Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v2 Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Huh! Liang Qi really didn't expect Guan Tang to be so far-reaching. He even thought that Du Jijun would retreat north after the defeat of the main force. This happened to coincide with Liang Qi.

Liang Qi also believed that once Du Jijun was defeated, it would not be possible to return to the company battalion outside Tiya City, and he could only retreat north, but now his troops are limited and unable to divide the troops to block, and in his opinion, in the past, Twenty thousand people are useless and may not be able to intercept Duke's defeat.

However, since Guan Tang had already gone, Liang Qi was not good enough to send someone to call him back, so it was up to him.

The reinforcements of the Sanshui Army and the Tianying Army were united, and they turned back to meet the main force of the Duke Army that came after them.

At this time, the main force of the Duke Army did not know that the 30,000 soldiers in the town of Vaal had been annihilated. It was natural that Remy Azabao was not sure that his brother Ed Azabao had been beheaded by Shangguan Yuan. The wind army in front turned back. Remy Azabao mistakenly thought that the wind army saw that the road of retreat was blocked by its own army and had no way to go. Therefore, it was forced to turn back and fight against itself.

He sneered in his heart. If Feng Jun was forced to attack the 30,000 army led by Ed, there might still be a breakout, and turning back and fighting himself would be a dead end. He hurriedly ordered the whole army to prepare to meet the enemy, and then ordered Kalmar and Zoe to lead more than 10,000 cavalry on the sidelines. When the two armies were fighting, they would fight the wind army. Camp.

The main force of the Three Straits Army combined the 30,000 Generals of the Sky Eagle and the main forces of the Duke Army to start their battle near the town of Vaal. The wind army first blew the offensive horn, the drums slammed, and the blast was shaking. The Sanshui Army took the lead, and the Tianying Army took the lead. The entire camp pushed forward and pushed forward.

The wind army led the attack, and after the Duke Army did not fall, Remy Azabao also issued an attack command for the entire army. In the process of advancing, the generals of the two armies kept firing out of the arrow array. The dense arrow rain shuttled back and forth in the air and kept falling into the opposing camp.

Before the two armies came into contact, the screams in their respective camps began to flow one after another, and many soldiers were shot in the air while they were walking and fell on their backs.

Arrow shooting from both sides has never stopped. Even if the leading troops of the two armies have touched each other and started a hand-to-hand combat of hand-to-hand combat, the arrows at the rear are constantly flying into the opponent's camp.

This is a frontal collision between the Legion and the Legion. There is no stealing any chance. It is the so-called narrow path to meet the brave, and now it is the battle between the two armies.

The wind army is similar to the Duke army. The top is the heavy shield. The soldiers behind are using long weapons. The advantage of the wind army is that the weapons are better. The most important thing is that the soldiers are generally used by the soldiers. In this close-range warfare, the power of the crossbow can be maximized, and it also caused great damage to the Duke Army.

The soldiers fighting in front of the two sides were extremely fierce. The shield arm of the wind army was holding the shield in one hand and holding a spear in one hand, and kept stabbing into the enemy camp. The spear hits the shield, clangs, and Mars splashes. As long as a spear passes through the gap between the shields, a scream will come from behind.

In fact, don't look at the late establishment of the Sanshui Army, it is only a few years, but the actual combat experience is too rich. In a few years, the war and ministry experience has been no less than a hundred games, and it has long been accustomed to fighting in the army. Du Jijun is not. Although it has a history of hundreds of years, they have not fought a few large-scale legion battles. Even when they invaded Tia, the resistance they encountered was very small, and they have been fighting formidable battles.

As the war between the two armies intensified and entered a feverish level, the advantages of the Three Shui Army's actual combat experience gradually came to light.

The Sanshui Army ’s heavy shield hand was also wounded and killed, but there is no need to dispatch the commander of the leader. The wind army behind it voluntarily came forward, took the shield, and stabilized its position, but the Duke Army did not. The heavy shield in front of it When the hand dies, all the people behind are panicked. Sometimes, no one pushes forward, and no one takes care of the shield. Sometimes, there is a crowd of people, rushing for the shield. If they run into ordinary opponents, they may return. It's nothing, but I have encountered an experienced Sanshui army, how can people give you the opportunity to make up for mistakes?

As soon as he saw an omission from the enemy army, the wind army immediately launched a fierce attack. Du Jijun's heavy shield fell, as long as the soldiers behind failed to catch the shield in time, the halberds, lances, spears, and crossbow of the Wind Army shot together, and the Duke Army in the gap formed a group. The pieces were shot and killed, and there was no chance to pick up the shield again.

In the end, you can only use people's flesh and blood to hard plug the gap and withstand the forward pressure of the wind army, until the heavy shield is re-transmitted in the back, this is considered to stabilize the position.

Time flies on the battlefield. In an instant, the two armies have been fighting fiercely for more than an hour. During the battle, the wind army advanced forward more than ten meters against the Duke army. In a legion battle, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are often paid for each small step. The wind army can advance more than ten meters, which is not easy, but it also shows that the wind army Take the initiative on the field.

