Tanky Mage System

v1 Chapter 3: Pharmacist status

   across several streets.

   In the end, Gune stopped in front of No. 155 Laoshi Street in Heitu District.

   There are many thieves and thieves in Heitu District.

   Some young and inexperienced young rich family heirs, nobles, if they break in, they will often suffer.

   And I have lived here for sixteen years, the native of Gune, naturally there is no small thief who does not have eyes to touch Gune's pocket.

  If he really did that, then he might not be able to use that hand to steal in the future.

   The former Gone may need some shelter from "Daddy Cohen".

   And now, Guni, who has the system and has been on the phone for half a year, is no longer something ordinary little thieves can provoke.

   just opened the door with the key.

  As soon as he came in, Gune sniffed a faint smell of medicine.

   This smell of medicine is hard for ordinary people to find.

  Under Gunne’s nose, the composition of the ingredients, the suitability of the temperature, and the time of simmering are all at a glance.

   Generally speaking, even a high-level extraordinary pharmacist does not have such magical sensitivity to medicine.

   And Guni, not an extraordinary person, but possesses such an extraordinary sense of smell.

  The reason is.

  Guni’s extraordinary classic "Bone Essence Medicine Secret Curse" has been hooked up to the sixth level of horror by Guni’s on-hook practice for the past six months.

   Bone Element Potion Secret Mantra is a secret mantra that enhances the perception and insight of the drug through the control of taste, sight, smell, touch, and deployment of power, and enhances the perception and insight of the drug, thereby increasing the success rate of drug production.

  Many pharmacists will improve their control over the preparation of pharmacies by practising similar transcendental classics "Pharmacy Charm".

  Even if the secret spell of the potion does not reach level 1, it is just a beginner.

   can become a qualified pharmacist.

   But it is so.

   Among hundreds of apprentice pharmacists, seven or eight can truly become pharmacists.

  Many old pharmacists who have been immersed in pharmacy for a lifetime, throughout their lives, the level of their pharmacy secret spells can only be introductory, barely one level.

   It can be seen that it is difficult to practice the secret spell of medicine. After all, this potion secret spell is a truly extraordinary classic, and it is difficult for ordinary people to pry into its true meaning. Cultivation is difficult, but it is natural.

  The first-level potion secret spells are so difficult.

   And the owner of the second-level or even third-level potion secret spell.

   Needless to say, this will definitely be the existence of the core cultivation of that many extraordinary forces.

   Those who have level 4 or even level 5 medicine curses against the sky are undoubtedly not the existences that have been left in the history of the mainland.

   are all extremely famous legendary pharmacists.

   and Guni.

   Hang up for half a year, Bone Element Medicine Secret Curse, level six, and, in a while, level seven will be reached.

   This level of potion secret spell is unique in the history of the entire Aoya continent.

   The power of the on-hook system is evident.

   Sniffing the ingredients of this potion, Gune knew clearly what it was.

   its name is "Essence Healing Medicine".

  Compared with ordinary healing medicine, it is simply overdrafting vitality to cause recovery from injuries.

   The essence of healing potions is more of the life healing essence attached to the potion itself to treat the injured.

   The essence of healing potions is much more difficult to refine than ordinary healing potions.

   is one of the most difficult to dispense medicaments among the primary medicaments, and it is even more difficult to dispense and refine than ordinary intermediate medicaments.

  Rao is the father of Cohen. This junior pharmacist who is truly certified by the Pharmacist Guild has a success rate of only 50%.

   The success rate of Guni is more than ninety-nine percent.

   Therefore, in Papa Cohen’s pharmacy shop, many of the more difficult to dispense pharmacies, most of the time, they are made by Gune.

   Opened the secret door, followed the stone steps, Guni entered the wide and bright potion alchemy chamber underground.

   "I'm back!" An old voice with a hint of hoarseness was passed.

   With white hair, but full of energy, the old Cohen with glasses is making a complete set, distilling, boiling, separating, and preparing a large beaker of essence healing potions on the potion production table.

   "Hmm!" Gune responded softly.

   Then, Gune came to the big beaker that was big enough to hold his head and stopped and stared for ten seconds before speaking.

   "The temperature is slightly higher, lower the temperature a little, and then add 180ml of purified water again. After 20 minutes, the high-quality essence of healing medicine can be perfectly produced."

   As he said, Gune had already slightly lowered the temperature of the flame under some of the beakers, and then opened the test tube with purified water on the side and poured 180ml of purified water into it.

   The 200ml of pure water in the test tube of that product was accurately poured into 180ml of Guni’s dexterous hands, leaving 20ml, the error was no more than one percent.

   Old Cohen also turned his head and looked over.

   For this scene, Old Cohen didn't feel strange at all.

