninth two regiment commanders were brought to the front and rear of Gao Hang. The two seemed to have suffered a great deal of grievances. Both kneeled to the ground, and their noses and eyes flowed out, crying, "General, The event is not good. Our army's battalion was attacked by the enemy and has now fallen behind and fell into the enemy! "

After a pause, the two continued with tears and said in tears: "General Guan was ordered to attack the enemy's battalion, but when General Guan led the fleet, the enemy's fleet came. Our army's The fleet must have encountered the enemy, but I do n’t know why there was no engagement, and no news was returned. As a result, our army was unprepared and was caught off guard by the enemy.

He and the two are better off, pushing all the responsibilities to the tube. Of course, Guan Tong did have his own fault and did not dare to fight against the Fleet of Fleet. However, under the circumstances at that time, Guan Tong did not have time to separate a warship to change directions and return to the camp to report.

After listening to their words, Gao Hang felt that his chest was stuffy, and his heart seemed to be pierced with a needle, causing pain. It is too late to investigate the responsibilities of the eighth and ninth commanders of the Corps. He asked with a deep voice: "How many people are there in the enemy army?"

"Oh ... a lot, probably ... probably no less than 100,000 people," said the two chiefs stuttering.

Gao Hang stopped questioning and shouted to the left and right: "Our generals, rush back to the camp at full speed. Be sure to expel the enemy and retake the camp!"

Now Gao Hang is also confused. He is led by cavalry. It is possible to fight infantry without reliance, but it is basically impossible to attack the city.

Gao Hang led the Mo cavalry to a sprinter camp in Zhenjiang like a whirlwind. As a result, he was shot by the wind army stationed by the walled wall before he rushed forward.

The Mo Cavalry immediately launched a counterattack, and the Cavalry formed a sharp return. The wind army has long been prepared. The soldiers either squatted behind the arrow stack or blocked with a shield. The archer's arrows shot did not pose a great threat to the wind army.

With high walled walls as a barrier, Mo Cavalry's biggest advantage-speed and impact force can no longer exert its effect, so its effect is not as good as ordinary infantry. In the two sides where you came and went, Mo Cavalry finally defeated.

Gao Hang saw that this was not the way to fight, so he hadtily ordered a troop withdrawal and temporarily set up camp in an open space about three miles away from Daying. He himself went to Ducheng River and asked Shao Fang for help.

Now, if you want to recapture the Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp, you can only rely on infantry. The best way is to mobilize the Central Army in the capital.

He didn't mention it for the time being, and said that the main force of the Zhenjiang Marine Division led by Guan Tong, the fleet rushed all the way, without any fighting during the period, and smoothly docked at the pier of the Feng Guo Shui Army.

After docking, the ship's 100,000 infantry all rushed to the shore to attack the Fengyu Alliance Battalion.

But as soon as they rushed to the front camp of Fengyu Coalition, they heard rumbling and rumbling sounds in the wheels, as if it was a sulking thunder from the sky, and even the ground was shaking violently. People even suspect that it is now It was not an earthquake.

At this moment, the gates of the Fengyu Allied Army's camp suddenly opened, and the Ninth Army, led by Qiheng, lined up in a neat battle array, rushing out from the camp. The charge of the heavy cavalry is much more terrifying than the light cavalry, and it is also much more powerful.

The heavy cavalry of the Wind Country seems to have long known that Mo Jun is coming to steal the battalion, and has made corresponding preparations. This has caught the Mo generals off guard, especially those who are thinking about making great achievements in the forefront, and The heavy cavalry who rushed out of the camp slammed into the arms, and the results were also conceivable. Swarms of Mo Sergeants were knocked to the ground, but people had no chance to climb from the ground. The heavy cavalry was like The bulldozers usually crushed directly from their bodies. For a while, the screams of Mo Jun's camp were rising and falling.

The combat effectiveness and heavy cavalry of ordinary infantry are not in the same grade at all. Even if the heavy cavalry rushes forward with their eyes closed, the infantry cannot resist. Mo Bing ’s sneak attack came faster and ran faster, but when they came, they were 100,000 people. In the end, only 50,000 were run off by the ship. The other half of the force was either killed in the Fengyu Alliance ’s camp. In addition, either had no time to take a boat and was trapped on the shore of Zhenjiang.

Mo Jun, who had been ashamed by the Ninth Army, could only return to the South Bank by boat. But when they approached the camp, they suddenly discovered that their camp was not occupied by the wind army, and the flags in the camp were all wind flags.

People haven't figured out what happened, and how their own big camp was inexplicably occupied by the Wind Army. At this time, the Feng Guoshui Army together with the two Corps' Mo Guoshui Marines had already set off to meet the Zhenjiang Marine Division.

The current Zhenjiang sailor had just lost a battle on the North Bank, but returned to the South Bank. However, he found that even his own camp was occupied by the wind. At this time, the generals of Mo Jun were overwhelmed. The battle was full of confusion.

In this case, the two sides launched a large-scale water battle. With the fleets of the two regiments of Mo Guo, the strength of the Feng Guo Shui Army can be said to have been greatly improved. On the other hand, Mo has not even figured out anything, and he has been completely blinded.

But even so, in the battle between the two naval forces, the national naval forces did not take any advantage. Although the Zhenjiang naval division escaped in the end, the number of damaged ships on both sides was similar, thanks to Tang Yin, Jiang Fan, and Cheng. Jin and the Dark Arrow personnel fought desperately, relying on the shadow drifting from time to time to flash on to the opponent's ship, hand in hand with the face-to-face short soldiers, killing the enemy and disturbing the enemy's formation.

Taking advantage of the escaped position of the Zhenjiang Marine Division, Tang Yinma sent an order and his fleet went to the opposite bank to pick up the rest of the hundreds of soldiers crossing the river.

There were hundreds of thousands of generals who were left behind by Tang Yin. Only 30,000 people followed the fleet, and more than 60,000 soldiers stayed in the camp!

The main generals headed by Tang Yin did not leave the south bank, and returned to Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp with a ship, commanding the generals to continue to step up their defenses in preparation for the next round of counterattacks by Mo Jun.

Tang Yin and others understand that Mo Jun's first round of counterattack was just an impetuous move. The really fierce counterattack will be the next time.

They expected it to be right ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Gao Hang rode back to Zhenjiang and sought to see Shao Fang overnight, and informed Shao Fang of the misfortune of the Zhenjiang Water Teachers Camp.

Shao Fang was astonished when he heard the news of the fall of the Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp. In this case, the wind army has arrived on the south bank and may attack the capital at will.

But now is not the time to hold the responsibility, Shao Fang asked straightforwardly: "How does General Gao plan to respond?"

"The Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp is the top priority of our defense against the enemy forces. We must not lose anything. We must recapture it. We will plan to second the Central Army to the King by 200,000 yuan. Teachers ’camp is recaptured!"

Can Gao Hang regain the Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp, but as the commander in chief of the Marine Corps, he lost the Marine Corps base camp. He must bear this responsibility.

Shao Fang thought for a while, but did not agree, but ordered the servants around him to immediately call General Li into the palace.

Gao Hang is the commander of the navy. The water battle can be fierce, but it does not mean that he will fight the land battle. If he wants to regain the Zhenjiang Marine Division Camp, Shao Fang can only deal with the declining talents in the country. Li Jinwei takes heavy responsibility.