Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 116: The source of the darling

After patrolling the surrounding world in the world of profound volatility, Gune slowly retracted his gaze.

Afterwards, Gune slowly condensed his mind and walked toward his own dark sense of meaning.

"Compared with the third rebirth, the dark prosperous perception after the fourth rebirth has increased by about four times, and the previous ones are a little more than twice."

"It stands to reason that the profound meaning of the world should also be transformed and increased by 4 times, there should not be such a big change."

"Since such extraordinary changes have occurred, there must be a reason."

"Is that the great ruler? Or is it... the explosion of my rebirth precipitation?"

Kunie began to look for the reason for this change in detail.

After all, once found, for Gune, there is a direction that can improve and even transform his talent.

This is a powerful talent at the level of "the darling of mystery". Just looking at it can feel the powerful talent of the essence of Profound meaning.

In the ancient history of mythology, "the darling of the profound meaning" is very, very rare.

Even within the extraordinary handbooks of those ancient foreign starry sky powerhouses, they are nothing but the supreme product in a few legends.

"The direction in which two people may exist. One is that I have witnessed the existence of great dominator creatures, and then I have obtained the transformation of the talent of the world's darling."

"It's possible, but I don't feel it."

"The second direction is... the long-term rebirth and accumulation of'rich accumulation and thin hair'."

Gunie rubbed his finger slightly.

"For more than a year, I have continuously used the rebirth function to accumulate and even enhance my extraordinary talent."

"The extraordinary talent of precipitating the flesh is embodied in the ability to easily master the skills of various physical forces. Even when I am in the blood source cage, watching the extraordinary battles of the fighting system and the shadow system. After I watched their moves and techniques, my body naturally mastered them."

"However, this is only the learning ability after the transformation of the physical talent, and the learning ability is only a deeper level of performance. I think that in addition to the improvement of the ability to learn and comprehend every time, my physical talent has more talents deposited in it. Deep in the body."

"Second is my soul, and the manifestation of the soul is even more obvious."

"Each time you reincarnated, the strength and measurement of the soul are sharply reduced, but I don't know what the improvement is."

"One of the manifestations is that I can bear more spell runes."

"Now it seems that it should be the continuous precipitation of extraordinary talents in my body, and finally after this exceptionally huge increase in talent, it has reached a critical point. The clearest meaning of the world that I feel is the ultimate transformation. , In the'world's profound meaning', I became the darling of the profound meaning."

"The way to verify this answer is also very simple."

Thinking about it, Gune set his sights on the self-seal barrier of the dominator.

"Just look at that great creature again." A smile was drawn at the corner of Gune's mouth.

"Anyway, the harvest this time is really impressive."

"Not to mention the level of understanding the world's profound meaning."

"Just say that both the speed of perceiving the dark secrets and destroying the secrets are more than thirty times faster than when they just started entering!"

"The sentiment of one day today is comparable to the sentiment of the previous month."

"As long as you give me a few years of cultivation time, and the depth of my dark and destructive insights, I will soon be able to catch up with those senior transcendent masters who have practiced for decades or even hundreds of years."

"And the world is upright, I'm afraid the speed will be faster."

"Secondly is... the aggregation of my magical rune!"

Gune's perception has entered the second level.

The slight call of "Ku~~La~~Ge~~Lu~~", if Guni did not listen carefully, he would not even feel it.

At this time, the call of "Ku~~La~~Ge~~Lu~~" is not to mention lethal, and even the impact has some influence on Guni.

As long as Gune is willing, now, Gune can easily condense "Magic Rune".

Immediately Gune converged his mind and continued to perceive to a deeper level.

The seventh floor, the eighth floor, and the ninth floor.

Every level in the Kuni’s perception meeting is very safe, and there is no negative impact.

Obviously, the impact effect when entering the core layer just now is so great that these outer layer effects are no longer effective.

With a thought in his heart, Gugné's perception directly entered the core layer.


Gune saw a dandelion-like object exuding a warm glow, floating quietly in this quiet space.

He seems to be sleeping, or meditating, or fluttering gently!

Gune saw the other party, but couldn't feel the specific state of the other party at all.

At the same time Gune felt that he was dying.

Obviously he didn't suffer any harm, but Gune felt that he was going to die.

Last time, Gune felt that he should have seen it, but the indescribable power should have made the memory that Gune saw disappeared while seeing it.

And after the last time the effect of the grotesque force of erasing the memory has produced resistance.

This time, Gune can not only see but also remember the other party.

But Gune stared straight at this great sleeping creature of Dominator.

This also caused Gune to be obliterated by inexplicable power.

Guene was about to die, and Guene knew it well.

"Can't let me take a look when I'm asleep?"

The inexplicable obliteration force began to erode and destroy Gunne's body, soul, and energy step by step.

When everything is reduced to nothingness, everything in Guni does not exist and disappears completely.

Then Goune clicked on rebirth.

After a while, Kuni was reincarnated for the fifth time.

Small cave stone room.

The stream rushed, and the sound bloomed slightly in the room.

At this time, Gugné did not continue to sit in front of the barrier to dominate the seal.

Instead, pacing back and forth in the small stone house, thinking about something.

At the same time, the number of rebirths of Gune has been drastically reduced to three times, and the realm of Gune has also reached the level of the early third stage with these five rebirths.

This time of rebirth, Gunne’s profound understanding has been improved to a certain extent. That's 30 to 40 percent.

This Gune is not surprising.

After all, just now, when Gune stared straight at the dandelion-like "Kulaglu", the force slowly killed himself.

Obviously the lethal grotesque power is not terrible, so for Gune, the talent that becomes after transformation and absorption is slightly weaker.

However, an increase of 30 or 40% on the original basis is already very exaggerated.

At this time, Gune was not concerned about this aspect.

It's about the direction of the source of the world's upright darling just now.

"Obviously, this time the direction is not the dandelion-like Kulaglu. The source direction of the high probability is the accumulation of my reincarnation for the accumulation of talent, and finally the transformation that reaches the critical point."


Gune breathed lightly.

"Sure enough, the system is still dominating!"

"It turns out that I have the talent of the darling of the world's Profound meaning ~ lightnovelpub.net~ The only pity is that I haven't learned the books of the world's profundity for casting spells."

"There is no way to use the power of the world's profound meaning. But generally speaking, the spells and books that contain the world's profound power can only be obtained by the powerful at the super master level."

"I can't get it now, but it's normal."

"The slow death just now has basically confirmed that the threat of this peculiar force to me is no longer hit. If I look at it again, it will only be the power of the ruler Kulaglu himself that caused my death. ."

"This kind of death is dead in vain, meaningless."

"Here, basically the end of rebirth."

"Then next..."

Gunie rubbed his palm slightly, smiling.

"It's... the condensing of enchanted runes."