Tang Yin’s Adventure in Another World

v3 Chapter 55

Final Chapter 55

Xiao Rong shook his head and said with a smile: "Since my father Wang Bintian, I haven't closed the door at home and haven't seen guests."

Xiao Xiaoxiang smiled bitterly, patted Xiao Rong's shoulder, and said, "At this time, willing to see me on your own initiative, I'm afraid it's only Rong Brother you."

Xiao Rong looked puzzled and looked at her in confusion, and asked, "Why did Sister Xiang say so?"

Wu Xiaoxiang sighed: "Now, who among the brothers and sisters who are interested in the throne does not regard me as a nail in the eye or a thorn in the flesh?"

Xiao Xiaorong smiled on his back and said, "Fortunately, I have no interest in the throne, and I also know myself. No matter how I turn, the throne will not turn to my head."

Between the words, the two walked into the lobby. The banquet was already set up in the lobby. Xiao Rong deliberately gave Xiao Xiang up to the top, while he himself was sitting next to him.

The dishes on the table are very rich, mostly fish, shrimp, and crab, especially steamed crab roe, fresh and fragrant, red and yellow, and the yellow and yellow crabs flowing out look very attractive.

Xun Xiaoxiang picked up one casually, his hands were heavy, and less than a pound was a lot. For Nanhu crab, a pound of a pound is rare.

Xiao Rong laughed: "I sent some people to ride the fast horse to the South Lake to collect it all night. The first batch of lakes was big and fresh. Sister Xiang will taste it."

Tongnan Lake crabs only grow up in mid-to-late October, and only then are Nanhu crabs the most fatty. From childhood to age, Xiao Xiang has always liked to eat, and Xiao Rong knows this.

As soon as his words fell, he waited for a maid on the left and right of Xiao Xiang to come forward, and first bless her, and then knelt aside and took out a small tool specially used for handling crabs. Lift the crab cover and carefully dig out the crab meat inside.

While she was handling the crabs for Xiao Xiang, Xing Yuan quickly walked to the maid, patted her shoulder, and shook her head to the side silently, motioning her to step away.

The servant girl's face was wrong and she did not understand what she had done wrong, but she obediently gave in to the side according to Xing Yuan's intention.

Xing Yuan replaced her. First, she looked at the small tools she used. There were pliers, knives, and hooks, all of which were made of silver. Then he carefully checked the crab meat's color, white and tender. There was no problem with the utensils and utensils, so he skillfully clamped the crab meat and put it in Xiao Xiang's plate.

This time is too sensitive, Xing Yuan also has to be careful, in the event that Crab is manipulated, the consequences will be disastrous.

When Xiao Rong saw this, he could not help frowning secretly, but instead of expressing his unhappiness on his face, he said with a smile: "Mr. Xing is too cautious, don't you think I will murder Sister Xiang?"

"The son is more attentive, the villain is just doing his duty." Xing Yuan's words were very polite, but when he spoke, he was expressionless and rigid.

Even Xiao Xiang felt dazzling when he looked at him like this, she showed displeasedness and whispered: "Who made you come over? It's troublesome, step back!"

"Princess ..."

"Retreat!" Xiao Xiang said sinkingly.

Xing Yuan was silent for a long time, and finally bowed and gave a ritual, and returned to Xiao Xiang. After he stepped back, Xiao Xiang looked at Xiao Rong, smiled apologetically, and said helplessly: "Mr. Xing has always been cautious, and Rong has no reason to blame him."

Xiao Rong laughed and said, "How come, Mr. Xing is also out of loyalty, and there is a lack of loyal and responsible people like Mr. Xing around me!"

Xing Yuan hurriedly saluted and said, "Nine sons have won a prize."

Wu Xiaoxiang picked up the crab meat in the dish, took a bite, and then a sweet smile appeared on his face, praising: "It tastes really delicious."

Xiao Xiao Rong said with a smile: "Sister Xiang likes it."

He and the two talked as they ate, and they were so happy that they had been drinking three times and eating five dishes before they knew it. Xiao Rong put down his chopsticks and said in full color: "Now, Brother Wang and Brother Wang have joined together. I don't know if Sister Xiang can deal with this?"

Xiao Xiaoxiang pretended to be blank, and asked, "What should I do?"

Xiao Rong said: "Brother Xiong and Brother Er Wang joined forces to fight for the throne with Sister Xiang, don't Sister Xiang know?"

Xiao Xiaoxiang smiled slightly and said calmly: "What blood is thicker than water? What is the contention between brothers and brothers? If Brother Wang and Brother Wang really want to be king, then let them do well."

The slang words said so, in fact, how could she give up the throne to Xiao Ting and Xiao Yuan? It's just that Xiao Rong is just a child in her eyes. She doesn't want Xiao Rong to see in the darkest part of human nature, let alone let him participate.

I heard Xiao Xiang say this, Xiao Rong showed disappointment, but soon returned to normal, and smiled to let the people send **** tea. Crabs are cold, **** tea is warm, and eating crab with **** tea is also a tradition.

