Tanky Mage System

v1 Chapter 14: ?Dog Rabbit

   is approaching 11 o'clock.

   The train arrived at the Suge Black Iron Mine on the north side of the Suge Ruins.

   just got off the train.

   Gune heard the roar of the steam transport miner like thunder.

   Looking around, the whole Suge Black Iron Mine is in full swing.

  The tall steel steam transporter transports the excavated ore back and forth to the extraordinary steam locomotive.

   And in those huge mines with a height of 20 meters, the super high-pressure steam engine, through the mechanical wheels, pulls the crawler, and not only carries a large amount of ore from the depths of the mine.

On the side of   , there is an extraordinary steam pump, which continuously pumps out the accumulated water in the mine.

  Excavation, pumping, transportation, etc. A series of operations can be carried out by steam-powered machinery.

  In previous lives, coal fuel and water vapor are difficult to support the huge and complex mechanical energy requirements of the entire era.

   But the problem is.

   This world is not the world of the previous life.

   is an extraordinary world with extraordinary powers, extraordinary metals, and special energy sources.

   First of all, the water in this world is simply "water element replenishment" through a special energy tower.

  The expansion ratio and strength of the water vapor formed by combustion in a high-pressure environment is terrifying.

  The burning furnace constructed with extraordinary metal can lock the energy of burning coal from dissipating, so that the burning energy of coal can heat water vapor instead of escaping.

  Secondly, it is the "magic source coal" formed by the same "fire element replenishing magic". Because of the incidental fire element, this also causes the heat to be released from burning extremely much.

   Even, Gune also heard that the energy released by the "high-source coal" formed after the fire element and the wood element are mixed in a certain proportion of the magic is even more terrifying.

   Brand-new high-efficiency energy sources and utilization modes, this is the reason why the extraordinary steampunk era can come.

   face these steampunk steel machinery.

   Guni can feel the rugged beauty of the powerful force of such a huge machine and the torrent of iron and steel on his face.

   Not only Gone, the classmates also stopped to watch, although most of them were not seeing this kind of scene for the first time.


   used lunch.

   Other students are still preparing for entering the wilderness following the guidance of the teacher.

   Gone’s team had already entered the wilderness one step ahead.

   After crossing a ridge, the roar of machinery from the mine was already inaudible.

   Deep in the jungle, the mountain road is rugged and difficult to navigate.

   A group of six people, each carrying a package, proceeded cautiously.

   The burly and powerful Paul Kochakin, holding a sharp-edged machete, as a pioneer, opened the way in front.

   At the tail is Alley the Shadow.

   Gune and the other three girls are in the middle position.

   A group of six people are very cautious. They have never spoken too much, distracted and wasted energy, but followed Paul, who opened the way, and moved forward quickly.

  The six people with adventure experience know it well.

   When they entered the extraordinary wilderness, many extraordinary creatures noticed them.

   These wild things.

   There are not so many extraordinary creatures.

   But semi-superior creatures, quite a few.

   For example, a certain kind of eagle bird, their body is no different from the same kind, but they have extraordinary vision,

   For example, some mountain wolves have a physique similar to their own, but they have a stronger bite.

   For another example, some mountain apes seem to be not much different from ordinary mountain apes, but they may have wisdom not weaker than humans.

   Face these "semi-superior creatures" with some supernatural abilities.

   But if you do not maintain vigilance, injuries, serious injuries, and even attrition may occur.


   until four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

   Everyone just arrived at the foot of a mountain with thick, low, sharp branches and buds more than leaves.

   "The sky will dim soon, and we will rest here today." After observing the surroundings back and forth, Ai Li returned to the crowd quickly said.

   It's not the first time everyone has entered the wilderness, and naturally they know what they do.

   The division of labor is: three girls fetch water, and the other three take care of the rest of the hard work.

   The division of tasks is simple and clear.

