Tanky Mage System

v2 Chapter 137: ?Aristotle Kingdom of God

"Why do you think Oya Continent has such a weird place of trial that can give a starry sky sequence, and even possess a crown of gods?"

When Old Man Guihai asked, Gune couldn't help but startled.

Indeed, the many treasures that appeared in this elemental forbidden area are indeed a bit incompatible with the Aoya continent itself.

Guene guessed it might be a trial point set up by a powerful force on the Oya continent.

Select geniuses to enter, and then cultivate them, and finally breed the strong.

But in fact, over the years, there have been many rumors about the element forbidden land.

However, there is no information about whether this is a strong talent match selection and training point.

This also made Gugne have to doubt the accuracy of this guess.

"Senior, please let me know," Gune said.


The old man of Guihai said slowly.

"Aoya Continent itself was a part of the top-notch large and extraordinary world millions of years ago."

"Part of a large transcendent world?"

Kunie's heart moved slightly, and he immediately listened carefully. After all, this involved a lot of secrets.

It is possible for Guyne to learn more about the extraordinary world for this.

While speaking, the old man of Guihai seemed to recall the past, and his expression was full of nostalgia.

"That large and extraordinary world, whose name is Aristotle Kingdom of God's Origin. It is a kingdom of gods that is full of power."

"Even, extremely rare holy powerhouses have been born continuously in the Aristocratic Kingdom of God, and then become demigods and finally powerful gods."

"At the strongest time, the technology of the Aristotelian Kingdom's'Mechanical Power Furnace' reached its peak."

"The Mechanical Source Force Furnace is a symbol of the advanced mechanical civilization that is based on the'Mechanical Steam Furnace', which continues to evolve and upgrade, and finally enters.

"The Aristotelian Kingdom of God's Source, which masters the extremely complex mechanical source force furnace, uses a large deep source anchor to anchor the source sea, and then continuously extracts the energy from the source sea to expand the energy of the entire extraordinary world."

"Continuous extraction of energy, and this is the source of the name of the kingdom of gods, and its name means a kingdom with endless sources of energy like a god."

"And this extremely rich energy, in turn, nurtured the power level of the entire Aristotelian Kingdom of God Source."

"At the strongest time, Aristotle, the Kingdom of God, launched a war on three large transcendent worlds at the same time."

"Even one of the large and extraordinary worlds is still guarded by a demon god, with many powerful dark creatures-the Abyss Dynasty."

"Even so, Aristotle Divine Source Kingdom still used an extremely tough posture to defeat the three parties and once achieved the highest glory."

"However... such a dazzling and extraordinary world, with the gradual intensity of the source power, finally bloomed with a luster that attracted great terrifying creatures."

"So, a group of great Cthulhu creatures, they came across the stars."

"Said it is a group of Cthulhu creatures, in fact, they are three powerful old gods."

"But the existence of every old **** is terrifying."

Having said this, the old man of Guihai closed his eyes slightly.

"Above the stars, there have been rumors that the bright stars may die, but the old gods will not."

"The eternal source of endless energy is nothing but a plaything in the hands of the old gods."

"The reason why the old gods are called the old gods is that they are the only gods in eternity in the past."

"They may kill unintentionally, but countless lives will die because of them."

"When they come, everything is crazy for it, withering, declining, twisting, sinking."

"There is no doubt that Aristotle's source kingdom fell into death and collapse under the arrival of three powerful old gods."

"Wherever the old **** passed, all gazes were death. Or fell into a frenzied distorted belief, and then died in sinking."

"The barriers of the entire transcendent world of Aristotle's source kingdom are difficult for even the gods to pass easily. However, for those old gods from the stars, it is a display.

"When you enter the kingdom of the **** source of Aristotle, those old gods are looking for a place to rest."

"Wherever they pass, the sky is obscured, the sky collapses, and the whole world undergoes drastic changes under their every move. Even the extraordinary origins of the whole world dare not suppress them."

"The will of the world dare not provoke the great old god."

"At first, the powerful gods also knew the terrible old gods from the starry sky. They didn't dare to go to war with them, they could only negotiate."

"However, the communication between the powerful gods and them came in exchange for a contemptuous voice from aloft,'Worm, you quarreled me.'"

With one shot down, all nearby gods were destroyed.

"Even if you know how powerful these old gods are.

"The powerful gods finally began to start a war against the three old gods."

"As for the result? It's obvious."

"Since then, Aristotle has shattered his own light among the **** source kingdom and the stars."

At this point, the old man Guihai was full of sorrow.

"The supreme ancient gods, old gods, and dominators that dominate the starry sky are not something that the powerhouse of the gods can provoke."

"Even the Aristotelian **** source kingdom at its peak is destroyed under the power of the old god."

"So, no matter how strong you are in the future, you must maintain sufficient awe of these ancient creatures."

Following the words of the old man in the sea.

Gune also completely calmed down his mind.

There is no doubt that the horror and power of the ruler is beyond doubt.

Fortunately, Gune is not without the ability to protect himself in front of the dominator.

"During that battle, the Aristocratic Kingdom of God was broken."

"There is no broken area, but it was occupied by the three powerful old gods and became their habitat."

"If nothing happens, these millions of years may just be the time they just fell asleep."

"Some fragments are completely turned into icy rocks in the void of stars."

"Some are attracted to the past by some other extraordinary world and become a part of their world."

"Some of them have naturally evolved into an extraordinary world in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years."

"And that's how the transcendent world of Aoya Continent came from."

"And here the element is forbidden."

The old man Guihai pointed around.

"It's a place of trial in Aristotle's God Source Kingdom."

"Therefore, there will be a god-level powerful crown here. You have to know that ordinary gods cannot condense the **** crown. Only the powerful existence of the gods can condense the **** crown."

"At the same time, it is precisely because this is the trial ground of Aristotle's Divine Origin Kingdom that there will be a top-notch starry sky sequence extraordinary career here."

"So that's the case." Gunie felt suddenly.

The most powerful force in Aoya Continent is the god, and when the **** died, there was no record of such things as the crown of the god.

Obviously this kind of thing has never been born on the Oya continent.

And that's the same for the extraordinary career of the starry sky sequence.

Even now, Aoya Continent is experiencing a rare "source tide" in the transcendental world, which has led to the self-awakening of the starry sky sequence.

But in essence ~lightnovelpub.net~ there are not many seven-star sequences in Oya.

Which force will inherit the starry sky sequence?

The same is true of the powerful Upanishads.

This is not something that the Aoya Continent can be born. Only the top large and extraordinary worlds such as Aristotle God Source Kingdom can have such rare and powerful classics.

"This is not bad from what I had previously guessed. This place of inheritance is indeed unusual." Gune thought secretly in his heart.

"It's fine if it's just that, but the problem is..."

The old man of Gui Hai looked at Gunne and said in a particularly deep tone.

"This place of trial is broken!"

"The place of trial is broken?"

Gune was startled, this situation was completely unexpected by Gune.