At this time, Remy Azabao also felt that his situation was not very optimistic. He wondered a bit. It was not like the army's food and grass were exhausted and it was forced to retreat. It's more like a fresh and living force. Second, it's also the strangest thing about him. Why hasn't the 30,000 army commanded by his brother yet to kill the wind army?

Now he has no extra time to think about, and order the hundreds of guards around him, let them form a daredevil team, attack the wind army formation, assist the front army of his own, stand against the advance of the wind army, and on the other side, he sends people To inform Kamar and Zoe, they led the cavalry to attack the wind formation from the flanks.

His guards are the strongest and fierce warriors in the army, and they can compete on the battlefield with ten enemies. Although there are only hundreds of people, their combat power is not worse than thousands. These guards rushed to the center of the war between the two sides, hiding behind their own heavy shields, looking for opportunities.

The advancement of the wind army is still strong, and the halberds are still stabbing the enemy in front, but at this time they stab the enemy again, and the moment the Duke shields his hand down to the ground, the guard behind him yells and flutters Go forward and use your own body to smash the shield of the wind army.

Feng Jun's shield was inadequately prepared, and was suddenly knocked by the guard who rushed. While holding the shield instability, the machete in the guard's hand also penetrated his chest deeply. Waiting for the Fengjun behind to fill the shield, the guard immediately pulled out his sword and leaned forward towards the Fengjun.

The wind army behind the shield hand is basically a uniform halberd. Long-distance electricity} brain ~ visit ~ р away is no problem, but once the enemy is close, the halberd can not only hit the enemy, but also becomes With the hands and feet tied, only one of the guards approached the body of the wind army, and the machete with stabs and chops could kill a large group of people in the wind army. The camp of the wind army would also be chaotic.

Hundreds of guards were not gathered together, but scattered throughout the Duke Army. As long as they seized the opportunity, they rushed into the wind army's camp. This move really caught the wind army off guard, and the deaths of the soldiers in front of them rose straight.

Feng Jun's generals in front of the battle also responded quickly, and immediately dispatched Pu Daoshou to supplement it, interspersed between the halberds, specifically to deal with the enemy's close-in breakthrough. This time, there are both melee and melee soldiers in the camp of the Wind Army. Although the forward propulsion is weakened, the forced breakthrough of Duke's guards has also had very little effect.

On the battlefield, the two sides not only fought bravely, but also began to fight wit. Seeing tricks, seeing solutions, various tactics emerged endlessly.

On the other side, Kalmar and Zoe led more than 10,000 Duke Cavalry quietly to the side of the Wind Army, and immediately launched their charge.

No matter how strong the infantry's shield formation is, it can't stop the cavalry from colliding. A galloping warhorse has an impact force of more than a hundred pounds. It doesn't need to hit the person directly. It just hits the shield. Collide and fly together, even if one ride, thousands of riders gathered together to charge, the momentum can be imagined. If the Duke Cavalry really rushed forward, the overall formation of the Wind Army would have to be torn open immediately, otherwise the whole army would be in chaos.

When the wind army discovered the enemy situation on the wing, the spy immediately reported to Liang Qiyu that an enemy cavalry rushed to his side. Before waiting for Liang Qi to speak, Shangguan Yuan on the side asked him to come forward and said, "I led 2,000 cavalry to meet the enemy!"

Liang Qi had no objection, and he was most relieved when Shang Guanyuan let him out. He only asked to be careful and sent Shangguan Yuanrang out.

Kalmar and Zoe watched as they rushed to the front of the Wind Army camp. At this time, the queue of the Wind Army suddenly went to the left and right ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ killing a cavalry from the crowd, the first one, the two of them. They all knew that it was Shangguan Yuanrang who had previously fought with them.

You can see clearly that the general of Feng Jun, the two of them have the same heart, who is not good to meet, why did they encounter this evil star again? !! Last time, their seven generals joined forces to fight with Shang Yuanyuan. One of them did not treat him. Instead, he was retreated by the other side and successfully made a siege. Now he meets him again. Before he fights, Kalmar and Zoe are short in momentum. It's a head.

The two didn't want to fight, but had to fight, biting their heads, and going from one left to the right to Guan Yuan and letting them kill.

The two spears stabbed the face gate and chest of Shang Yuanyuan.

The latter set a knife in the middle and shoved outward one round, when the 啷 and 啷 声 two beeps, the two spirit guns were bounced at the same time, the three horses staggered, the two sides passed by, Shangguan Yuanrang and the two could return to continue Fighting, I do n’t know if these two people passed through Shangguan Yuan and killed them directly into the wind army. The two spirit guns flew up and down, stabbing with stabs, killing and killing dozens of wind army.

Shangguan Yuan was so furious that he was about to turn the horse's head. At this time, the Duke Cavalry had rushed to him. Shangguan Yuan let the sword go, throwing out a note of chaos and wind, and dozens rushed to the front. The Duke Cavalry sacked their horses, and while they were neutral, Shangguan Yuanrang turned his head and dragged his sword straight to Kamal.