Soon, the maids brought **** tea, Xiao Rong picked up the tea cup, paid respects to Xiao Xiang, and then drank the tea in the cup.

After Xiao Xiang also drank the tea in the cup, Xiao Rong said, "Sister Xiang always treats me as a child and doesn't tell me anything. She hides from me and avoids me, but you and the brothers How could I not know how to fight for the throne? "

Xiao Xiaoxiang smiled bitterly and said, "Some things, the less Rong Rong knows the better."

Xiao Rong heard the words, frowned, stood up sharply, his face became red because of emotional excitement, he said loudly, "I'm not a child anymore."

Suddenly seeing Xiao Rong being so dysfunctional, Xiao Xiang was surprised and surprised. She stared blankly at the abnormal Xiao Rong and said subconsciously: "But in my opinion, Brother Rong is always my youngest brother. "

Xiao Rong froze, then laughed, both like a bitter smile and a self-deprecating laugh, and he continued to say, "I knew it was ..."

He didn't say a word, and the yard outside the lobby was suddenly chaotic. Xiao Xiang was startled, and quickly turned to look outside to see what was going on in the hospital, and her face changed greatly.

The countless spiritual practitioners suddenly rushed out of the courtyard, one by one covering the armor, holding the soldiers, and killing the guards brought by Xiao Xiang.

But strangely, the guards brought by Xiao Xiang had no power to fight back. Everyone seemed to be pulled out of the bones, slumped to the ground, and watched himself betrayed by others.

"Princess, poison in tea ..."

A guard sitting paralyzed at the entrance of the lobby shouted back, but before he could finish speaking, a spiritual practitioner had come to him, and with a flash of light, the head of the guard flew into the air, At the same time, blood light spurted out.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiang could not help but scream, she instinctively stood up, but suddenly realized that her body could not exert the slightest strength.

She looked at Xiao Rong in shock and horror, and trembled, "You brother Rong ..."

At this point, the innocence and softness on Xiao Rong's face had been swept away, replaced by twisted, tyrannical and rampant. He chuckled first, and then groaned strangely on his back. Laughter, said: "Sister Xiang always treats me as a child, but Brother King and Brother Two will not! Brother King promised me that as long as I can help him to the throne, I am the general of Sichuan. Under one person, over ten thousand people. "

Xiao Xiang heard that she couldn't believe her ears. Looking at Xiao Rong in front of her, she felt that she was looking at a stranger completely. Is this the brother Rong you are familiar with? Is this the younger brother who will flutter into his arms and cry?

Xing Yuan, who was standing behind Xiao Xiang, woke up and understood everything. He suddenly roared, and strode to Xiao Xiang, guarding her behind him. At the same time, he looked angrily Xiang Xiao Rong asked sharply, "Xiao Rong, how dare you murder the princess?"

Xiao Rong was stopped by Xing Yuan, and for a moment, he shook his head again and again, and said, "No, no, no, I've always loved Sister Xiang most. How could I murder Sister Xiang?"

A moment later, he turned sharply, and then he laughed strangely: "Mr. Xing, I respect you as a personal talent. It is better that you surrender to me. In this way, you don't have to die like those outside. "

"Fart!" Xing Yuan's eyes were red, and Xiao Xiang, who couldn't stand up with one hand, pulled out the sabre under the ribs, and the sword pointed at Xiao Rong.

"唉!" Xiao Rong sighed and shook her head helplessly: "Good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost!" Between the words ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Snapped! With the crisp sound of his pop-up, behind the screen in the lobby, outside the window and outside the door, a dozen cultivators rushed in and surrounded Xiao Xiang and Xing Yuan.

"Kill him, but you are not allowed to hurt my sister Xiang." Xiao Rong said softly.

When he gave an order, the dozens of spiritual practitioners rushed to Xing Yuan with their swords, and when they came up, they gave up their dead hands, and the sword did not leave his main point.

Under the siege of more than ten masters of Lingwu, Xing Yuan could only release Xiao Xiang temporarily, and deal with the surrounding enemies with all his strength.

Xing Yuan's spiritual martial arts are outstanding, even if they are not the top, they are also first-class, but the spiritual practitioners who are besieging him are not weak. All of them are strong and powerful, and they are deeply cultivated. During the battle, Xing Yuan Was backed up again and again, not long, the two sides have been hit from the lobby to the yard.

Xiao Xiao Rong ignored the outside killings at all, and with a smile, walked slowly towards Xiao Xiang.

Looking at Xiao Rong, who was approaching slowly, Xiao Xiang could not feel the slightest intimacy, all she felt was creepy.

She said tremblingly, "Why ... why is this?" She wondered why Xiao Rong did it. Among the many siblings, she and Xiao Rong are the closest.

Xiao Rong came to Xiao Xiang, slowly crouched down, approached Xiao Xiang, and said softly, "I like Xiang Xiang the most. I have loved it since I was a child. Because of this, I do n’t want Xiang Xiang to take the throne. In the same way, you can be free and carefree with Sister Xiang ... "When speaking, he slowly lowered his body shape and put his face in Xiao Xiang's arms.