Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 136: ?Blood Spell Master

"Why don't you?"

The old man of Gui Hai stared at Gune and smiled gently.

Gunie said in a deep voice, "Naturally, he is extremely willing."

The starry sky sequence, that is the supremely powerful sequence.

It can be said to be the pinnacle of an extraordinary career.

Every kind of starry sky sequence is unique and peculiar.

That is to say, the Aurasia continent is now in a more peculiar state, and only the "starry sky sequence" self-awakening will appear.

And in the past years.

Ever had a starry sky sequence appeared on the Aoya continent.

At this time, he was very happy to obtain the starry sky sequence.

"This is the blood curse master's top star sequence blood source curse master."

While talking, the old man of Gui Hai raised his hand, and a vast blood sea crown formed by the surging sea of ​​blood appeared in front of Gune.

This blood sea crown is the size of an ordinary crown.

However, when I looked closely, I found that it seemed to contain a world of blood, surging and turbulent.

"You can accept the inheritance by touching it, and, as a powerful starry sky sequence, the curse about blood has disappeared."

"And it will expel your own blood curse."

When Old Man Guihai said so, Gune thought about it slightly.

"Sure enough, I am using rebirth to change my own situation, which cannot be spied by the outside world."

"As for the power of the blood source curse master, after you obtain this starry sky sequence, you will naturally know it." The old man of Gui Hai said.


Gune retracted his gaze and focused on this blood-colored crown.

Slightly touched the scarlet crown.


The blood-colored crown immediately turned into surging blood, like a river, rushing to Gunne’s chest quickly.


This river-like blood quickly poured into the blood pool.

at the same time.


Under the infusion of this blood water, Gunje's blood pool began to have a tendency to be broken.

At this time, Gune did not care about the changes in the blood pool.

Instead, he eagerly felt the many powerful and extraordinary professional information about the "Blood Origin Curse Master" in the Blood Sea Crown.

Compared to what the blood curse master has is a "blood pool".

What the blood source curse master possesses is the sea of ​​blood that embraces all rivers.

The blood pool must be continuously cultivated before it can slowly expand.

The sea of ​​blood itself can absorb the blood from all levels, and then converge into a river into the sea of ​​blood.

In other words, the sea of ​​blood itself can continue to grow bigger on its own, and it grows unlimitedly.

At the same time, practicing will speed up this process.

From the blood pool and the blood sea, one can see the power of the ordinary six-star "Blood Curse Master" and the "Blood Spell Master" of the starry sky sequence.

Second, the blood pool can only contain blood.

At most when changing blood, it can absorb and consume the flesh, bones, scales, etc. of similar creatures to strengthen itself.

However, the sea of ​​blood is different.

For the extraordinary and extraordinary creatures.

As long as it contains energy and extraordinary characteristics, even ordinary flesh and blood can be sent into the sea of ​​blood and supplied to the sea of ​​blood for absorption and digestion.

For anything, the sea of ​​blood is inclusive of all rivers, and can accommodate all existences, which can be absorbed and digested. This is also a terrible place on the other side of the sea of ​​blood.

When I learned that the sea of ​​blood could still be used like this.

Gune suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

You can save the potion in the future by destroying the corpse.

Throw it directly into the blood.

Even if it is dead, its corpse can still glow and heat, giving Guni the substance and energy to expand the blood sea.

Then there is a more important point about the wizard.

That is, after becoming a blood source curse master.

The sea of ​​blood can help Kunie to withstand the pressure from the soul, body and source pool.

In other words, Guni can condense more "secret runes" and "enchanted runes".

In this way, Guni's ability in the field of magic spells can be greatly improved.

The "Blood Source Curse Master" of this starry sky sequence is much stronger than the Blood Curse Master.

This is just intuitive ability.

The aspects that are seen, for example...

The awakened blood source talent supernatural powers must also be extremely terrifying top supernatural powers.

As well as the inheritance of the blood source curse master of the starry sky sequence that is about to be obtained, it must be a more powerful classic.

At the same time, with the subsequent promotion, the blood source curse master has been strengthened far more than the blood curse master.

"Powerful starry sky sequence-blood source curse master!"

Gune sighed softly in his heart.

Immediately, Gune completely sank his mind and began to feel the process of the broken blood pool in his body changing toward the sea of ​​blood.

Before I knew it, five or six hours had passed.



Gone sitting in the corner slowly breathed out, then opened his eyes.

After these five or six hours, Gune had already completed the complete change of the blood pool.

The blood pool has completely turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Although the blood sea and the blood pool were about the same size at this time, it was even slightly smaller than the previous blood pool.

However, the power and feeling displayed by the two are completely different.

The blood pool was silent, like a secluded pool.

Within the sea of ​​blood, although the volume is small, the aura is surging, and the waves inside are layered.

It is faintly visible that at the edge of the blood sea, seven or eight small rivers of blood, like hair, slowly converge towards the blood sea.

Even if Gunie does not practice, the blood river automatically absorbed by the sea of ​​blood will continue to expand its size and expand itself infinitely.

With a thought, Gune opened his classics hang-up page.

While inheriting the starry sky sequence "Blood Origin Curse Master".

Guni naturally also got a powerful classic "Blood Origin Poseidon".

This is a classic book dedicated to blood curse masters to cultivate the sea of ​​blood.

It is different from the simple expansion of the blood pool in the "Blood Pool Code".

In addition to expanding the blood sea, "Blood Origin Poseidon Code" can also continuously strengthen the power of the blood sea as the level of the classics increases.

After all, the level-one "Blood Origin Poseidon Code" continued to cultivate, and the blood sea could be expanded forever, but the efficiency was slower.

However, the extremely powerful ninth-level "Blood Origin Poseidon Code" can expand the sea of ​​blood infinitely and efficiently, and at the same time manipulate the power of the sea of ​​blood to suppress and even strangle the enemy.

The higher the level of "Blood Origin Poseidon", the stronger the attack power of the blood sea.

The sea of ​​blood can not only be used as energy for recovery.

In itself, it is also a very special attack method.

After a while, the experience of "Blood Origin Poseidon" floated up to 120.

"This experience is even higher than Forbidden Curse Real Scale · Guardian of Armor."

"The forbidden curse levels are powerful classics, they are truly divine classics."

"After the level of cultivation of such classics is raised, once it is shot, it is comparable to the power of forbidden spell."

"Finally, now I also have an attack method for the entrance curse, which will obviously be my core ability."

"This kind of forbidden curse-level powerful classics can hardly be promoted to a few levels for others throughout their lives, and I will soon be able to practice it to level five or six, or even level seven or eight, on the hook.

Gune thought secretly.

"how are you feeling?"

Just as Gunie felt it, the voice of the old man from the sea rang slightly~lightnovelpub.net~ It was very powerful, just after completing the transformation of the starry sky sequence, I already felt the soul soothed a lot, obviously the blood sea gang I have suffered more pressure from the soul. "Gune said.

What Gone told was the truth.

Moreover, Gune had already planned to continue to condense more secret crossing runes.

In this way, when you have been promoted to an extraordinary master, you can get many powerful classics of the secret pattern level, and you can also use it instantly.

In this way, even if he has just been promoted to the extraordinary master, he can also have a strong combat power in the extraordinary master class.

"Now that you have accepted the rewards here, I need to tell you the next very important thing."

"You have to listen carefully, because this may be related to your life, death and future." The old man Guihai said in a deep tone.

"It's about life, death and the future?" Gune didn't dare to underestimate, he immediately condensed his mind and listened carefully.