   Guni’s pharmacist’s accomplishments had already crushed him, and he knew this very well.

   If Gune wants, he can go to the pharmacist guild and participate in the pharmacist assessment,

   easily becomes an officially certified pharmacist, and then he can quickly become a senior pharmacist, or even an expert pharmacist.

   But as far as Gune’s temperament is concerned, Old Cohen knows it.

   This kind of showy thing is not good, and Gune will definitely not do it.

   "Daddy, there seems to be no shortage of these essential healing potions in the store! Besides, we still have a lot of spares mixed with pure water... Well, I mean the kind of healing potions that can't be distinguished by ordinary adventures."

   "What do you do to refine so many essence healing potions?"

   "Hehe..." Cohen's slightly hoarse voice smiled.

   "Look at this..."

   Cohen pointed to a Magnolia Steam Daily newspaper on the newspaper shelf.

   Magnolia Steam Daily is a highly timely newspaper compiled and published by the first newspaper of the Magnolia Empire.

   Compared with ordinary daily newspapers in regular sections, the price of this extraordinary section ordered by Cohen is more than ten times more expensive. At the same time, the information recorded in this extraordinary section is the extraordinary side information that ordinary people cannot touch.

   Gunie walked over and picked up the newspaper, and looked at the front panel.

   What catches the eye is a **** and cruel picture.

   Fortunately, it is a black and white picture, so this picture is not too frightening.

   In the picture, there is a mountain with a head full of heads piled together.

   The heads opened their eyes one after another, their mouths were ferocious, painful, and mad, and the blood soaked several meters around.

   It seems that after he died, he also suffered some unspeakable pain.

   Behind the mountain peaks piled with terrifying heads, a large number of headless corpses were decomposed and scattered around.

  Rao is the ancient Nirvana who has a lot of knowledge about the world of transcendents.

   But when looking directly at this evil ritual and the terrifying death scene, Gune still had a chill in his spine.

There is also corresponding graphic annotation on the side of   .

"In Anke Province, more than two hundred people in the border town of Blacktooth Town were brutally killed and their heads cut off. After investigation, it is initially suspected that they were deliberately killed by the followers of the Cult of the Titans for the creation of the "Heaven God Blood Sacrifice Ceremony" After the incident, the'Extraordinary Association' of Anke Province has been involved in the investigation."

   "Giant Sect? Anke Province? We belong to Anke Province here." Gune moved slightly in his heart and blurted out.


   "Also, the town of Heifang is only fifty kilometers away from us."

   "From the scale of this crime, the number of these heretics will not be small."

   "And our Suge Ruins City, with a large number of mobile people, this is an excellent hiding place."

   "Some of those heretics will definitely abscond and enter our Suge Ruins City."

   "It can even be said that some of the heretics who held the Cthulhu rituals in the town of Heifang were probably driven from the Ruins of Suge."

   "In the morning, "Baron Tram" came to me. The fourth garrison of the Suge Ruins City led by him will send troops to check and encircle those heretics, and there may be more tragic battles."

   "That's why he came to me to buy a batch of ‘essential healing potions’."

   "You know, Baron Tram, we have a good working relationship with us."

   "So the potions sold to him are all real." Guni teased with the opportunity.

   "All sold to other people are real, but the medicine is less effective." Cohen shrugged, not at all ashamed of his profiteer behavior.

   "Are these giants already rampant to the point? How dare they commit crimes publicly?" Gone frowned and said ~lightnovelpub.net~ since crossing into this steampunk world.

   Since the past six months.

   Goune has also obtained a lot of information from the newspaper.

   The world is not peaceful, it can even be said to be undercurrents.

   Among them, the most reported are some cruel and **** methods by those heretics.

   However, most of the crimes are sneaky, and the scale usually involves only a small number of people.

   Generally speaking, no big news has been produced. Even if there is, the length of the report will occupy a small corner of the steam daily. If you do not pay attention, you will not even see it.

   This time, more than two hundred people were slaughtered in an upright manner, and they even dared to hold a blood sacrifice ceremony.

   This is indeed more rampant than usual.

   "It's not just here. As far as I know, in other border areas, similar incidents have happened, but they haven't been reported." Old Cohen said while handling the medicinal materials in his hand.

   Speaking, Old Cohen looked at Gune.

   "During this period, it may be messy. If you don't have to, you'd better not go out."

   Guni rubbed his brows, his eyes narrowed and thought.

   A moment later, Gune nodded slightly.

   "Well, I know."

   "By the way, I almost forgot, you asked me to find you the extraordinary book of extraordinary knight breathing method, I found it for you." Suddenly, old Cohen looked up and said abruptly.

   "This is a complete extraordinary knight breathing method."

   "Extraordinary knight breathing method, and it's still complete." Rao was also startled by Gunne.