  Guni, who was about to pick up the wood, suddenly thought of something when he passed Alley.

   "The two trailing hay wolves, have you solved it?" Gune lowered his voice and asked.

  The withered wolf is a semi-superior wilderness creature. Their hair is like a withered grass, and they shed their hair and change color with the change of the seasons. They complete seasonal camouflage. They are a semi-superior species that has evolved perfectly in the extraordinary wilderness.

   However, most of the time, this withered wolf enters the eyes of human beings in the desolate season of autumn.

   Therefore, the withered wolf has become the name of this creature.

  The withered wolf king will appear in the withered wolf pack.

   That is a truly extraordinary species, as strong as a calf, and moving like a wind.

   One bite can easily tear a person's skull apart.

   Rao is Gune unwilling to face even the first-order withered wolf king.

   And while traveling on the mountain road this afternoon, Gune had insight into two withered wolves following the team for a while.

   "One was solved, and the other one was injured and escaped. With such a creature, the withered wolf would not dare to come over after a lesson." Ai Li responded gently.

   "That's good." Gune nodded.

   While maintaining his vigilance, Gune was picking up wood nearby, while his gaze passed quickly in those corners that were hard to find.

   From time to time, Gune would enter those rather hidden corners.

   After he came out, there was already an extra plant in his hand.

   This medicinal material, in Gunje's hands, is like magic. It will be quickly disposed of by Lu Cicada, and then thrown into the corresponding black thorn wooden box.

   The entire process does not exceed ten seconds.

  As a pharmacist, he also possesses a secret spell of bone medicine up to level 6.

  With these years of experience in handling a large number of medicinal materials by Gune himself.

   For the processing skills of medicinal materials, Guni is completely masterful.

   Wooden pier in the jungle of ancient trees.

   Behind an ancient tree in Mudun, a potion has just been processed.

   Guni was startled first, and then slightly rubbed his fingers, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


next moment.


   Between the electric light and flint, a gray afterimage suddenly erupted from a position ten meters away from Guni.

   The speed was so fast that he caught him off guard, and he reached Gune's side almost instantly.

   This is a fat gray rabbit, but strong but like a hunting dog.

   It has four sharp fangs and a vicious face, as well as cruel eyes that fight cruelly.

   At this time, the huge mouth of the fangs hit Guni’s neck, trying to kill Guni,

   Facing this kind of sneak attack~lightnovelpub.net~ Gune's feet gently moved, and his body was unusually strong and avoided the creature's sneak attack.

   At the same time, Guni snapped his fingers.


   snapped his fingers down, and the purple thunder arc flashed and Guni’s fingertips flourished.

   Thunder arc is a common law spell.

   only needs two syllables to release.

   For Kuni, who has four secret crossing runes.

   One thought can be sent instantly.

   is different from the general thunder arc technique, which can even burst out the subtle thunder arcs that only have the thickness of wool, and the number of thunder arcs are interwoven and the density is not high.

  Gune’s thunder arc technique, the thunder arc is as thick as an arm, and the number of intertwined thunder arcs is like a ball of yarn, densely packed.

   Extraordinary spells, every level of improvement, there will be a powerful transformation and improvement.

   The fourth-level thunder arc technique is four transformations.

   The two-syllable common law curse, after four transformations, is quite fierce.


  The thunder arc technique was completely submerged in the body of the creature that had avoided Guni.


   On the way that creatures flew, all the way was sparkling.

After    fell on the ground for a while and rolled, the four legs twitched slightly, and then they stopped, completely losing their breath.

   If Paul and the others saw this thunder arc technique, they would definitely be surprised.

  Where is the thunder arc technique, this **** thing is more terrifying than the thunder strike technique.

   "I'm still worried that they won't be able to kill their prey. If they didn't make it, you sent it to the door yourself." Gune said softly.

   His gaze swept across the surroundings slightly, and Guni was a little relieved. There were no other extraordinary beasts spying around him.