Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 555

Chapter 555

The puppet army was completely unprepared for the enemy's stealing camp and was caught off guard. ankans * When the soldiers of the guard camp "mén" reacted, it was too late to close the camp "mén".

The crossbow commonly used by the Three Straits Army can be called a melee weapon. Crossbow arrows are like locusts, shuttle constantly, and the wind is breaking. After only one round of arrows "shè", the battalion "mén" of the puppet army's station was "chā" full of arrows, and the open space in front of "mén" was full of puppet soldiers with puppets of the middle arrows.

The puppet soldiers in the battalion "mén" tried their best to close the battalion "mén", but at this time the wind army had rushed forward.

I saw that the flying soldier who ran over seemed like a tiger descending from the mountain, and ran straight into the gap where 辕 mén was not closed, banging the 桓 桓 after mmén into a large luluàn.

The wind soldiers rushed in were quickly stabbed and stabbed by the soldiers, but again, it was impossible for the soldiers to close the battalion "mén". As more and more soldiers stormed, the soldiers "mén" It broke completely, and then a large number of wind sergeants poured into the camp from the outside.

The soldiers on both sides immediately started a close-up "ròu" fight. When the short soldiers engaged in the battle, the generals of the wind army gathered their crossbow, took out their swords and shields, and rushed forward against the shield.

On the battlefield, the spears and spears hit the shield constantly. After the wind soldiers opened the enemy's killing moves, they rushed to the other side, and the sword in their hands was raised, as if they went crazy and slashed forward.

The sound of piercing armor was heard in the ear wheels, and a piece of blood mist was sprayed from the crowd. "Shè" reached the sky, screams continued, and the wailing continued. The moment the two sides only contacted, the puppet soldiers were blown by the wind. The army cut over a row.

Without waiting for the wounded soldiers to climb up from the ground, the general Feng Jun had stepped on them mercilessly. After the crowd of black people had flowed over, he looked at the ground and found no complete body. Only one remained. With blood "ròu" vague "ròu" group.

The Fengjun's combat power is far above the Luanjun, not to mention the Luanjun is not ready enough, at this time he was beaten up and turned, and had no fighting back. The Sanshui Army with only 15,000 men stormed into the Qiang Army station and killed 40,000 or 50 thousand Qiang Army.

Hearing the sounds of "hún" and "luàn" outside, Yan Xi and Han Shi both walked out from their tents, and when they looked outside, "Luàn" had already become a pot of porridge.

Han Shi grabbed a soldier who fled to the back camp, and yelled, "What's going on?"

"General, bad things are bad. The Fengjun steals the camp, and now he has entered the camp!" The famous soldier was sweating, his face panicked, his body sulking. ~~

"Feng Jun? Where did Feng Jun come from?" Han Shi was shocked, and Yan Xi on the side was dumbfounded. As far as they knew, the two legions of Feng Jun in the "yù" country were thousands of miles away, how could it suddenly happen? Come to steal the camp? Is it impossible to fly over?

Yan Xi ’s face was ugly, and the two “tuǐ” were weak. They rushed to Han Shi and stammered and asked, “The wind ... the wind army descends from the sky. How can this be good?”

Until now, Han Shi didn't quite believe that it was Fengjun who came to steal the camp. He suspected that the "yù" army had changed into the armor of the Fengjun, and faked the Fengjun to come to steal the camp.

He aimed at Yan "obedience!" The Sichuanese "shì" Weis, each "chōu", came out of their swords and quickly moved forward to the camp. As soon as they walked out, they saw a large group of soldiers crying in front of them, yelling at their mother and running towards themselves, one by one, throwing their helmets and throwing off their armor, without even having weapons in their hands.

When several "Shì" defenders in the Sichuan state became angry, they said, "Stop all! What can you do if you can't wait to meet the enemy?" This is also the Guihai Army. If they are in the Sichuan Army, they can directly follow the military law. Kill the deserter.

"Fengren came over, brothers couldn't resist it!" The army deserters yelled at several "shì" Weis, and ran in a hurry.

The Sichuan State "shì" Wei saw this and was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy, but the deserter was a puppet army after all, they couldn't control it. Just let this group of deserters come over, the "shì" Wei was trying to continue to look forward. At this time, a wind rushed over.

This general is very tall and strong, standing upright, at least two meters away, with a large waist and round arms, arms outstretched thicker than ordinary people's small "tuǐ", running, footsteps screaming, like a bear It's like "jīng".

Looking at the weapon in his hand again, it was a giant sledgehammer, and the hammer heads on both sides were studded with pointed rivets. Just by visual inspection, the weight of this sledgehammer was no less than a hundred pounds.

"Shì" in the Sichuan state was shocked and looked at each other. One of them turned the sword in his hand into a spiritual one. Two steps forward, he carried the sword and asked, "Come on the name!"

"Feng Guo, the battle tiger is also!" With a loud halt, the comer took three steps and made two steps, rushed to the name "shì" Wei, and smashed with a hammer.

