Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 117: ?Enchanted Rune

Gunie, who sat down again, began to think slightly.

"Before, in my continuous advancement, I have never condensed secret crossing runes."

"The main reason is that there needs to be enough bearing capacity to carry this enchanted rune."

"Almost the space left before can condense four or five secret crossing runes."

"This time after five rebirths, in general, almost five or six can be gathered."

"In general, the aggregation of the ten secret crossing runes is still the same."

"There is no need to condense too much, the secret crossing rune is enough for me to cooperate with the Wuming Staff to instantly cast the Great Thunder Flame Curse."

"Just condense six secret crossing runes again."

"The rest of the power carried by the soul needs to be used to carry all the magical runes."

"Just don't know how much it can carry."

With such a thought, Gugnie gradually converged his mind.

"In these three to five months, there is no big problem to complete the improvement of the realm. If the time is too long, maybe I can directly promote to the fifth rank."

"The strength of my soul defense itself has been very strong under the effect of continuously devouring the'True Nether Origin Fruit' during this time. Together with the powerful soul tolerance brought by the magic rune."

"My soul's frankness is about to rise."

"The soul and the body both have extremely strong defenses, and both have extremely high tolerance to injuries. This kind of frankness is the most important."

Gune thought secretly.

"Of course defense is one aspect, and equally important is my offensive ability as a wizard."

"Such a long time is enough to raise all my spell levels by one or two levels."

"My on-hook system also needs to start choosing core spells as my core combat power."

For the wizard, it is inevitable to strengthen the power of the core spell.

"Unfortunately, I currently don't have a rune-based magic spell book."

After thinking about it, Gune turned on his on-hook system.

The first hang-up position: Dark Ming Arcane Channel (Level 4)

The second hang-up position: Secret Weave·Bona Source Pool (Level 5)

The third hanging position: Soul Seal Code (Level 7)

The fourth hang-up position: Big Thunder Curse (Level 5)

The fifth hang-up position: Code of Blood Pool (Level 7)

The sixth hang-up position: Blood Source·Blood Sky Dream Curse (Level 2)

The seventh on-hook position: 58%.

"In about four months, the seventh hang-up position will be unlocked."

After some thoughts, Gune replaced the dark inscription arcane channel in the first hanging position.

Then put [True Scale·Guardian of Armor] on it.

After the replacement, after going through these spells step by step, Gune was relieved.

The many spells on the hang-up position at this time were extremely important strong spells for Guneh.

It's not used for cultivation, but it's used to improve one's core ability.

"My devil's vice-soul also fell to the early stage of Tier 4 as my realm fell."

"Fortunately, it can grow with my strength."

"Begin to condense the magic spell, and subconsciously understand the world, darkness and destruction."

Immediately, Gune was concentrating and began his own meditation.

The land of the ruler's seal is relatively safe, and it is indeed a suitable place for cultivation.

Moreover, the old wizard Zul Elémén also told Gune that when the time comes, he will naturally lead Gune out.

No need to worry about Gune. Just hang up here to practice steadily and feel the meaning of the rune.

In this way, while condensing runes, while comprehending the meaning of runes.

Kunie entered the steady on-hook practice.

Unknowingly, more than four months have flowed rapidly.


This day.

The entrance to the center of the earth.

"Wow..." accompanied by the sound of breaking water.

Zul Elemen took three transcendents into the earth's inner world.

After a while, the old wizard Zul opened the thick energy barrier and took the three of them to fly to the huge complex sealed by the Dominator.

Flying side by side with Zul Elémen is a "spell swordsman" from a foreign starry sky carrying six "spell swords".

Compared with the development of the extraordinary sequence of the Oya continent.

Those "large transcendent worlds" above the stars have more complete development of their transcendent sequences.

Fighting, spells, shadows, and other transcendent professionals in various sequences, all have excellent "magic weapons" and corresponding spells that fit their own transcendent occupations.

And Aoya Continent is an extraordinary world of medium and small nature.

Extraordinary professionals have only the most basic career inheritance.

The magic spell books, fighting war books, and shadow books all exist in the form of a single spell. They are relatively messy and difficult to form a powerful combat system.

After all, a single spell is very well constructed.

And a complete set of "magic books" and "magic weapons" with extraordinary occupations is very, very difficult to construct.

This not only requires a lot of powerful, experienced, and creative scholars to conduct research and experiments.

A large number of extraordinary people are needed. After a long period of training and training, precipitation and feedback in the battle, it is finally possible to form a complete set of powerful professional combat system.

The transcendent master carrying the curse sword, his eyes opened up in this geocentric world.

When he saw the light projected by the shadow world above the sky, his expression changed slightly.

"The rudiment of the high-dimensional world? This is really rare!" Cursed sword master "Bataru" laughed.

"It's just that the great ruler is here that has caused the changes in the prototype of the high-dimensional world in a small area. This peculiar natural scene is not formed naturally, and there is no potential for expansion."

"If we really have the embryonic form of a high-dimensional world, I'm afraid... more extraordinary powerhouses and more evil gods will come to our world, and then kill us and build a new powerful force."

"Even, those natural disaster creatures will launch wars, completely occupy our world, and nurture our world into their core world." The old wizard Zul shook his head and said.

"Haha...this is also true. For your world, this time the blooming of the'Source Tide' and the starlight blooming between the stars is already a disaster. If your world really blooms the embryonic form of a high-dimensional world, Tsk tsk...For you, that is no longer a disaster, but a crisis of complete destruction." Bataru said with a smile.

"Even so, our transcendent world is uncomfortable. Those evil gods have come, and those heretical transcendent powerhouses will not easily give up the transcendent origin of our world."

"This time, I also hope that Your Excellency Bataru can help me more." Zul said.

"Don't worry, you know that after such a long time of cooperation, since your Transcendent Association is willing to give me this enchanted rune, I will naturally do my best to help you."

"Moreover, most of the guys who are intertwined with the evil gods are not good things. In many large transcendent worlds, they are also rewarded guys. It is naturally an excellent thing to be able to kill them. "Bataru said.

After a little thought, Zul looked at Bataru and asked.

"In the past two months, I never went outside to learn more about the situation. How is the situation on the island now?"

"What else, it's more chaotic." Bataru shook his head.

"In the battle three or four months ago, you should know that the two sides fought extremely brutal. There were a lot of extraordinary people killed and injured, and even two extraordinary masters fell."

"The whole moving island was trembling."

"Fortunately, the old man of Cry Sea took action to suppress several transcendent masters, otherwise the several divine envoys would have taken action."

"But it was also the action of the old man of the sea ~lightnovelpub.net~ that made the several gods honest."

"The strength of a semi-god powerhouse, even those divine envoys, dare not make any moves in front of them!"

"The old man of the sea really has demigod level strength?"

"That's natural." Bataru nodded slightly.

"But even in this situation, in the past two months, although the two sides did not clashed on the island, small-scale assassinations have been going on. At the same time, both sides have begun special patrols in the surrounding waters to hunt down each other's subsequent increase in personnel The strong."

"Although your Transcendental Association has a strong official power, after all, the ocean is where the evil gods and pirates operate all the year round, and now the two sides are basically at a level.

"But in general, at least until the element forbidden area is opened, there will be no large-scale battle between the two sides. Even if there is a fight, it will be a small-scale battle."

"Yeah!" Zul nodded slightly, and then asked softly: "The Element Forbidden Land, is about to open!"