Tanky Mage System

v1 Chapter 169: ?The transformation of elite souls

     When Guni regained consciousness, the whole person was in a state of unconsciousness.

   Reluctantly propped up his body, Guni sat up in the meditation position, and then Guni looked around blankly.

   raised his hands and looked at it, then looked at the surrounding dark chambers.

   Guni was stunned.

   The luster of the night pearl in the corner is soft and not dazzling.

   This is not the point.

   The point is that Guni found that apart from the little luster of the Ye Mingzhu, he couldn't see anything else, what caught his eye was pitch black.

   My own "dark vision" and "source power vision" are all gone.

   Furthermore, Gune felt that his control over his physical body was surprisingly poor. The source power and extraordinary blood in his body were not controlled, even if he could not perceive it.

   At this time, Gunie is like an ordinary person who has completely lost his power.

   "What's wrong with me...?" Gune muttered with a groggy head.

   For a magician with a powerful soul.

   After waking up, he will wake up quickly, but this state of today is really strange.

   Gune felt as if he had lost his soul at this time.

   Soon, Gune gradually calmed down. Panic is not a habit of Gune.

   Even if there is a major change, there is still a calmness in Gunje's heart.

   settled his mind and kneaded the dough.

   Guni sat up cross-legged.

   Gune, who was steady in his mind, began to communicate with his soul.

   With the communication, Guni gradually felt deep in his brain, as if the power of his sleep was slowly recovering.

   Immediately afterwards, Guni’s spiritual power began to emerge.

   Perception began to become clear and sharp.

   The pure source power comparable to Tier 4 spellcasters has also returned to the range of perception.

   The blood of the savage, domineering, and bloodthirsty death beast, and the powerful feeling of the flesh body as the leader level, once again manifested on the flesh of Guni.

   Guni clearly felt that his powerful soul bloomed rapidly at this moment.

   vigorous, mighty, powerful, and even a little impenetrable aura, from the depths of Gune’s soul, blooming, even Gune’s whole person has a soul deterrent that is not angry and self-defeating.

   The powerful soul characteristics of the wizard as a spellcaster are perfectly displayed in Gunje's body at this moment.

   "My soul..." Kuni carefully felt his awakened soul, and a smile gradually emerged on his face.

   "Finally promoted to the'elite'."

   At this time, in the nuanced insight of Guni.

   Soul strength, soul measurement has not been greatly enhanced.

   However, the defense and carrying capacity of the soul has been greatly enhanced. Super sense, soul perception is greatly improved.

  If this is the case, it is still difficult for Gune to judge whether his soul has advanced to become "elite".

   But the unique "soul deterrence" made Gune clearly understand.

   His own soul has transformed to an elite level.

   Although this slight "soul deterrence" is not strong, it even has no practical effect in battle.

   But this is the sign of the improvement of soul status.

   "When I woke up just now, my soul should be still asleep."

   "Soul promotion from ordinary to elite will fall into soul sleep, but this sleep should not be caused by medicine, but by soul transformation. When the transformation is completed, it will naturally wake up."

   "Let's see where my carrying capacity has reached."

   Gune can feel that his soul has evolved into an elite status and has made sufficient progress.

   But how much it has grown, it still needs real testing.

   The test method is also very simple, that is, condensing "Secret Rune".

   "When I was in the middle stage of Transcendent Tier 2, I had already condensed ten secret crossing runes."

   "During this period, I was promoted to the late second stage, and then reincarnated and returned to the extraordinary second-tier mid stage."

   "Just this reincarnation can bring me one or two secret crossing runes."

   "Secondly, the supernatural characteristics of our human souls are inherently weak."

   "My continuous drinking should be from normal to normal +1, then normal +2, and finally promoted from normal +2 to elite level."

   "This improvement is not small. How to say it can increase the carrying height of two or even three'Secret Crossing Runes'."

   The concentrating Guni was in his body, and he began to condense the secret crossing rune.

   There have been a large number of Guniers who have condensed the experience of secret crossing runes for a long time.

   The eleventh, successful.


   The twelfth, successful.


   The thirteenth, successful.


   Fourteenth, success.

   Three or four hours later.

   Guni stopped the condensing of secret crossing runes.

   "It was just right when the fourteenth was condensed. No need to think about the fifteenth."

   "The fourteen secret crossing runes are already very good, and this number happens to be the capped number of regular high-level spells. Even if I don't use the staff, I can instantly cast high-level spells."

   "Instantly cast high-level spells, the soul of the elite level is really strong enough."

   Feeling the secret crossing rune in his mind, Guni sighed gently.

   Then Guni began to test the speed of soul thinking, a single second overlapping test.

   After a while, a result came out that Gune was very satisfied with.

   With the success of the transformation of the elite soul, the single-second overlap of Guni has increased from the previous level of 22 spells/sec to the level of 25 spells/sec.

   The more the soul's thinking speed increases, the more difficult it becomes. This increase is already pretty good.

   After testing and verifying his soul in many ways, Gune stopped his exploration of the soul.

   "This time my soul has improved greatly in all aspects."

   "The dawn of the soul is indeed a very satisfactory answer."

   "At present, it seems that the upper limit of Soul Dawn is to enter the elite level."

   "But for the many transcendents of the spell-casting system, that is the transformation of a whole class."

   "Previously, the human spellcaster confronted the magic snake clan spellcaster of the same level, and it has a high probability of retreating."

   "And once a human wizard with an elite level soul confronts a wizard of the same rank of the Demon Snake Clan, at that time, the Demon Snake Clan will most likely lose."

   "After all, although the supernatural characteristics of the Demon Snake Race are strong, they have not yet reached the level of elite transformation."

   "As long as a human spellcaster has a high enough talent and backed by a big power, there is a high probability that he can get enough secret pattern potions to promote himself to an elite level spellcaster."

   "At the same time, some other abilities of the soul can also be extended."

   "Before, my soul measurement had already reached the saturation level, but I could never take the step of the domain caster."

   "But after transforming to the elite level this time, I clearly felt that my soul seemed to have the feeling of'soul out of the body'."

   "Obviously, the solid foundation of the soul's extraordinary characteristics makes the birth probability of domain spellcasters greater."

   "No wonder there are so few domain casters~lightnovelpub.net~ Then again, when the secret pattern of soul potions become popular, there should be some domain casters with strange souls born!"

   "In addition..."

   Guni slightly felt his fourteen secret crossing runes.

   "I have so many secret crossing runes unknowingly."

   "Then... I should also prepare to condense and replay the runes and build my vice soul."

"I use my own soul to build a secondary soul. Although it is stable and will not have a fit problem, this secondary soul will be the same as my main soul. It will be very ordinary. It has no soul talent, no special soul defense ability, or even Special soul exploration ability."

   "It's not the same as using the souls of those powerful creatures to build "secondary souls"."

   "Absorb the soul of a powerful soul creature as a secondary soul, then my secondary soul will have many unique soul abilities of the powerful soul creature."

   "The only downside is that the secondary soul constructed by the souls of other creatures may not be able to perfectly fit my soul. Even after this soul is strong, it may backfire the main soul."

   "For me, once reincarnated, this side effect should be eliminated."

   "So... what kind of strange creature's soul should I use as my secondary soul?"


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