Hum! The sound of the wind breaking when the sledgehammer fell made people feel a kind of sudden heartbeat. The powerful spiritual pressure made the "shì" guard too late to dodge "chōu", and he could only brace his head and lift up the sword to fight it.

I heard a bang, and when the fighting tiger went down, he smashed the ground out of a large pit. Seeing that the "shì" guard was smashed to the bones, only the blood "ròu" blurry fragments splashed around.

In this situation, the remaining "shì" guards were shocked and stupid, stood up with their mouths open, and did not move. The fighting tiger smashed an enemy with a hammer, and it did not stop for a moment. He lifted the hammer forward, his arms rounded, and swept the sledgehammer out.

Hum! It was still the suffocating breaking wind. Before the hammer came, the spiritual pressure came first, and the crowd "shì" could not breathe. A few people awoke like dreams, two of them flung to the ground holding their heads, while the other one swept backwards with all their strength. The last one responded slowly and was hit hard by the sweeping sledgehammer. . His body resembled a broken kite and flew out horizontally, his bones were broken, and he was already dead in the air.

In the face of the war tiger, one of the four great generals of the Wind Country, several "Shì" guards in Sichuan did not even have the power to fight back, and they even lost their "『 yù ”hope and fighting spirit in the hand of āo and were directly combated. The tiger's momentum is overwhelming.

The remaining three "shì" guards did not dare to stay for a while, and turned back and forth for a while, Zhanhu caught up with a "shì" guard, and using the forward habit of "xìng", the sledgehammer approached the opponent. The back waist sternly.


The sledgehammer's vertical head was on the man's waist and eyes, "shì" Wei yelled in pain, his body looked like a ball, rolled forward on the ground, and swelled out more than ten meters, before he stopped. He stood up, and the fighting tiger followed him and stepped on his head.

flutter! "Shì" Wei's head seemed to be smashed tomatoes under the tiger's big feet, and his helmet and helmet were stepped on instantly, and blood splattered far away.

At the same time, Zhan Hu threw the sledgehammer in his hand fiercely, and the hammer hung with strong wind, and then hit the back of another "shì" guard.

The five close-fitting "shì" guards sent by Han Shi were smashed into four by Zhan Hu in one breath. In the end, only one person ran back by chance. After he saw Han Shi, his face was white and bloodless. "Sè", His body trembled fiercely, and his face and body were sweating like rain.

He trembled in a panic and said, "General ... general, come ... the enemy is indeed the wind army, and the wind country mammoth ... the war tiger ... is also here ..."

Hearing the return of his "shì" guard, Han Shi took a breath, and the enemy that came was really a wind army, it was incredible! He sank "yín" for a moment, glanced up and asked, "Why did you come back? Others?"

"Everyone, they are all dead ... Every battle tiger has been killed ..." the "shì" Wei shouted, "The general is going away, the battle tiger will be here immediately, if you don't leave, you will be too late ..."

As a nobleman, Han Shi is also a man with high eyes, but no matter how crazy he is, he also knows that he is half a catty. If he is against a general admiral, he may still be able to cope, but against the war tiger of the wind country, Still a long way to go!

He meditated for a while, suddenly raised his head, and said to Yan Xizheng "sè", "We can't fight this battle anymore, we must retreat quickly, how many brothers we can take away!"

Yan Xi had no will to resist for a long time. Hearing Han Shi ’s words, his head was like a pounding garlic, and he hurriedly answered, "Yes, yes, yes, what General Han said, we will withdraw immediately!"

To this day, Yan Xi can't take care of the soldiers who are fighting the ‘o’ of the wind army before him. He brings his relatives, guards, and confidants, and flees to the camp with Han Shi.

They want to escape from the back camp, but where do they know, the back camp has also been blocked by the wind army. The 15,000 flying eagles headed by Tang Yin, Ziyi, and Wu Guang are like the autumn wind rolling leaves, killing one of the army ’s deserters ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to kill one pair.

These Lao national deserters have lost their helmets and armor in the defeat, and they have lost their weapons. Now facing the Generals of the Eagle, where there is still a little resistance, groups of deserters have died tragically in the Eagles. Under the crossbow and knife.

The brothers who were running in front were killed one after another, and the soldiers in the back could only turn their heads and ran inside the camp. To them, they seemed to have enemy forces in all directions, and they did not know where to go. In this case, Yan Xi and Han Shi arrived. Seeing that there were countless soldiers in front of him running back again, Yan and Han were inexplicable. Yan Xi held the horse and asked loudly, "What are you running back? Get out of the camp!"

"General, there are wind troops outside the back camp, we can't run out!" You soldiers and soldiers replied screaming.

"Ah?" Yan Xi and Han Shi were trembling at once, and there was a wind army outside the battalion. Has their side been surrounded by the wind army?

When the two of them were scared and helpless, a scream came from the crowd who heard the deserter, and everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw that they had entered the army from outside the camp. White, white "sè" spirit helmet, white "sè" spirit armor, straddling the next white horse, holding a silvery white "sè" cold moon moonlight sword.